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9 Cards in this Set

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to officially state that a law, contract, decision, etc. no longer has any legal force[revoke]

The agreement was rescinded on 20 March 1993

the act of giving a document, proposal, etc. to somebody in authority so that they can study or consider it; the document, etc. that you give

When is the final date for the submission of proposals?

They prepared a report for submission to the council.

to change the controls on a radio or television so that you can receive a particular programme or channel

Stay tuned for the news coming up next.

The radio was tuned (in) to the BBC World Service.

a candid photograph is one that is taken without the person in it knowing that they are being photographed

He mingled among the guests and took the candid shots which were much more fun than the formal group photographs.

almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important

Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax.

This year's results are virtually the same as last year's.

harmful or annoying to other people, or to society in general

antisocial behaviour

antisocial tendencies/activities/habits

​very serious and sincere

an earnest young man

Despite her earnest efforts, she could not find a job.

to want something very much, especially when it is very difficult to get[long]

She yearned to escape from her office job.

There was a yearning look in his eyes.

​the main character in a play, film or book

The main protagonist is a cruel, selfish man.