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29 Cards in this Set

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Describe the procedure for an automatic signal at stop In ARTC territory.

•Driver must bring train to a stand for 30 seconds if signal is at stop.

•Enquire about the delay with control.

•Driver must advise Controller of signal number being passed at stop if deciding to pass.

•If automatic signal is still at stop after 30 seconds driver may proceed into section under Extreme Caution.

The speed of the train must not be increased til the whole of the train has cleared the signal with a proceed aspect.

Record Controllers name?

Don’t need to proceed if considers braking ability in consideration of gradient, defective/ isolated equipment, bad weather conditions, restricted visibility.

Describe the procedure for a 3 position automatic signal at stop in V-Line territory.

•Driver must bring train to a stand for 30 seconds if signal is at stop.

•Driver must contact 03 96103599 and listen to automated message. Upon completions the message driver provides name, lead number of vehicle operating and number of automatic signal.

•After satisfying that it is safe to pass, driver may proceed into section under Extreme Caution.

•If signal clears during phone call state “signal cleared”

Don’t need to proceed if considers braking ability inconsideration of gradient, defective/ isolated equipment, bad weather conditions, restricted visibility.

May proceed if signal aspect changes or safe to do so.

The speed of the train must not be increased til the whole of the train has cleared the signal with a proceed aspect.

Train stopped at a two position automatic signal protecting a level crossing V-Line territory.

Eg. Train orders, train staff.

•Driver must bring train to a stand for 30 seconds if signal is at stop.

•After satisfied that it is safe to pass, driver may proceed towards level crossing using whistle frequently, but must not enter until activated and level for 25 seconds.

•May resume normal speed after locomotives have passed through level crossing.

•Notify control to cover your arse.

Rail traffic movements operating within a defined worksite limits.

Eg. Absolute occupations, booked out track, a permit to foul the line, track warrant working, track force protection.

The Track Force Protection Coordinator must contact 03 96103599 and listen to the automated message.

The TFPC must provide -

The TFPC’s name, Absolute Occupation circular and number of automatic signal at stop.

What is Rule 1 Section 3 Extreme Caution?

Extreme Caution is being able to stop the train in half the distance that can be seen ahead, not exceeding 25km/h or the posted track speed if that is the lesser, and always being prepared to find the section ahead occupied or obstructed or the track damaged.

Train stopped at a two position automatic signal protecting a level crossing ARTC.

Train Order Working - Maroona to Portland only.

•Driver must bring train to a stand for 30 seconds if signal is at stop.

•If satisfied it is safe to pass,driver may move cautiously forward until level crossing has activated and level for 30 seconds.

•Driver to use whistle frequently.

•May resume normal speed after locomotives have passed through level crossing.

When a train is detained at a dwarf or disc signal V-Line territory.

Stop is indicated by a red disc/ light, Proceed is indicated by the disc being turned off or a green light at night.

•Driver must sound a long whistle. •If the signal remains at stop, driver must contact the signaller to advise the detention. •Signaller must advise reason for delay and likely duration. •Train Controller must be informed if signaller cannot be contacted.

A competent employee must check hand points are set correctly, if line is occupied employee must be in a position to protect the obstruction with a hand signal.

1. When the signal is defective and the signaller gives authority.

2. When authorised by the pilot to enter the section where double line traffic is worked over a single line during repairs or obstruction.

Signaller must

Signal Passed At Danger (SPAD) or Limit Of Authority Overrun.

•Immediately stop train if SPAD has occurred or is suspected. •Inform Controller and follow •Secure and remain with train until relieved or directed by train control and confirmed with IPS. •Submit drug and alcohol impairment assessment. •Complete all relevant documentation. •Do not move train unless authorised and feeling capable and not traumatised by the occurrence. •If authorised, the conditions for movement must be confirmed and repeated between Driver and Controller.

Describe the three exceptions to passing a home signal at stop on ARTC.

•The signal is defective and the signaller gives authority.

•The home signal is controlled by a track circuit and a calling on or a low seed is not provided and a train needs to enter a part of the line that is occupied by another train. (Must be piloted in by competent person)

•Authorised by the pilot to enter the section where traffic of a double line is being worked over a single line during repairs or obstruction.

Detention at 2 position signals controlled by V-Line passenger Brooklyn Area Controller.

Issued verbally, signaller asks for drivers name, signal post number, trains ID, trains originating location and destination.

Not required to write down contents of Caution Order but must record Controller’s name.

Detained at a starting signal.

•Sound long whistle.•If still at stop, driver must contact signaller and advise train ID, signal post number and position of the train.•Contact Controller If signaller cannot be contacted.

1. The signal is defective and the signaller gives verbal authority.

2. The points of sidings or crossover road are so close to the signal that it is necessary for the signal to be passed for station work, to perform the work drivers may pass the signal if directed by a signaller, either verbally or a green hand signal held steadily, driver must not proceed until proceed signal is exhibited by the starting signal.

3. Authorised by the pilot to enter the section where traffic of a double line is being worked over a single line during repairs or obstruction.

4. The starting signal is controlled by a track circuit on lines where double line block system is in force and a second train is required to enter a section to assist a disabled train.

5. If issued with an Annette key for an emergency crossover at Wallan.

Intermediate home signal on Automatic Block Signalling ABS V-Line.

Stop ring control “verbal authority”,write down Controller‘s name.

