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80 Cards in this Set

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Classic music is prevalantly listened by the elderly

Klassik musiqa odatda keksalar tomonidan tinglamoq

This program is usually watched by girls

Bu dastur odatda qizlar tomonidan tomosha qilinmoq

Aged people / older people/'the elderly

Yoshi katta odamlar

Demonstrate better leadership

Yaxshiroq raxbarlik namoish qilmoq

Have different views about sth

Nimadir borasida turlicha qarashga ega bo'lmoq

Wheter younger or older people

Yo yoshlar yoki yoshi kattalar

Be suitable for important positions

Muhim lavozimlarga loyiq bo'lmoq

Have signaficantly important qualities

Ahamiyatli darajadagi muhim hususiyatlarga ega bo'lmoq

Be more likely to become a good leader

Yaxshi rahbar bo'lish extimoli ko'proq

Be less likely to become a good leader

Yaxshi raxbar bo'lish extimoli kamroq

Can be good leader for some rasons

Birnecha sabablarga ko'ra yaxshi raxbar bo'lmoq

Work for many years

Ko'p yillar ishlamoq

Accumlate much more work experience

Ancha ko'proq tajribaga ega bo'lmoq

Compared to sth/smb

Nimadir yo kimbilandir taqqoslaganda

My brother is more hardworking compared to me

Akam menga qaraganda mehnatkadhroq

Allow smb to do smth

Kimgadir nimadir qilishga ruxsat bermoq

Years of experience allow them to make wiser decision

Yillar tajribasi ularga aqlli qaror chiqarish imkoniyatini beradi

Bring success to the company

Kompaniyaga muvaffaqiyat keltirmoq

Be often respected by other people

Tez tez boshqa odamlar tomonidan hurmat qilinmoq

Have a more powerful voice within the company

Kompaniyada qudratli ovozga ega bo'lmoq

People are more likely to listen to senior managers

Odamlar keksa raxbarlarni tinglash extimoli yuqori

Find it hard to influence other employees

Boshqa ishchilarga tasir o'tqazishni qiyin deb topmoq

Take up important positions

Muhim lavozimlarni egallamoq

The first reason is that

Birinchi sababi shuki

Tend to be physically stronger

Jismonan baquvvat bo'lishga odatlanmoq

Handle big responsibilities and much work

Ulkan majburiyat va ko'p ishni qo'lga olmoq

Being a leader requires people to work with much pressure

Raxbar bo'lish odamlardan katta bosim bilan ishlashni talab qiladi

Be not capable of doing smth

Nimadir qilishni uddasidan chiqaolmaslik

Be incapable of doing sth

Nimadir qilishni uddasidan chiqmaslik

Be not able to do sth

Nimadir qilishga qobilyatsiz bo'lmoq

Be capable of writing essays in English

Ingliz tilida insholar yozishni uddasidan chiqmoq

Additionally, in addition


Be more creative

Ancha ijodkor bo'lmoq

Find newer and better improvements

Yangiroq va yaxshiroq izlanishlar topmoq

Benefit the entire organization

Butun tashkilotni manfatlantirmoq

The entire life

Butun hayot

For examle, for instance

Misol uchun

Come up witha new adwertising strategy

Yangi reklama strategiyasi tashabbusi bilan chiqmoq

Come up with innovative ideas

Inovatsion g'oyalar tashabbusi bilan chiqmoq

The increasing sales of the company

Kompanyaning oshib borayotgan savdosi

Gradually accumlate knowledge

Asta sekinlik bilan tajriba to'plamoq

Important positions

Muhim lavozimlar

To deal with situation

Vaziatni bartaraf etish,vaziatdan chiqish

A new man was appointed to handle the crisis

Yangi kishi tayinlandi inqirozni qòlga olish maqsadida

He was barely capable of writing his own name

U deyarli òzining ismini aytishni uddasidan chiqolmadi

He was hardly capable of telling English words

U zòrģa ingilizcha sòz aytib berardi

Senior family members/junior family members

Katta oila a'zolari/kichik oila a'zolari

Seems more feasible

Hal qilsa bòladiganday kòrinmoqda

With the public supprot

Omma qòllab quvatlashi bilan

Tertiary education

Kasbiy ta'lim oliy ta'lim

Unsatisfactory productivity

Qoniqarsiz maxsuldorlik

Adopt good manners in their adulthood

Voyaga yetgan davrida yaxshi odatlarni òzlashtirmoq

Enhance the quility of teaching and learning

Òqitish va òrganish sifatini yaxshilash

Inexperienced directors

Tajribasiz rahbarlar

Put the company in jeopardy

Kompaniyani jar yoqasiga yetalamoq

Strict controls about noise

Shovqin borasida qattiy nazoratlar

Make as much noise as thay want

Òzlari hohlagancha shovqin solmoq

Have different views about sth

Nimadir borasida turlicha fikirlarga ega bòlmoq

Ba limited

Cheklangan bòlmoq

Noise being created

Keltirib chiqarilayotgan shovqin

Be strictly controlled

Qattiy nazorat qilinmoq

Have the right to produce noise

Shovqin solishga haqli bòlmoq

The level of noise

Shovqin darajasi

There are several reasons why

Bunga bir nechta sabablar bor

Control the amount of noise produced

Keltirib chiqarilayotgan shovqin miqdorini nazorat qilmoq

The first reason is that

Birinchi sabab shuki

Significantly affect people's health

Odamlarni soģliģiga ahamlyatli darajada ta'sir òtkazmoq

Cause problems such as headaches

Bosh oģriģi kabi muammolarga sabab bòlmoq

Decrease the health levels of people

Odamlarning soģliq darajasini pasaytirmoq

Disturb people's work and study

Odamlarni ishi va òqishiga halaqit bermoq

Not be able to concentrate on sth

Nimagadir bor diqatni qaratishning uddasidan chiqa olmaslik

Prepare for his exam

Imtihoniga tayyorgarlik kòrmoq

Keep singing too loud

Baland ovozda qòshiq aytishda davom etmoq

Because of some reasons/due to some reasons

Bazi bir sabablarga kòra

Be considered as a type of recreational activities

Hordiq chiqarish mashģulotlari bir turi hisoblanmoq

Cheer for a football club can be relaxing

Futbol klubi uchun qichqirish hordiqli bòlmoq

Become more modern


Deal with the problem of noise

Shovqin muamosini hal qilmoq

Block out the noise

Shovqinni tòsib qòymoq

Allow individuals to focus on their work without being disturbed

Shaxslarga bezovta qilinmagan holda òzlarini ishlariga e'tibor qaratish imkoniyatini bermoq