Rodriguez says that his skin color defines what is “the context of my life” (349). People judge Rodriguez assuming that background of his life because of his color. He explains how the color of his skin does not say anything of who he is because it is only a color. People labeled him as disadvantage because of his color. Rousseau describes how men are being controlled even though “Man is born free” (2). Even though Rousseau mentions that men are to be slaves to their masters, he implies that men ought to live free. He suggests that men will become captive to their masters and remain as slaves. They will have their liberty until they obey, and after they escape from slavery. Every individual wants to do with their life what they please. No one will ever be free because there is always a person that judges or wants to manipulate an individual. Enemies are always nearby an individual to manipulate their life and stopping them from being free from doing their own …show more content…
It is affecting workers who have weakness because they are being paid low wage. They simplest way to not cause physical harm to oneself is by not caring what others have to say about one’s life. Society is judging what social class a person falls under due to their appearance. Not being able to write appropriately defines that a person belongs to the lower class. The people who are in the lower class are not able to get aid from the economy. Since the economy is not helping out the poor, the poor feel like they are not free to be able to do what they desire since they do not have enough money. These people seem not to have a completed happy life since they do not have the enough power to overcome obstacles they are going through. Individuals face obstacles such as developing psychological distress, which can lead to severe problems. Individuals become naughty and gather in groups to fight in order to not be discriminated. Obstacles such as discrimination will always be in someone’s life in order to destroy their