Exceptions to obeying disc or dwarf signals.

•Driver must sound a long whistle. •If the signal remains at stop, driver must contact the signaller to advise the detention. •Signaller must advise reason for delay and likely duration. •Train Controller must be informed if signaller cannot be contacted.

A competent employee must check hand points are set correctly, if line is occupied employee must be in a position to protect the obstruction with a hand signal.

1. When the signal is defective and the signaller gives authority.

2. When authorised by the pilot to enter the section where double line traffic is worked over a single line during repairs or obstruction.

Defective home signal Train Staff, Train Orders and Double Line Block, V-Line

Signaller’s Caution Order, form 2377.

Resume normal speed when clear of defined station limits-portion of line extending between home signals.

Between home arrival and the first automatic signal in advance of the home departure, or where the home departure is not provided, the first automatic ahead of home arrival.

Home signals are fixed at?

Stations, sidings, signal boxes, junctions, level crossings.

Are also placed to indicate the lines to which they apply.

Starting signals control the entrance of trains into the section ahead.

List exceptions to passing stop.

1. The signal is defective and the signaller gives verbal authority.

2. The points of sidings or crossover road are so close to the signal that it is necessary for the signal to be passed for station work, to perform the work drivers may pass the signal if directed by the signaller, either verbally or by a green hand signal held steady.

3. Authorised by a pilot to enter a section where the traffic of a double lone is being worked over a single line during repairs or obstruction.

4. The starting signal is controlled by a track circuit on lines where double line block system is in force and a second train is required to enter the section to assist a disabled train.

5. Wallan, emergency crossover, driver in possession of an Annette key.

Intermediate home signal on CTC.

Verbal authority.

Defective home signal secured at stop with a low speed attached.

Hand signaller not required where traffic can be worked by a calling on or low speed signal.

Automatic signal defective at stop. V/Line.

•Ring number and follow prompts.

•If unable to contact recoded message due to technical fault, driver may proceed under Extreme Caution but must contact Control at first available opportunity.

Driver must not pass signal under Extreme Caution if...

• if the line ahead is known or seen to be occupied, until the train ahead moves out of sight or out of the track section.

• assume that the signal being passed is defective, but must always consider the track ahead is occupied or damaged.

• be distracted whilst the train is in motion. The driver must bring the train to a stand before performing any other function.

• pass the signal unless the driver can exercise full control of the train.

Driver must not pass signal under Extreme Caution if...

• if the line ahead is known or seen to be occupied, until the train ahead moves out of sight or out of the track section.

• assume that the signal being passed is defective, but must always consider the track ahead is occupied or damaged.

• be distracted whilst the train is in motion. The driver must bring the train to a stand before performing any other function.

• pass the signal unless the driver can exercise full control of the train.

Driver considers it is unsafe because of-

• braking ability in consideration of the gradient to be travelled.

• defective or isolated equipment.

• extremely bad weather conditions.

• poor visibility.

• restricted visibility.

• fog.

Two position auto protecting a level crossing ARTC.

• Bring train to a stand for 30seconds.

•Driver may move cautiously forward until the boom barriers/ flashing lights activated.

•Must not proceed over crossing until equipment is operating and safe to do so.

•Use whistle frequently.

•Resume normal speed after locomotives have cleared the level crossing.

Disabled Train in Train Order Territory.

1. Complete a Driver’s Relief Authority.

2. Transmit the particulars by radio to the Train Controller and secure train.

3. When instructed by the Train Controller endorse the Train Order “Cancelled” with details of the DRA.

4. Proceed 500m towards the direction the relief train will arrive.

5. Display a red hand signal at that position.

6. Inform the Train Controller that the train is protected.

Total Obstruction Train Order Territory.

1. Complete DRA.

2. Train Controller will authorise train movements on either side of the obstruction through the issue of a Train Authority.

3. The driver of a relief train must collect Train Order and Driver’s Relief Authority from the driver of the obstructed train. The DRA must be cancelled and the Train Controller notified.

4. When the relief train has arrived complete at the originating station cancel Train Authority and give to Signaller with DRA and cancelled Train Order.


If more than one train is required to return on the wrong line to the location in the rear a Train Authority must be issued to the driver of each train.



ARTC - 1 Train Authority for all trains.

V-Line - 1 1 Train Authority per train.

Speed not too exceed 15km/h.

Train Authorities, how many reasons?

Assistance is required for a disabled train.

Authorising a train to set back to a location in the rear.

Working trains to and from a point of obstruction.

Driver must not pass any automatic signal if?

Pass the signal if the line ahead is known or seen to be occupied, until the train ahead moves out of sight or out of the track section.

Assume that the signal being passed is defective, but must always consider the track ahead is occupied, obstructed or damaged.

Be distracted whilst the train is in motion. The driver must bring the train to a stand before performing any other function.

Pass the signal unless the driver can exercise full control of the train.

If the driver considers it is unsafe, because of?

Defective or isolated equipment.

Extremely bad weather conditions.

Poor visibility.

Restricted visibility.


The driver does not have to pass the signal at Stop until the signal alters to a proceed indication or until it is safe to do so.

ABS territory, home signal controlled by ARTC.

Verbal caution order - driver’s name, signal post number, train’s if, train’s originating locations and destination.

Don’t need to write down content but may record controllers name.

Check points if control can’t determine which direction they lay.