African American Superstitions

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Due to being an avid reader since the age of six, I have read a wide variety of books. The latest book I’ve finished, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, is among the top of my favorite book lists. While reading it, I came to the conclusion that in earlier times of medicine, there was quite a few Caucasian doctors who did not share their motives or the African American patients results from tests, whether the tests were actually needed or not. Many of the African American patients were very superstitious and thanks to their superstitions, they consequently did not trust their doctors one hundred percent. As earlier mentioned, the doctors weren’t always a hundred percent honest with their patients, Henrietta Lack’s doctors are a significant case; the doctors refused to discuss the taking of her cells to Lacks or Lacks family until after profit was being made from the cells taken from Lacks. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a nonfiction writing by American Rebecca Skloots that took over a …show more content…
One includes a story of “white” doctors that snatch “black” people off the street to conduct medical experiments on them. Their fears weren’t that far off. Doctors, such as Lacks doctors, did not tell always tell their patients what they were doing or give their reasonings for doing it. Henrietta’s doctors didn’t tell her that they took tissue samples from her body. When her family was summoned by doctors for DNA samples, they were not told why they were giving samples to the doctors. Reading has always been my passion. Whether it be nonfiction or fiction, I’ve read, and liked, both genres. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is my new favorite nonfiction book. I had no idea who Henrietta Lacks was or how she contributed to the science and medical world. It’s taught me not only who Henrietta Lacks was, but how she contributed to science as well. Overall, I would recommend this book to

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