A Rhetorical Analysis Essay On 1984 By George Orwell

Great Essays
Reagan Schatz
Ms. Slagle
English White 1
January 17, 2017
Definitional Analysis Essay Many events in the 20th Century such as Industrialization and a Great War brought out the opinions and concerns of several authors about the future direction of society. Authors, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley both used literature to form a dystopic novel to describe what they saw as society’s ignorance about the path they were on for the future and what it would be like if they continued in this direction. They used the novel as a method of warning people what could happen because of their choices.
In “ Brave New World” and “1984”, both authors described a world of oppression, brainwashing, and control, and only a few dared to rebel.
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He has some intelligent thoughts, but ignores his gut feeling. Winston, early in the book, debates with himself about O’Brien. He came to the right conclusion, but then did the opposite. This is an example of his ability to have intelligent thinking, but not doing the intelligent thing. From the “Truman Show”, Weir would say intelligence is not important in a controlled world. Truman did not have much intelligence. How could he? Everything he learned was prepackaged and prepared for him. Truman started to have some intelligent thoughts once he realized something was different with his life. He then started thinking more intelligently. Huxley, in “The Brave New World”, believes that technology will replace the human’s ability to think, replacing intelligence. What is intelligence when intelligence is replaced by technology, drugs, and divided into classes? And as one grows up in that class, there is no escape. John has intelligence. He knows all about Shakespeare and other books. He just did not have a lot of intelligence on how to handle the way people treated him in a dystopian society. Intelligence is the ability to think, analyze information and act on …show more content…
Curiosity is seeking to know and understand the world around you. The protagonist is curious to know how something started and why it turned out the way it did. In 1984, Winston is a bit curious to see what happens if he goes against Big Brother than if he were to simply join them. How could Truman be curious if he did not know anything else outside his world? Weir would say curiosity is not needed in a “perfect” world, and that curiosity is a sin or bad thing. Truman did not know anything until things became weird and different. That is when he became curious. Huxley believes that science and technology makes us like robots and takes away our natural curiosity. How can you be curious about a world that was planned out for you in every detail? We see John’s curiosity come out when he wants to leave the reservation and see the hatchery. He was curious about the parallel life that he could have lived.
In conclusion, there are many skills needed for surviving dystopic worlds, but curiosity, intelligence, and determination seem to be the most important ones in order not to become like the masses in a dystopian society. These traits may not save your life as we see with Winston in “1984” or John in “Brave New World” but they give us hope for individuality and freedom in horrible circumstances. But, we know that surviving in a dystopic world is hard, even if they have and practice these

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