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30 Cards in this Set

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Higher positions/lower positions

Yuqori lavozimlar/past lavozimlar

Be prevelantly held by

Odatda kimdir tomonidan egallab turilmoq

Be commonly listened by

Odatda kimdir tomonidan tinglanmoq

There is no need for people to keep quite

Odamlarning tinchlik saqlashiga zarurat bo'lmaslik

Have the right create the noise

Shovqin solishga xaqqi bo'lmoq

People hold different views about sth

Odamlar nimadir borasida turli qarashga ega bo'lmoq

Have the freedom to produce noise

Shovqin solishda erkinlikga ega bo'lmoq

Comply with some regulationd

Bazi o'rnatilgan qoidalarga amal qilmoq

Be put under control

Nazorat ostiga qo'yilmoq

Be understable

Tushunarli bo'lmoq

Generate noise freely

Erkin holda shovqin solmoq

Suffer from considerably stress at work or school

Maktabda ishda sezilarli darajada stressdan aziyat chekmoq

To find an effective way to relive it

Uni yengillashtirish uchun samarali yo'lini topmoq

In some cases

Bazi hollarda

Karoke singing and party holding

Karokeda qo'shiq aytish

Bring a certain amount of relaxation

Muayyan miqdordagi xordiq bag'ishlamoq

Mitigate stressful situations

Stresli vaziyatlarni yengillashtirmoq

Restriction of noise

Shovqin taqiqi

Deter people from gaining access to one of useful methods of relaxing

Odamlarni xordiq chiqarishning foydali meto'dlari imkoniyatiga ega bo'lishdan qaytarmoq

Arguments against noise makers

Shovqin soluvchilarga qarshi baxs

Excessive level of noise can cause serious disturbance

Ulkan miqdordagi shovqin jiddiy bezovtalikga sabab bo'lmoq

Nearby residents

Yaqin atrofda yashovchilar

Have the right to take a proper rest after a tring day

Charchoqli kundan keyin munosib xordiq chiqarish huquqiga ega bo'lmow

Be affected by the loud sounds from their neighbours

Qo'shnilarinikidan chiqayotgan shovqindan tasirlanmoq

Be unable to relax

Dam ola olmaslik

Have their levels of discomfort incresed

Noqulay yashash darajasi oshmoq

In the long term

Uzoq muddatli

Have a negative effect on their quality of life

Hayot sifatiga salbiy tasira bor bo'lmoq

Another reason for this opinion is that

Bu fikrga boshqa bir sabab shuki

Produce detrimental impact on the health of people

Odamlar sog'ligiga salbiy tasir o'tkazmoq