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63 Cards in this Set

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Where is the Italian peninsula located

Center of the Mediterranean sea

Where is Rome in Italy?

Centre, near west coast

What helped Rome's expansion?

It's location so it spread outwards in all directions

What three factors increased unification in comparison to Greece

fewer isolated valleys, Apennine Mountains less rugged, and more fertile plains

Roman ancestors were the


Who did the Romans share the peninsula with?

Greek colonists and Etruscans

What four things did Romans learn from the Etruscans?

alphabet, arches in buildings, field drainage techniques, and religion

What year was the birth of the roman state

509 BC

What does Republic mean

thing of the people

Republican leaders where chosen by who?

The people

What was the most powerful governing body called?

the senate

who was in the senate?

300 Patricians (landowning upper class)

What was the position the senators elected for


How many Consuls


What did the 2 consuls do?

supervise government and command armes

How long could consuls do

1 term

what would the senate do during wartime?

empower a dictator and empower him up to 6 months

Who were the plebeians?

farmers merchants artisans and traders with no political power

Who would pleabians elect to keep interests


Tribunes could later do what?

propose laws

Who had absolute power in the family

male head of the household

As time passed what two places did women have access to and why was this important

theatres, baths, where a lot of politics happened.

Who learned to read/write in roman society

boys and girls from upper and lower classes

What was the basic Roman military unit called?


How many people were in a legion

5000 people

Who supplied legionnaires with supplies?


People who were conquered had to do two things

acknowledge Roman leadership by paying taxes and supplying soldiers, and also allowed to keep customs, money, local government.

What four main things did the romans take after from the greeks?

art, literature, philosophy, and science

What was the blending of Greek, Roman, and Hellenistic traditions.achievements called

Greco-Roman civilization

What two things helped with Greco-Roman expansion

trade and travel

Who wrote the famous poem presented as Roman History


What was the poem's name


Who was the hero in aeneid


What was the Aeneid modeled after?

Homer's odyssey

a historian who hoped to rouse patriotism


a historian who wrote of roman power and liberty


What two art forms did romans use in public buildings and homes?

Mosaics and frescos

A building with a dome out of concrete


What two engineering points did Romans exceed in

travel (roads, bridges, harbour) and aqueducts (plumbing)

Who proposed in Alexandria, Egypt that the earth was the centre of the universe?


How long was Ptolemy's theory accepted

1500 years

Who compiled a medical encyclopedia used for over 1000 years


What was the Law of Nations

Laws applying to everyone citizens and noncitizens

What weakened and crushed the Roman republic thus turning it into the Roman Empire

expansion around the Mediterranean sea

Who was Carthage

North Africans and Phoenician traders

What were wars between Carthage and Rome called

Punic Wars

What is Punicus

Latin word for Phoenicians

What happened in the first Punic war

Rome defeated carthage and won sicily, Corsica and sarinia

What happened in the second Punic war

Carthaginians sought revenge, Hannibal led army all the way to Italy costing half his armies. Carthaginians still failed after 15 years. Rome wanted revenge.

Who ended every speech with "Carthage must be destroyed"?


What happened in the Third Punic War

Rome destroyed Carthage, survivors killed or sold, romans poured salt on ground, master western mediterranean

What policy did Romans then commit to


What did Romans call Mediterranean

Mare Nostrum (Our sea)

what were huge estates bought by wealthy people


Who were two patricians who first attempted reform

Graccus brothers

What did Tiberius do

call upon state to distribute land to poor farmers

Gaius elected ten years after his brother's call

used public funds to buy grain to feed the poor

Julius nine year conquest was completed in

Gaul (France)

Who else dominated roman politics


Pompey feared Ceasar and got senate to do what

order disbandment of his armies.

Which river did Ceasar cross?

Rubicon river

Four things Ceasar did

Launched many public works employing jobless, gave land to poor, granted roman citizenship to more people, julian calendar used for 1000 years

Who teamed up to find Ceasar's killers but eventually fought each other.

Marc Antony and Octavian