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36 Cards in this Set

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4 main points that upset Germany helped to lead to WWII

Take the blame, make reparations, give land back- loss of all colonies, and reduction of military.


Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Italy switches, US joins

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy leaves, Ottoman Empire joins

When did the war begin?

July 28, 1914

When did the war end?

November 11, 1919

When did the US get involved?

April 6, 1917 the U.S. entered to join Britain, France, and Russia.

What two major events led up to the US joining the war?

Sinking of the Lusitania on May 7, 1915. American civilians were on the ship. Zimmerman telegram sent to Mexico by Germany, intercepted by Great Britain and given to US in February of 1917. America begins to mobilize for war, enters on April 6.

Why did Great Britain join the war?

Germany invaded Belgium, a neutral country.

What was the Schlieffen Plan and why did it not work?

Germany's plan to take over Europe, first step was to invade and defeat France, next step take over Russia. Didn't work because Russia mobilized quickly

What tactic was used to fight the war in the Western Front?

Major offensives, Trench warfare, which resulted in stalemate for 4 years. Between Germany and France

Why did some colonial subjects want to join in the war effort?

Because they were told they would get their freedom

Who received the largest portion of blame for the war?


Who gained control of Russia in 1917?

Bolsheviks and Lenin who became the communists also known as Reds

What treaty ended the war between Russia and Germany?

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Why did Russia want out of the war?

They were tired, hungry, and social unrest was within the country

What countries represented the Big 3 and what individuals represented them?

Georges Clemenceau represented France. Woodrow Wilson represented U.S., and David Lloyd George represented Britain

European colonies- what happens to them?

Joined the war but after it they remained colonies and did not gain their independence. Or if they were controlled by a losing country they ended up going to a winning country

Irish Americans, why did they oppose the war?

They were not happy that Great Britain has not given Ireland its complete independence

Eastern Front Fighting vs. Western Front Fighting

Eastern Front- Germany and Russia and fought hand to hand combat, advance used guns and tanks to take land.

Western Front- Germany and France and they used trenches to fight

Great Britain had the larges navy at the beginning of the war, why did it need a large navy?

Because it is an island and was its best form of protection

Who was the Provisional leader of Russia after WWI?


League of Nations- who came up with the plan? Why was it weak? What was the purpose?

President Wilson came up with it, the purpose was to keep the peace in Europe. The U.S. never joined because the Senate was afraid we would get pulled into another war that we did not want to be involved in.

First Battle of Marne- where is it? What was the outcome?

France, outside of Paris, Parisians get there by taxicabs

What was the women's role during the war?

Factory jobs, expected to help in the war effort, worked as nurses and secretaries.

The sinking of what ship encouraged the US to enter the war?


Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?


What were the two groups during the Russian Revolution?

Bolsheviks (Reds) and the Mensheviks (Whites)

Why did Russia enter into WWI?

Because Austria-Hungary declared war on little Serbia and Russia had promised to protect Serbia

Triple Alliance- what countries were in it?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Treaty of Versailles- what did it say?

Treaty to end WWI gave Germany long list of demands to "pay" back war

Zimmerman Note- what was it? Who was it between? What was promised?

Germany sent note to Mexico so it would distract the US, and promised to get land back from the US once the war was over if they helped

Schlieffen Plan- what was it? Why did it fail?

2 front wars, beat France then attack Russia, German's Plan, failed because Russia moved quickly


pride in one's own country

14 Points

President Wilson plan to end the war, his most important was the creation of the League of Nations (peace keeping organization), US never joined the League and we never signed the peace treaty


strait that gave Russia a warm water port, Black Sea to Mediterranean Sea, Battle of Galipoli was fought here for 10 months and the Allies end up just leaving

Total war

everything in society is put to the war effort