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115 Cards in this Set

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What was the state of German people in the early 1800's?

German people were present but not united - lived throughout Europe

What is Nationalism considered?

The "driving force of Europe"

What is Nationalism?

People of certain nationality that were proud of their ethnicity

What idea did people get from Nationalism?

Idea that people of same ethnicity should all join together under one government/nation

What type of rulers were produced from wanting to join together people of alike ethnicities?

Authoritarian rulers - they used the wants of people to seize more control

Where were Germans spread between?

Prussia and Austria-Hungary

What does Nationalism do in Prussia?

Able to unify Prussia because Prussia was made up of mostly German people

Who is Wilhelm I?

New king of Prussia

What does Wilhelm I want to do for Prussia?

Pour money into strengthening their army to become the strongest European army

What is the problem with Wilhelm's idea to strengthen Prussia's army?

Parliament refuses

Who are the Conservative Junkers?

Those who support army and Wilhelm (not the majority)

Who are liberals?

Those who do not want what King wanted, wanted more rights for people

Who is Otto von Bismarck?

Wilhelm I's new Prime Minister who will have all power and do work for Wilhelm

What is Otto von Bismarck considered?

Master of Real Politik - reality of politics

What does Bismarck make his decisions by?

Blood and iron (looking for war) - does what he feels is good for Germany/Wilhelm

What did Schlesswig and Holstein do together?

They annexed Prussia and Austria together

What does Bismarck do to have this land?

Stirs up things

What is the Seven Weeks War?

Austria declares war on Prussia because they have been angered

What is the outcome of the Seven Weeks War?

Austria looses to Prussia, gaining more land which helps unite Prussia geographically

Who started the Franco-Prussian War?

Stirred up by Bismarck

Why did Bismarck start this war?

To join Protestant Germany with Catholic South Germany - Catholics needed motivation to join the protestants

What is the Ems Dispatch?

Telegraph that described an interaction between Prussian King and a French diplomat

What does the Ems Dispatch do?

Causes France to declare war because Bismarck stirs up trouble between France and Prussia (Germany) because France feels like they have been disrespected by Wilhelm I

Who wins the Ems Dispatch?

French loose, allowing South Germany to join Prussia

What does Wilhelm change his name to?

From King Wilhelm I to Kaiser Wilhelm I (relation to Caesar)

Who sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S.?

Sold by Napolean (France)

What does the Louisiana Territory do to the U.S.?

It doubles its size

Who gives Florida to the U.S>?

Spain (also expands territory)

What happens with the Oregon Territory?

Something signed between Britain and U.S. saying that they both could go to Oregon

What did the Oregon Territory do for the U.S.?

It gave us availability to both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

What is Manifest Destiny?

What the America's came to believe in - believed they should control most of America (North South East West)

What could Manifest Destiny bring to the U.S.?

Could bring democracy and freedom to others

What else does Manifest Destiny do?

Justifies the eviction of natives - Social Darwinism is also present

What does the Indian Removal Act (1830) say?

It's a legislation that allowed for displacement of Native Americans from their homelands

Who are the Cherokee Indians?

Those who lived in the lands of Georgia

Why are the Cherokee Indians so important?

They were the first that were forced to leave their home lands

Where did the Cherokee Indians move?

From Georgia to Oklahoma

What was the name of the walk with which the Native Americans had to take from Georgia to Oklahoma Territory?

The Trail of Tears

What was one of the many problems with the moving of Indians?

Many deaths along the way (on Trail of Tears) and they had come to new land that they were not familiar with

What has Mexico earned at this point in history? Where is Mexico currently located?

Earned their independence from Spain, they were a nation that occupied Texas

What does Mexico allow the U.S. to do?

Allows U.S. citizens to come an farm and make money

What causes the Revolt against Mexico?

Americans don't like being controlled by Mexico so the people of Texas fight against Mexico and win

What do the people of Texas ask those of the U.S. to do for them?

To annex Texas

What is the cause of the Mexican-American War?

Mexico does not want America to annex Texas

Who wins the Mexican-American War?

U.S. which allows them to gain much more SW territories

What is the Gadsen Purchase?

U.S. buys lands from Mexico (agreement)

What is the Monroe Doctorine?

Issued by Monroe - saying Americans were to consider the Americas to be closed from any European lands

Why was the Monroe Doctorine created?

To protect the U.S.'s own interests and close themselves from European expansion which helps keep Europe out

What is Cuba looking for from Spain?


Who does Cuba ask to help them gain independence from Spain?

The U.S.

What does the U.S. do to help Cuba?

They sneak attack the Philippines and Mexico gives in very quickly

What does the U.S. own at this point in history?

Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico

Who did the U.S. promise to give independence to? Whom did they actually give independence to?

Told Cuba and the Philippines that they would give them independence, they gave Cuba independence (as promised) but they did not give independence to Philippines as quickly as they did Cuba

What does President McKinley say he will bring to the U.S.? What does this resemble?

Promises he will bring them freedom and Christianity, resembles Social Darwinism

Who is Emilio Aguinaldo?

Led revolt against Americans in the Philippines

What is Hawaii best known for at this time?

Important trade stop and also a big producer of sugar

What did Americans establish in Hawaii?

Sugar plantations

What type of government was in Hawaii at this time?

