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167 Cards in this Set

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Greatest empire of the mesoamerica valley of mexico. Religion played a larger role. Empire weakened during Montezuma.
Feathered serpent god king. Ruled in peace. Aztec creator god sacraficed to him.
Leader of Aztecs when Cortez conquered them.
Built empire on foundations thousands of years old. In Peru Incan ruler descended from sun god. Government was divided into sections.
Using something to please your god or leader. Sacrificed humans to Quetzalcoatl and animals. Llamas by Incas.
Reasons for exploration
Discovered Americas when he landed in Carribean.
Conquered Aztecs
Conquered Incas
Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment
Geocentric vs hellocentric
Medieval vs Scientific Revolution thought
thought earth was the center and everything else moved around it was medieval. Sun being center was more advanced.
Scientifc Method
Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Conclusion.
Ancient greek philosophers that made geocentric theroy their ideas...went against the bible and were not correct in that time
Study planetary movement for 25 years. He reasoned that the sun stood at the center of stars and planets. Heliocentric theory caused a stir.
Built on theories of astronomy. Built telescope. Proved other theories were wrong or right. Church did not believe his theories and made him say they were wrong.
Studied functions of hear and blood and the human circulatory system.
Studied cadavers and wrote books on human body and location of organ systems rather than anatomy of pigs.
Common sense idea that the earth was the center. Went along with Religous views.
Copernicus's idea that the sun is central. Did completely explain planets motions. Contradicted many religous views.
A new intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought power of individuals to solve problems.
Divine Right
Idea that monarchs are god's representatives and therefore god's will is being done through them. Right to rule from god.
French word for philosophers. Believed that peopl could apply reason to science. Hobbes, Therova, Montesquieu
Social Contract
agreement by which people created a government between ruler and people.
Influential French writer devoted to studying political liberty. Believed Britian was the best nation in the world.
Positive view of human nature. Believed people could learn from experience. Critizied Monarchy. Inspired Revolutions.
Expressed his ideas that all people were naturally evil and wicked. Governments were necessary to keep order. Believed in Totalitarianism was necessary.
Committed to individual freedom. Got recognition as a writer of essays.
Used Satire against opponents, targeting the clergy and aristocracy. Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion and speech.
1st, 2nd, 3rd Estates.
Social Classes. 1st and 2nd were priviledged. 1st estate was clergy and owned land. 2nd were rich nobles. 3rd estate was 97% poor. Was divided into groups.
Estates General
An assembly of representatives from each estate.
The king and queens home outside of Paris that was ridiculousy huge and where they ran to when they were going to get killed.
King Louis XVI
Want to attain political, economic and social brilliance. France was most powerful under him
Marie Antoinette
Queen of France. Spent too much money and did not care about the government
Old Regime
The social and political system of France that remained throughout the 1770's.
Absolute Monarchy
A type of government where one person has complete control.
Governement run by the people. Occurred after monarch fell.
Middle Class, bankers, factory workers, well educated and believed in Enlightenment. Some were rich as Nobles but they paid high taxes
Reasons for Revolution
Wanted freedom and did not want ruler of Czar anymore. Wanted better wages. economy and enlightenment.
Tennis Court Oath
Pledge made by third estate when they were locked out of meeting; vowed to stay until constitution was made
Declaration of Rights of Man
Statement of Revolutionary ideas guaranteed equal justice, freedom of speech, Liberty, equality and fraternity.
Storming of Bastille
3rd Estates stormed Bastille for gun powder. Bastille was a prision.
Great Fear
Third Estate was scared that the King was setting military after them so they broke into Nobles homes and burned and stole things
Fled France, Nobles fear of what was going on and hopes that they would be able to return and be Noble again.
Reign of Terror
Period of Robespierre's rule over France and a dictator and everyone was his enemy.
Jacobian leader who slowly gained power against religion that caused changes. Everyone was in fear of him.
New techology to make beheading more humane and quicker. Used largely during this time period.
Coup de etat
Blow to the state. Government overthrow.
Hero of revolution. A vote of the people then made him in charge of France
Effects of Revolution
Why Great Britian?
Geography. Land. Labor. Capital. Stable Banking. Population Growth. Waterways. Land. Iron Ore. People moving to cities.
Enclosure movement
Farms were grouped together and enclosed by the government to produce more and make it owned by the government.
Someone willing to take a risk and start a business.
Domestic vs Factory System
People work at home in domestic, set own wages, items and hours. Factory all the same. quicker. Boss sets hours and wages.
Child Labor
Child labor was especially bad during industrial revolutions with terrible conditions and young children working.
The idea of a perfect world
An economic system in which factors of production are privately owned and money is invested in business ventures.
