The distrust that she had for her parents did not go away when she got older, but she eventually learns to cope. The second stage is Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt is from 2 to 3 years; Preschool. Jeannette displays a sense of autonomy when she decides to make some hotdogs for her and her family at the age of two years old. According to Snowman & McCown (2013), “the main task for toddlers is to establish the beginnings of their independence”. Jeannette shows some independence when she makes hot dogs on her own. Her parents lacked direction and limits and that is why she got burned. Her going through this does not stimulate any shame or doubt in her. The third stage is Initiative vs. Guild is from 4 to 5 years old: Preschool to Kindergarten. Jeannette shows initiative when she makes hot dogs and catches on fire. Parents must give their children some type of responsibility to show steadiness in initiative and guilt. An example of this is when Jeannette’s parents let her hold her little sister in the back of a truck on the way to Battle Mountain. Her parents allowing her to do this they teach her about duty and achievement. This will help her when she becomes an adult. According to Snowman & McCown (2013), this stage is “the ability to …show more content…
NCLB students and teachers are under huge pressure to improve their test results to meet certain school standards. It is important that teacher accept their students for who they truly are, then for what they do or did. As teachers it is truly hard to try to have a bond/relationship with students because there is not enough time to get to know each of them individually. This is exactly why us teachers need to try to meet the different needs of all the students we