However, Aboriginal’s persist to encapsulate the authentic Ancestral Dreaming, as a medium to succeed the indigenous ‘fight’ for land rights and native title. Here, their inextricable connection with the land is being restored through the land rights movement where they are able to foster their lost connection with the fabric of life- their inextricable connection with the land; through which the marks of dispossession are slowly fading. The notion of ‘Terra Nullius’ under the European settlers’ jurisdiction acted as a detriment to the Aboriginals, as it preached their mass genocide- genocide of their being and identity. Judith Wright accentuates that “the all-embracing net of life and spirit which had held land, and people, and all things together was in tatters. The sustaining ceremonies could not be held, men and women could not visit their own birthplaces or carry out their duties to the spirits”. These decimating impacts are further substantiates through the Ku Ring Gai people, where certain sacred sites in Ku Ring Gai National Park were destroyed during the period the Second World War as land was used for military purpose and traditional people became disconnected from their land. Furthermore, the stolen generation instigated the fragmented kinship groups and culture as children denied any affiliation with Aboriginal culture. Today, more than 10% of Aboriginal people over the age of 25 have been separated from their natural families under the influence of the stolen generation- separating them from land and kinship groups. However, this figure is gradually improving due to government inquiry and the “bringing them home”, report in 1997. Thus, the continuity of the
However, Aboriginal’s persist to encapsulate the authentic Ancestral Dreaming, as a medium to succeed the indigenous ‘fight’ for land rights and native title. Here, their inextricable connection with the land is being restored through the land rights movement where they are able to foster their lost connection with the fabric of life- their inextricable connection with the land; through which the marks of dispossession are slowly fading. The notion of ‘Terra Nullius’ under the European settlers’ jurisdiction acted as a detriment to the Aboriginals, as it preached their mass genocide- genocide of their being and identity. Judith Wright accentuates that “the all-embracing net of life and spirit which had held land, and people, and all things together was in tatters. The sustaining ceremonies could not be held, men and women could not visit their own birthplaces or carry out their duties to the spirits”. These decimating impacts are further substantiates through the Ku Ring Gai people, where certain sacred sites in Ku Ring Gai National Park were destroyed during the period the Second World War as land was used for military purpose and traditional people became disconnected from their land. Furthermore, the stolen generation instigated the fragmented kinship groups and culture as children denied any affiliation with Aboriginal culture. Today, more than 10% of Aboriginal people over the age of 25 have been separated from their natural families under the influence of the stolen generation- separating them from land and kinship groups. However, this figure is gradually improving due to government inquiry and the “bringing them home”, report in 1997. Thus, the continuity of the