Adam Smith
Defended ideas of free economy in his novel - Wealth of Nations
Laissez- Faire
"Wealth of Nation" Adam Smiths believed that government should not interfere with business.
Karl Marx
introduced the radical ype of socialism called marxism, proletariat took control.
Middle Capitalist Class that was formed during the industrial revolution . Owned most businesses and factories.
Communist Manifesto
By Marx and Engels where they stated that the Industrial Revolution enriched wealthy and impoverished poor.
Government in which factors of production are owned by public and benefit all.
Complete Socialism -- all means of production are owned by public. Goods and services would be divided equally
Child Labor
Child labor was especially bad during industrial revolutions with terrible conditions and young children working.
The idea of a perfect world
An economic system in which factors of production are privately owned and money is invested in business ventures.
Adam Smith
Defended ideas of free economy in his novel - Wealth of Nations
Laissez- Faire
"Wealth of Nation" Adam Smiths believed that government should not interfere with business.
Karl Marx
introduced the radical ype of socialism called marxism, proletariat took control.
Middle Capitalist Class that was formed during the industrial revolution . Owned most businesses and factories.
Communist Manifesto
By Marx and Engels where they stated that the Industrial Revolution enriched wealthy and impoverished poor.
Government in which factors of production are owned by public and benefit all.
Complete Socialism -- all means of production are owned by public. Goods and services would be divided equally
Working Class that did not benefit from the industrial revolution and was poor
Private/Public Ownership
Private was capitalist society and public was socialist and communist
Examples of capitalist government -- people buy and sell for profit and are able to compete.
Traiditional/Market/Command Economy
Command is communism Government involved. Traditional is found in 3rd world - agriculture. Market = US-- no government.
Causes of Imperialism
Want to own more land and expand power.
Indirect Rule
Imerialists work through the leader of the tribe and do not take complete control.
Direct Rule
People come in and take complete control of the group.
Forcing people in the colonies to adapt the Imperialistic countries traditions, speech and culture.
The belief that others were uncivilized and needed a "parent" to guide them in the correct direction.
White Man's burden
Poem about god given burden. The burden of having to make the people of colonies become more civilized and the difficulty of this made it the ..."white mans burden".
Effects on Africa
South Africa/Apartheid
Dutch - British - Anglo - Boer War. British establish Apartheid/Segregation
Triple Alliance
Prewar Germany -- Austria, Hungary and Italy
Triple Entente
Britian France and Russia
Causes of WWI
Nationalism, Alliances, Militarism, Imperialism. Tension between Austria and Serbia over Bosnia
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Austria - Hungary - he was assainated - his death was the final straw in the beginning of the war...
Final thing offered that Serbia could do or Austria would declare war on them. Serbia did not agree to it!
Central Powers
Germany, Austria, Hungary
Allied Powers
Great Britian, Russia, France
Neutrality (Neutral Powers)
Spain and Belbium - also Netherlands
Schlieffen Plan
Plan for Germany to avoid a two front war. Beat France first while Russia moblizes then deal with Russia. Enter through Belgium and sneak in.
Sequence of WWI Events
Austria want to take over.
Serbia Outraged
Archduke assassinated
Russia moves.
Germany Declares War on Russia and France.
Enters France through Belgium
Britian declares war on germany.
US Enters
Western Front
Stalemate along Northern France. France figures out Schlieffen Plan
US avoiding war - not getting involved.
Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare and sunk the boak for no reason killing american citizens on board. Us was about to enter war.
Zimmerman Telegram
Stated that Germany would help Mexico reclaim lands lost to the US if Mexico would support them. This was the last straw and the US entered the war.
Treaty of Versailles
Between Germany and Allied Powers. Treaty created League of Nations and made Germany pay reparations
Big Four
Orlando - Lloyd George -- Wilson -- Clemenceau
14 Points
Wilson's ideas to avoid another world war, not many accepted these ideas
League of Nations
system set up by a result of Wilsons 14 Points but this failed -US was not involved.
Czar Nicolas II
Continued Autocracy although times were changing. Many people were unhappy with rapid changes.
Bloody Sunday (1905 Revolution)
Workers marched to kings and he was not there. Soliders began shooting them even though they were innocent and charmed.
March 1917 Revolution (result_)
Duma is created (1st Parliment). Nicolas gives up throne and is killed.
Bolsheviks (and their slogan)
Peace, Land, Bread.
Provisional Government (Kerensky)
Temporary Government led by Kerenksy
Major leader of Bolsheviks -- he had to flee from Russia for risk of getting in trouble but he kept contact.
