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42 Cards in this Set

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Muscle junction of Linea alba?

Extends from where to where?
Junction site between left and right rectus abdominis

Extends from xiphoid process past pubic symphasis
Name the 9 abdominal regions and their location?
(E) Epigastric – above stomach
(U) Umbilical – contains ubilicus
(P) Pubic – Pubic rim and bones, below ASIS

(RH, LH) Right and left hypochondrium - base of ribs
(RL, LL) Right and left lateral - between ribs and iliac crest
(RI, LI) Right and left inguinal – associated with inguinal ligament
Name the 1 vertical and 2 horizontal planes
Horizontal: Subcostal & Transtubercular

Vertical: Midclavicular
Name and describe the two layers of superficial fascia of anterior abdominal wall
Camper's fascia- Fatty layer & most superficial

Scarpa's fascia- Shiny membranous appearance & deeper layer
Which vertebral level nerve roots provide sensation to skin superior to umbilicus?
T7, T8 and T9
Which vertebral level nerve roots provide sensation to skin around umbilicus?
Which vertebral level nerve roots provide sensation to skin inferior to umbilicus?
T11, T12 and L1
(not directly on slide)
What are the 3 nerves of L1 and what do they run with and what kind of innervation do they provide?
Ilioinguinal nerve
Genitofemoral nerve
Iliohypogastric nerve

Ilioinguinal nerve- runs with inguinal ligament, provides cutaneous sensation to abdomen (L1)

Genitofemoral nerve- provides motor and sensory to L1-L2. Provides motor to muscles of spermatic cord

Iliohypogastric nerve- runs anteriorly down abdominal wall. Provides sensation to L1 area
Name the 4 muscles of the anterior abdominal wall
Rectus abdominis
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversus abdominis
What is function and innervation of Rectus abdominis?
Function: Flexes trunk. Sit ups. Compress abdomen for forced expiration

Innervation: Ventral rami of T6-T12 and L1
What is function and innervation of External oblique?
Function: Laterally flexes trunk. Bilaterally flexes trunk anteriorly. Compress abdomen for forced expiration

Innervation: ventral rami of T6-T12 and L1
What is function and innervation of Internal oblique?
Function: Laterally flexes trunk. Compress abdomen for forced expiration

Innervation: ventral rami of T6-T12 and L1
What is function and innervation of Transversus abdominis?
Function: Compress and support abdominal viscera. Compress abdomen for forced expiration

Innervation: ventral rami of T6-T12 and L1
*Where/what is the arcuate line?

What is the rectus sheath? Where does it extend?
The arcuate line is the inferior limit of the posterior wall of the rectus sheath. It is slightly discolored

Rectus sheat surrounds the rectus abdominis. It extends from the ribs to the pubic symphysis.
What is Transversalis fascia?
Loose connective fascia
Continuous along posterior aspect of anterior abdominal wall
It is the tendon that comes off each muscle and surrounds the rectus abdominis
Describe the changing composition of the aponeurosis of anterior abdominal wall?
Superior to the arcuate line, the internal oblique aponeurosis splits to envelope the rectus abdominis muscle. Inferior to the arcuate line, the internal oblique and transversus abdominis aponeuroses merge and pass superficial (i.e. anteriorly) to the rectus muscle

Therefore, inferior to the arcuate line, the rectus abdominis rests directly on the transversalis fascia.
What is the conjoint tendon?
Fusion between aponeurosis of the internal oblique
and aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis muscle
Where is the superficial ring of inguinal canal in relation to the canal?
Located near the opening of the inguinal canal, near the inguinal ligament
What differentiating structure runs through the superficial inguinal ring in males vs females?
In males: spermatic cord

In females: round ligament
What is the Gubernaculum? (may not need to know)
Gubernaculum - connective tissue cord running from testis to scrotum. Prior to descent, the gubernaculum terminates between the internal and external abdominal oblique muscles.
What are the 4 muscle layers (from superficial to deep) that become the Gubernaculum? (may not need to know)
External abdominal oblique
Internal abdominal oblique
Transversus abdominis
Transversalis fascia
What is the remains of the gubernaculum in both sexes?
Round ligament
What does Peritoneum coat?

How deep is it?
Visceral structures and body wall

Deepest layer
What CT is between the peritoneum and arcuate line?
Transversalis fascia
Where and what is contained within median umbilical fold?
It runs along midline of abdomen.

Contains urachus (allows urine to escape from embryo)
Where and what is contained within medial umbilical fold?
It runs in between median and lateral umbilical folds.

Contains umbilical ligament (leftover umbilical artery)
Where and what is contained within lateral umbilical fold?
It runs most laterally

Contains inferior epigastric artery and vein and is covered by peritoneum and fascia
What part of inguinal canal does testicular artery and vein exit?
Deep inguinal ring
What branches to the inferior epigastric artery and vein?
External iliac artery and vein.

The inferior epigastric artery runs superiorly
Describe the pathway of Direct inguinal hernias
It takes the shortest pathway
Describe the pathway of Indirect inguinal hernias
It takes the longer pathway
This hernia is due to muscle weakness from surgery.

*It is a 'potential' opening or weak zone
Direct inguinal hernia
*Direct inguinal hernia is ________ to the inferior epigastric artery and vein and runs into __________.

Inguinal triangle
*Indirect inguinal hernia is ________ to the inferior epigastric artery and vein and runs into __________.

Deep inguinal ring and entire inguinal canal
This hernia is equally common in males and females
Direct inguinal hernia
This hernia is Acquired
Direct inguinal hernia
This hernia is Congenital
Indirect inguinal hernia
This hernia runs through superficial ring only
Direct inguinal hernia
This hernia runs through deep ring, inguinal canal, and then superficial ring
Indirect inguinal hernia
This hernia is surrounded by peritoneum, transversalis fascia, external and cremasteric fascias, and ruptures patent process vaginalis
Indirect inguinal hernia
This hernia is more common in females
Indirect inguinal hernia
This hernia is surrounded by peritoneum, transversalis fascia & occurs outside the external and cremasteric fascias
Direct inguinal hernia