3.2 Explorers could travel greater distances than they could before with little fear of scurvy. They managed this feat because of rum that had been altered. Sailors used rum in a primitive cocktail which contained vitamin C from the lime juice. This allowed sailors to enjoy a good drink, but also to receive the necessary vitamins. .
3.3 Rum acted as a currency, as a means to control slaves, and as a slave 's way of bartering for extra food with their masters.
3.4 Rum had an effect on trading because it was the currency that traders used to buy slaves. It was a major part of a “triangle trade” between Europe, …show more content…
4.2 Coffee houses had an effect on the French Revolution because it was one of the places that the flames of war were stroked. At Café de Foy on July 12, 1789, Camille Desmoulins gave a speech against the government, and shot his pistol into the air saying "To arms, citizens! To arms!"
4.3 Arabia was the unchallenged supplier of coffee to the world until the end of the 17th century. Countries around the globe imported Arabian beans to supply their thirst for coffee. However, European countries slowly started to sell their own coffee. The Dutch were the first Europeans in the coffee trade. The Arabians could not compete against the low Dutch prices. Although the French had a coffee plant, it didn 't become popular until Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu was able to grow his own coffee plants and sell them extremely …show more content…
Some coffee houses such as the Marine Coffee House were equipped with microscopes, prisms, telescopes and other tools for scientists to use or experiment with. The Marine Coffee House was a prime example of where commercial and scientific interests were combined because merchants realized that science could improve navigation and lead to commercial success. This led to entrepreneurs and scientists teaming up to make the most out of new inventions and discoveries.
5. Tea was used by the British Empire to spread their control over China and India. The tea trade was a “reason” for the British going to war with China. By winning this war, Britain was able to claim land and power in China
. During the Industrial Revolution, workers needed a drink to keep them alert during the long work shifts. The caffeine inside of tea kept workers awake, but also improved their health because of the antibacterial properties in the tea. This allowed for longer work hours and a healthy population to work. Not only did the British have land under their control in China but they also had land in India. British entrepreneurs built farms and factories dedicated to farming and processing tea leaves. This lead to the British having influence in the economies India and