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71 Cards in this Set

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What is Nationalism?

Strong ethnic pride

What does Nationalism help fuel?


What does Imperialism cause?


What is militarism?

Glorification of military power and the constant readiness for war - comes from Nationalism

What is one of the main causes of WWI?


What is ultra-nationalism?

Thinking that your culture is the best/only good culture - causes tension and fuels nationalism

What was another reason for WWI?

Alliances - there were confused sets of alliances

Who was the leader of German armies at this time?

Otto von Bismark

What did Otto von Bismark want to do for Germany?

Wantd to make sure Germany was isolated from Europe and had no allies

Who was a part of the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austra-Hungary and Italy

Who was a part of the Nonagression part with Russia? Why?

Germany because they were afraid of Russia being troublesome and didn't want to be in a war with Russisa

What does Kaiser Wilhelm II want to show off?

He wants to exercise his power/military power/strength of Germany

How does Kaiser Wilhelm II plan on doing so?

Asks OvB to resign so he himself could have power

What soon happens after OvB's resignation?

Wilhelm II lets the nonagression pact with Russia expire

What does Russia think as a result of this?

Russia now believes that Germany is going to attack them

Who is a part of the Triple Entente?

Great Britain, France and Russia (an alliance)

Who does Austria-Hungary annex?

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Who does Austria-Hungary's annexation anger?

It angers Russia because they have now seized control of Slavic people

Who are the heirs to the throne of Austria-Hungary?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie Kotek

Who is the Black Hand?

Slavic nationalist group

Who is Gavrilo Princep? What did he do?

He is the Serbian part of the group "Black Hand" - he assassinated the Archduke and dutchess

What is the Ultimatem made by A-H?

Series of demands for Serbia

Does Serbia listen to these demands?

Yes - these deferr to all of them. Except one time they did not agree to having them try their criminals (wanted international court)

What does Serbia wanting an international court do?

Causes A-H to declare war on Serbia - *******START OF WWI*****

What happens soon after A-H declares war?

Russia mobilizes on front with A-H and Germany - Italy, Germany and Great Britain urge peace

What was the U.S.' opinion of the war at first?

U.S. started off neutral to war, many thought that the U.S. would stay that way

What is something that came out during WWI in terms of warfare?

Poisonous gas; chemical warfare - gas would burn you and could oftentimes cause death

Who are the Central Powers of the Great War?

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire - all located at center of Europe

Who are the Allied Powers of the Great War?

Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy

Who was the addition to the allied powers?

Italy because they were against Germany starting an unnecessary war

Where did the war start?

Western Front - border between Germany and France

What was the reason for the Schlieffen Plan?

Germans were concerned about fighting on 2 fronts

Who created the Schlieffen Plan?

General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen

What does this plan depend on?


What was the first part of the Schlieffen Plan?

Attack France first and quickly

Why would they attack France first?

Because France has industrialized and has many railroads for quick mobilization, while Russia has not

Does this plan have success?

It has early success - quickly makes it to the outskirts of Paris

What is the First Battle of Marne?

Civilians got involved in keeping the Germans OUT - Germans were pushed back

What happens as a result of the First Battle of Marne?

The Schlieffen Plan fails and the Germans are forced to fight on 2 fronts

What is a stalemate?

When neither side is making any real progress - no movement

When was trench warfare used?

Used during WWI

What was the problem with trench warfare?

Poison gas was used but they couldn't leave otherwise they would be shot - caused many deaths - also caused people to catch diseases

What is the Eastern Front?

Border between Germany and Russia

Where were stalemates found?

On both the Western and Eastern fronts

Why was it important for Russia to stay in WWI?

Because they needed to stay for the "allies" - Russia, however, was having trouble supplying for their armies

What do the allies try to do after seeing Russia was having trouble?

Try to help them

What is the Gallipoli Campaign?

Third theater of war opened by allies to get supplies to Russia through Dardanelles and Hellespont (via the sea straights) - becomes a stalemate as well

What did the U.S. do at the start of WWI?

Supplied their friends but did NOT become a part of the war (because they did not want to)

Was the U.S. a superpower at this time?


What helped change the U.S.' opinion of WWI?

Lusitania sinking - causing the death of 128 U.S. citizens

What is unrestricted submarine warfare?

Germans have a right to shoot down any ship that may be thought to be helping the Allies

What is important to note about the sinking of the Lusitania?

It was NOT the event that brought the U.S. into WWI

What event DOES bring the U.S. into WWI?

Zimmerman Telegram

Who sent the Zimmerman Telegram? What did it say?

Sent by high ranked German official named Arthur Zimmerman who originally sent it to Mexico. It was asked that Mexico start a war with the U.S. so that they will be occupied at home with their own war and not be able to help the Allies

What did the Germans promise if the Mexicans fulfilled their wish?

Promised they would gain all of their lost territories form the U.S. with German help

How did the U.S. receive this telegram?

Britain intercepted the telegram and published it in U.S. newspaper

Did the telegram ever get to Mexico?


What happens on April 2, 1917 in the U.S.?

U.S. declares war

What was different about this war compared to other wars that the U.S. had faced?

It was a total war - meaning that all of the nations' resources are put towards war efforts

What was the U.S. forced to do as a result of total war?

Had to use propaganda in order for U.S. citizens to be okay with the rationing

Why did Russia withdraw?

Civilians reflected their anger to Czar Nicholas

What happens in Russia soon after they withdraw from WWI?

Russian monarchy was replaced by a Communist government led by Vladimir Lenin

What is the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

Treaty tat takes Russia out of the war, causing bad things to come to them - had many harsh terms and conditions

What is the Second Battle of Marne?

Germany makes a big attack on Paris

Who joins in to help at the Second Battle of Marne?

U.S. fresh troops help out - causing Germany to loose

Why did Germany become a republic?

They were made at Kaiser for starting the war, causing Kaiser Wilhelm to resign

Why does Austria-Hungary revolt?

For independence

What is a armistice?

Cease fire on 11/11/1918 - meaning the war is no longer being fought

Why were WWI Veterans upset at the end of the war?

Because they did not receive their bonus for their contribution in WWI

What first started to show the fall of the U.S. economy?

The New York Stock Exchange crash

What is the Dust Bowl?

Large clouds of dust and tornadoes in the Midwest