Monarchy - they ARE an independent nation

What did Queen Liliuokalani do?

Made move to seize control over sugar plantations for herself and her people

What was newly established in Hawaii by Queen Liliuokalani? What does it do?

New tariff structure was formed, making Hawaiian sugar less profitable and U.S. sugar more profitable

What do the sugar producers do to Queen Liliuokalani?

They overthrow her and establish the Republic of Hawaii

Who is Sanford B. Cole?

Head of the newly independent republic

What had Sanford B. Cole first started producing?


What does the Hawaii do about America?

They petition the U.S. to annex them - at first U.S. does not agree but finally do give in

What has China been known to be these past years?

Self sufficient

What does being "self sufficient" mean?

Don't need help from anyone else because they have enough resources alone - also could have made everything "better" by themselves instead of by the help of others

What helps Chinese have no issues with food?

Good agriculture

What does strong mining do for China?

Provides enough resources

What is Guang Zhou?

The one trade port for Europeans do freely trade with China

What is the problem Britain has with China about trading money?

Britain doesn't want to give away money because of their values of "mercantilism"

What does Britain introduce to China?


What does opium do to China?

Makes many people in China addicted to this drug

How does China feel about the opium addiction?

Not happy with it

What does China (Qing Dynasty) do about the Opium addiction problem?

Talk to Queen Victoria about how they don't want it but England does not listen

Who is the ruler of England during the time of the Victorian Dynasty?

Queen Victoria

What was the cause of the Opium War? Who won?

Chinese leadership is unhappy with Britain introducing Opium (fight over opium) - Britain wins (war is very shortlived)

What is stated in the Treaty of Nanjing?

Gives Britain Hong Kong and extraterritorial rights and opened up ports for British trade

What are extraterritorial rights?

Outsiders in the country are not subject to the laws of that country

What are the 2 problems in China at this time?

Opium addiction and population growth

Why was the population growth a problem in China?

They are growing past their food supply amounts, causing people to go hungry

What is the Taiping Rebellion?

Peasant revolt against the Qing

Who is the leader of the Taiping Rebellion?

Hong Xiuquan

What does Hong Xiuquan hope to do/create?

Create kingdom with equal people (no classes) and gain land (including Nanjing)

Who wins the Taiping Rebellion? What is the outcome?

Peasants are crushed by combined forces, this gives Qing opportunity to gain back their leadership

What does Dowager Empress Cixi want to do for China?

Wants to make reforms

What is standing in Cixi's way?

People being so attached to traditonal values, making slow modernization

How do Western nations take advantage of China during their times of slow reforms?

They gain spheres of influence - taking over

What is "open door"? Who declares it?

U.S. declares that all countries should have right to trade in China; China should stay indepedent

What does Emperor Guangxu promote?

A very aggressive modernization campaign

What happens to Emperor Guangxu because of his ideas of aggressive reforms?

He is almost immediately overthrown - bring Cixi back to power

What does Empress Cixi do when she comes back to power?

Send diplomats to other nations to figure out what works for them

What is the Boxer Rebellion?

People say that if the government doesn't get their country back they will - Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists

Who comes in the stop the Boxer Rebellion?

Multinational force comes and crushes the rebellion in because of the anti-foreigner hatred against them

What does U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry do in Japan?

Sent ships to tell Japan to end their isolation by firing off their canons to scare them. Japan had sealed themselves off from other worlds

What did the Treaty of Kanagawa do?

Forced choice to open up Japanese ports to the U.S. - smart choice but Japan is threatened once again

What does Emperor Muntsuhito do in Japan?

Elevates the emperor to REAL power in Japan

What is the Meiji Era?

Enlightened rule of Muntushito

What is Japan well known for?

Borrowing culture

What does Japan quickly do to become industrialized?

Become an imperial nation in order to gain resources

What is the Sino-Japanese War?

War between China and Japan

What led up to this war?

China and Japan were both interested in the independent nation of Korea, but since they both do not want to go to war at that time they both agree that they will both stay out of Korea. China helps Korea with a revolt, which leads Japan to want to win Korea back for themselves.

Who wins the Sino-Japanese War?


Who are the 2 biggest armies at this time?

Japan and Russia

Why do Koreans not like Japan?

Because they are very brutal to them; do not want Japan to annex their country

What is fought over in the Russo-Japanese War?

Fighting over Manchuria, which had historically been controlled by Russia?

Who wins the Russo-Japanese War?

Japan, causing Russia an embarrassing loss as well as a loss of their control over Manchuria

Who is Egypt's new ruler? Who was he sent by?

Muhammad Ali - sent by the Ottomans

What did France and Britain find valuable about Egypt's land?

It was located on/near the Red Sea

What did Ali begin to do for Egypt?

Reform economy and military, made cotton (their cash crop) more popular

Who continued Ali's reforms after his death?

His grandson Isma'il

What is the Suez Canal? What did it connect?

Human made waterway that connected Red Sea to Mediterranean

Who tried to exploit Persia commercially?

Russia, SW Asia and Britain

What was Persia best known for?

Oil supply

Who is Nasir al-Din?

Sold concessions for export of tobacco

During an unrest period, what was Nasir forced to do?

Create a constitution - many other countries did this with their muslim people