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31 Cards in this Set

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an international theme of peace and unity in the twentieth century
Maastricht Treaty
the joining of the twelve Common Market nations, pledging to create the European Union in 1992
European Union
comprised 325 million people with an economy that competed with the US and the Pacific Rim
introduced by the EU, it is a single currency for member nations
ecumenical movement
an attempt to attain international religious unity
World Council of Churches; probably the most significant force in the ecumenical movement
Second Vatican Council (1962-65)
"Vatican II"; heralded a new era of openness in the church, allowing observers from the Eastern Orthodox churches and Protestant bodies to witness some of the sessions of a Catholic council and advocated freedom of worship around the world
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
one of the leading critics of ecumenism in Great Britain
"new world order"
an idea advocated by President George Bush to Congress in 1990, built on universal peace and justice
World Bank
established in 1945 to assist in the rebuilding of Europe after WWII and helped the former communist countries transition into capitalism
Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome; in 2003, demonstrated that the increase in international airline traveling, diseases could spread more rapidly
Bill Clinton
the president of the U.S., following George Bush
North American Free Trade Agreement; lowered tariffs with Canada and Mexico
George W. Bush

son of the previous President Bush, preceded President Clinton, and had the closest presidential election in American history

John Major

elected as leader of the British Conservatives and British prime minister in 1990

"New Labour" Party

a BRitish political party that was greatly influenced by Tony Blair

Helmut Kohl

leader of the conservatives rise back to power in Germany, being elected as chancelor in 1982

Gerhard Schroeder

beat Helmut Kohl for chancelor in 1998, not making any major changes to Germany, but opposing the war with Iraq

Francois Mitterrand

served as the first socialist president of the Fifth Republic in 1981

Jacques Chirac

became president in 1995, reurning France to a more centrist government

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

Japanese political party which has dominated the country since WWII

Vladimir Putin

Russian prime minister and former KGB (Soviet secret police) who was named president after the resignation in 2000

Slobodan Milosevc

Serbian president who began a campaign of mass murder in 1998

developing nations

Third World Nations; nations generally characterized by poverty, lack of production, and politcal instability


the winning of independence by colonies in Asia and Africa from Western imperial nations

Mohandas Gandhi

leader of the Indian nationalists who mounted a campaign of passive resistance

passive resistance

a nonviolent program designed to defy British rule through strikes (including hunger strike and sit-down strikes), mass demonstrations, and refusal to pay taxes

Pervez Musharraf

Pakistani general who allied with the US in the war against terrorism

Indira Gandhi

became prime minister after her father's passing in 1966, but was assinated by two of her guards in 1984


the systematic extermnation of a race, ethnic, or religious group

Idi Amin Dada