Lenin's successor -- he was cold - hard - he was a Bolshevik -- began totalitarianist government
Treaty of Brest - Litvosk
Treaty in which Russia gave Gernmany a portion of lant to get out of the WWI
New Economic Policy
5 Year Plan
Plans made by Stalin to get Russia Equal with other nations economically and ways of Production
Government where the dictator has complete and total control. Everyone listens to them.
Government that emphasizes loyalty to ones state and obedience to the leader.
Totalitarian leader of Russia during WWII. Only Totalitarian country that was on the Allied Side
Italy's Totalitarian Leader
Germany's totalitarian Leader. Meinkemph - final solition. Caused Holocaust
Costs that Germany had to pay for WWII - caused inflation because Germany simply printed worthless money
Total War
Everything and Everyone was devoted to the war -- brought world out of depression
Allowing the agressor to have a little of what they want hoping they will stop at that. Britain and France did this for Germany
Fast war from air and land - lightening
Allied Powers
US Britian France Soviets
Axis Powers
Pearl Harbor
Surprise Japanese attack on American Military Port. Dec 7th 1941. Easily brought US into War on Allied Side. Took America out of Japans Pacific conquest
Non-Aggression Pact
Germany and Russia will not attack each other and will split Poland
Anti - Semitism
Prejudice against Jews
Advertisement that shows abiased view so countries will want to support a war/leaders
Genocide of millions innocent people by Nazi party - led by Hitler fromj 1939-1945
Final Solution
Hitlers final way of freeing Germany of non-aryians. Led to the mass genocide of jews. Homosexuals, gypsies
Hitlers ideal person - master race- believed they were superior
Largest attack - allied invaded Nazi occupied France to save it. Millions of soliders. Used a fake out attack.
Atomic Bomb
Used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- used because Roosevelt did not want to loose many more lives.
Czar Nicolas II
Continued Autocracy although times were changing. Many people were unhappy with rapid changes.
Bloody Sunday (1905 Revolution)
Workers marched to kings and he was not there. Soliders began shooting them even though they were innocent and charmed.
March 1917 Revolution (result_)
Duma is created (1st Parliment). Nicolas gives up throne and is killed.
Bolsheviks (and their slogan)
Peace, Land, Bread.
Provisional Government (Kerensky)
Temporary Government led by Kerenksy
Major leader of Bolsheviks -- he had to flee from Russia for risk of getting in trouble but he kept contact.
Lenin's successor -- he was cold - hard - he was a Bolshevik -- began totalitarianist government
Treaty of Brest - Litvosk
Treaty in which Russia gave Gernmany a portion of lant to get out of the WWI
New Economic Policy
5 Year Plan
Plans made by Stalin to get Russia Equal with other nations economically and ways of Production
Government where the dictator has complete and total control. Everyone listens to them.
Government that emphasizes loyalty to ones state and obedience to the leader.
Totalitarian leader of Russia during WWII. Only Totalitarian country that was on the Allied Side
Italy's Totalitarian Leader
Germany's totalitarian Leader. Meinkemph - final solition. Caused Holocaust
Costs that Germany had to pay for WWII - caused inflation because Germany simply printed worthless money
Total War
Everything and Everyone was devoted to the war -- brought world out of depression
Allowing the agressor to have a little of what they want hoping they will stop at that. Britain and France did this for Germany
Fast war from air and land - lightening
Allied Powers
US Britian France Soviets
Time of peace when war is ending but a treaty or agreement has been made
Genocide - causes
ethnic cleansing
Race Elimination
Recent countries that have had genocide
Cold War
A time of little to no contact between the Soviets and the US. Never any direct warfare between the two -- used other countries to fight
Space Race
During cold war - Soviets and US fight to be the first in space. Soviets were in space and US was on the moon.
Arms Race
Similar to space race -- race to build up arms and have the most weapons. neither of them would use their weapons
Division of Germany and Berlin
Germany was divided between the allies, French, Russia, Britian and US. Into west and east. Berlin was divided the same with a cement wall.
Fall of Berlin Wall
At the end of the cold war in 1991 the wall fell so Berlin was no longer seperated and the was was knocked down.
Arms Race
Similar to space race -- race to build up arms and have the most weapons. neither of them would use their weapons
Division of Germany and Berlin
Germany was divided between the allies, French, Russia, Britian and US. Into west and east. Berlin was divided the same with a cement wall.
Fall of Berlin Wall
At the end of the cold war in 1991 the wall fell so Berlin was no longer seperated and the was was knocked down.
Arms Race
Similar to space race -- race to build up arms and have the most weapons. neither of them would use their weapons
Division of Germany and Berlin
Germany was divided between the allies, French, Russia, Britian and US. Into west and east. Berlin was divided the same with a cement wall.
Fall of Berlin Wall
At the end of the cold war in 1991 the wall fell so Berlin was no longer seperated and the was was knocked down.