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55 Cards in this Set

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Chief Roman God
Roman God of War
Roman God of Sea
Roman Goddess of Love
Captured Rome in 750 BC; Romans drove out Etruscans in 500 BC and established independent republic (after learning construction, weapons metallurgy, and military tactics)
Wealthy landowning nobles in early Roman Republic
Heads of state in Roman government
Hereditary body in Roman law which passed laws, approved appointments, and controlled foreign affairs
The Roman people - mostly farms and city workers
Elected with veto power over actions of consuls and Senate
Twelve Tables
Codification of Roman law preventing judges from twisting unwritten laws to favor own class
Rome unites Italy
340 - 270 BC; Conquers Latins, Samnites, Etruscans, Gauls, Greek colonies in southern Italy
Early Rome's chief rival in N. Africa
Punic Wars
Three wars where Rome defeated Carthage
First Punic War
264 - 261 BC; Fought in Sicily and M. Sea
Second Punic War
218 - 201 BC; Battle of Zama; Hannibal
Carhage's greatest general
Battle of Cannae
Early victories for Hannibal and Carthage
Battle of Zama
Rome at last defeats Hannibal and Carthage's push for conquest; Carthage reduced to second rate power
Third Punic War
149 - 146 BC; Rome finally attacks and destroys Carthage and annexes territory
Roman Republic becomes Roman Empire
27 BC
Gracchi Brothers
133 - 121 BC; Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus; Tribunes favoring peoples' rights, both were killed in riots
First Roman Civil War
88 BC; Marius vs. Sulla; Popular leader (Marius) and senatorial leader (Sulla) fight for control of Rome; Sulla prevails and restores senatorial power
Second Roman Civil War
49 BC; Senate orders Caesar to disband army; He refuses and invades senatorial Italy; Defeats Pompey's senatorial army and becomes dictator of Rome
First Triumvirate
60 BC; Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus (a wealthy noble); Political alliance that allowed three men to dominate Rome
Commentaries on the Gallic War
Book written by Julius Caesar proclaiming victories in Gaul
Ceasar is Assassinated
44 BC
Third Roman Civil War
Octavian vs. Antony; Final conflict of the time of the triumvirate
Chief conspirators of Caesars assassination
Brutus and Cassius
Battle of Actium
31 BC; Octavian defeats Antony at naval battle which ends civil wars; Octavian becomes absolute ruler of Roman Empire
Roman Empire
27 BC - 476 AD
First Roman Emperor; Pax Romana
41 - 54 AD; Roman emperor who promotes public works and extends Roman authority to S. Britain
69 - 79 AD; Roman emperor suppresses Hebrew revolt, destroys Jerusalem and expelled Jews from Palestine
98 - 117 AD; Roman emperor expands Empire to greatest territorial extent
117 - 138 AD; Roman emperor repels barbarian tribes; Builds defense walls in N. Britain and central Europe
Marcus Aurelius
161 - 180 AD; High minded ruler; Stoic philosopher who wrote Meditations; Death marks end of Pax Romana
284 - 305 AD; Roman emperor resumes competence after internal strife; Divides empire into east and west; Establishes system of succession to throne
312 - 337 AD; Reunited empire and moved capital to Constantinople
Edict of Milan
313 AD; Constantine ends persecution of Christians
Invaders from central Asia terrorize Roman empire
Leader of the Huns
Battle of Chalons
451 AD; Combined Roman-Germanic force turns Attila back
Germanic tribes that established kingdom in Spain
Germanic tribe that established kingdom in Italy
Germanic tribe that established kingdom in North Africa
Germanic tribes that established Kingdom in france
Angles and Saxons
Germanic tribes that establish kingdom in Britain
Pax Romana
27 BC - 180 AD; Period of social cohesion on international scale
527 - 565 AD; Roman emperor at Constantinople codified roman Law: "Justinian Code"
St. Paul
1st Century AD; Emphasized conversion of gentiles to universalize Christianity
St. Peter
1st Century AD; First Bishop of Rome; Shaped Church's internal structure using Roman empire as model
St. Jerome
340 - 420; Translated Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin - Vulgate edition
St. Augustine
354 - 430; Wrote "Confessions" detailing conversion to Christianity; Wrote City of God, describing how Christianity could lead to world of peace and perfection
392; Roman Emperor proclaims Christianity official state religion