Adversity In The Glass Castle

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Jeannette Walls wrote a book, The Glass Castle, about her own life. In her book, she talks about her “adventurous” life moving from place to place. Her father was a drunken man who could not hold a steady job; therefore, he could not pay the bills. That is where the “adventures” came in. They would run away from the authorities so they would not have to pay the bills. Many times, their family would secretly move in the middle of the night. Her family included her mother, Rose Mary, who was a selfish woman. She loved to paint, write, and draw. Lori was the oldest of the kids. Brian was younger than Jeanette, and Maureen was the youngest of them all. Jeannette and her siblings were all very intelligent, even though their home life and the observations of others said otherwise. Jeannette writes about her family’s struggle for food, clothing, and shelter. Throughout The Glass Castle, Jeannette overcomes many hardships and adversity in her life. I, too, am trying to fight through adversity in my life as well.
Jeanette’s adversity centered around
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Ironically, my attempt to separate myself from drama only became a drama. One incident around Christmas time became a huge fiasco that involved my family, social media and rude comments meant only to hurt. I think we all thought that being removed and in Chicago would remove the problem of these two bullies. Knowing I was targeted did not sway me from trying to apologize for actions I did not commit. I only wanted them Sydni and Remington to leave me alone and stop talking about me with other students who no longer wanted to be my friend. Coming back to school was nearly impossible and yet another flare-up occurred that took me down a dark path for a couple weeks. The fatigue, pain, bleeding, nausea and cramping were unbearable at times. Stress became the ultimate trigger for me and so the vicious cycle

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