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52 Cards in this Set

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In what type of government are leaders “chosen” by birth?
What is the difference between a direct and representative(republic) democracy?
In a republican democracy,people elect officials to make laws for them.
Define empire
a country that controls diverse regions, ethnicities, and nationalities
Describe the Renaissance
It had a secular focus - It started in Italy - it was a rebirth of Greek and roman culture & it encouraged individual human achievement.
What caused the Renaissance?
Population shifted from urban to rural areas
What were the characteristics of Renaissance art?
1 - a change from medieval art
2 - art began to appreciate the human body
3 - art began to use idealism (wanted everything to look perfect with a lot of detail)
How did the ideals or philosophy of the Renaissance influence European society?
Art began to explore more humanistic themes
Who was Machiavelli?
an Italian politician who wrote the book "The Prince"
What was "The Prince"
a book written by Machiavelli which discussed the best ways for a ruler to rule thier subjects
How did Machiavelli's ideas impact the Renaissance style of governmental leadership?
He taught that rulers should use whatever means necessary to accomplish a goal (the end justifies the means).
Who was Martin Luther?
A German priest responsible for starting the Protestant Reformation.
What was Martin Luther most known for?
Beginning the Protestant Reformation
What was a common criticism of the Catholic Church before the Reformation?
Corrupt church officials used the Bible to promote thier own self-interest
How did Martin Luther interpret what the Bible said about how to get into heaven?
he believed that salvation could be reached if you had faith alone.
What were results of the printing press?
1 - a higher rate of literacy in Europe
2 - a more rapid spread of ideas occured
3 - books, like the Bible, were more readily available
What were indulgences?
priests selling forgiveness
Why did the Protestant Reformation threaten the Catholic Church?
the authority of the pope and other Catholic officials was questioned
Why did Europeans explore the New World?
1 - to become famous
2 - to seek trade routes to the East
3- to spead Christianity
4 - to seek gold and wealth
Who was Magellan?
An explorer who sailed around the world for the first time.
Who was Columbus?
An explorer who "discovered" the Americas
Who was Vasco da Gama?
An explorer who sailed to India
What were characteristics of an Absolute Monarch?
1 - they used heredity to keep power within the family
2 - they used thier power to control all social classes
3 - they lived extravagant lives of luxury
4 - they used force to crush their opposition
Who was John Calvin?
The founder of the Calvinist religion.
What was the Protestant Reformation?
The split of the Chritian Church into 2 branches: the Catholics and Protestants.
What is a Protestant?
Any non Catholic Christian originating from Western Europe.
Who was Louis XIV?
The Absolute Monarch of France
What political structure best describes the rule of absolute rulers like Louis XIV?
What is social mobility?
the ability to be able to move up or down social classes due to advancement, or lack thereof
What is divine right?
the theory that the kings power comes from God
What is self sufficient?
the ability to take care of yourself
What is secular?
not having to do with religion, concerned with non religious subjects
What is political structure?
another way of saying a type of government
What is individualism?
The belief that people should think for themselves instead of having the Church tell you what to do.
What is Humanism?
a philosophy which embraced people and their accomplishments vs. the afterlife
what is a missionary?
a religious figure traveling to spread Christianity
What is an aristocracy?
a government where the upper classes had control
What was the government practiced only in Athens Greece?
Direct democracy
Which form of government sometimes had a ruler who claimed God gave them the power to rule?
In which government is the power to rule passed down to one person through the family?
In which government does having money matter most?
What was the Renaissance?
The rebirth of greek and roman culture
What is a direct democracy?
A government when people themselves directly vote on laws
What is a representative democracy?
A government when people vote for government officials to make the laws for them.
Where did the Renaissance start?
What is "urban"
city life
What is "rural"
country life
What were the three characteristics of the Renaissance?
1 - Humanism
2 - Secularism
3 - Individualism
What was "salvation"?
to be saved by God and get into Heaven
What does "corrupt" mean?
Immoral and dishonest
What does "literacy" mean?
the ability to read and write
What did Magellan, da Gama and Columbus have in common?
they were all explorers
What does "heredity" mean?
to pass down through the family