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13 Cards in this Set

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Define the term “Extreme Caution”.

Extreme caution is defined as being able to stop the train in half the distance that can be seen ahead, not exceeding 25km/h or the posted track speed if that is the lesser, and always being prepared to find the section ahead occupied, obstructed or the track damaged.

Yes/ no.

Is the driver permitted to pass a signal at stop when knowing there is a preceding train in the section ahead?


Yes/ no.

Is the driver permitted to pass an automatic signal at stop if he considers that the trains speed cannot be controlled?


What must a driver do if distracted when operating a train after passing an automatic signal at stop?

Stop, contact applicable train controller.

For what distance must the train be operated with extreme caution after passing a signal at stop?

Through the entire section until the next fixed signal.

When can you the driver increase speed if the next fixed signal is at proceed?

When the rear of the train has passed that signal.

When can the driver pass an automatic signal at stop if he has considered it to be unsafe to proceed?

•When the stop indication changes to a proceed. •When the driver considers the conditions have changed and is safe to proceed.

Who must the driver advise the train is stopped at an automatic signal at stop and it has been considered unsafe to proceed ?

The applicable Network Controller.

What action must a driver take if a co-acting signal displays two different indications?

A single light displayed?

A white light?

What information do you give the Network Controller

Stop, contact Network Controller.

Signal number.

What information do you give the ARTC Network Controller if your train is detained at a home signal.

•Signal post number. •Train location and identity. •Train origin and destination. • Train crew names (if required)

Controller will notify crew with reason and expected length of delay.

Interpret this signal.

Signal not in use.

Interpret this signal.

Signal not in use.

Black cross infront of signal.

When can you not pass a “Clear Normal Speed?”

When instructed the signal is defective.