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58 Cards in this Set

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Give 1-2 definitions for gender roles.

(a) the rights and obligations assigned to each gender in a particular culture, or

(b) a culture's definitions of what is masculine and what is feminine

What is the term for the rights and obligations assigned to each gender in a particular culture?

gender roles

What is the term for a culture's definitions of what is masculine and what is feminine?

gender roles

define sex roles

traits of maleness and femaleness

What is the term for the traits of maleness and femaleness?

sex roles

Are gender roles biological or cultural?


Are sex roles biological or cultural?


Which tend to be more universal: gender roles or sex roles?

sex roles

What is the sociological problem that arises with the establishment of gender roles?


What do sociologists believe is the reason for inequity between the two main genders (and the reason that women are at a disadvantage in the USA)?

stereotyping is the reason for this.

What kind of general kind of personality traits does USA society expect women to have?


Name 3-14 examples of specific, stereotypical traits that USA society expects women to have.

artistic, caring, compassionate, dependent, domestic, impulsive, loving, nonmechanical, nurturing, passive, patient, sensitive, submissive, understanding

What kind of general kind of personality traits does USA society expect men to have?


Name 3-15 examples of specific, stereotypical traits that USA society expects men to have.

action-oriented, assertive, athletic, authoritarian, competitive, dependent when they have the sniffles (a "man cold"), dominant, goal-oriented, independent, insensitive, logical, mechanical, protective, sexual, territorial

Describe the practice of raising a child androgynously

raising the child without bias towards any socially-assigned gender traits

(A.H. editorial: the instructor and many dictionaries get the actual definition of "androgyny" wrong. It is actually the state of having a blend of masculine and feminine traits. Most dictionaries mislabel this as "maleness and femaleness" instead, which are biological, not cultural.)

In the USA, members of which 3 classes are more likely to attempt raising a child androgynously?

upper-upper, lower-upper, and and upper-middle classes (the top 3)

What are the 3 theories of how we learn gender roles, in quasi-chronological order?

Social Learning Theory, Modeling Theory, and Cognitive Development Theory

(Mnemonic: Social Learners Model Cognitive Development.)

Explain Modeling Theory.

Children will model their behavior after (or copy the behaviors of) one or more other persons.

What theory asserts that children will copy the behaviors of one or more other persons?

Modeling Theory

In modeling theory, whom do little boys copy, and whom do little girls copy?

older boys and older girls, respectively

Explain Cognitive Development Theory in regards to gender.

Once kids learn what gender they are, they actively pursue behaviors associated with that gender.

What theory asserts that Once kids learn what gender they are, they actively pursue behaviors associated with that gender?

Cognitive Development Theory

What does Cognitive Development Theory assert will happen after a child has begun to model their behavior after others, and what is the main characteristic of that behavior?

(a) They will continue to copy those behaviors, thus behaving in (b) stereotypical ways.

Explain Social Learning Theory.

It asserts that we learn through positive reinforcements and rewards.

What theory asserts that we learn through positive reinforcements and rewards?

Social Learning Theory

According to Social Learning Theory, what happens in order for a behavior to be learned?

It must be rewarded (which is a form of positive reinforcement).

In what way does the average USA family reinforce gender stereotypes in girls?

They are more protective of them.

In what 3 areas does the average USA family treat boys and girls differently?

assignment of household chores, choices of toys to provide, and selection of bedroom decorations

How do friends usually reinforce gender stereotypes in USA children?

They use ridicule, often in large quantities, to discourage gender non-conformant behaviors.

With regard to gender stereotypes, How do peer groups usually treat boys, and how is this different from the way they treat girls?

Boys put a lot of pressure on other boys to behave in masculine ways. This is not as true (pronounced?) as it is for girls.

What are the 2 strongest mass media for reinforcing gender stereotypes in the USA? What category of mass media is less potent, but still pervasive?

(a) Movies and TV shows are the strongest.

(b) Periodicals (magazines and newspapers) are pervasive, but not as strong.

What component (or aspect) of nearly all mass media reinforce gender stereotypes?


Regarding gender stereotypes, what phenomenon does careful observation of advertisements reveal?

It shows that we have a tendency to give masculine and feminine traits to inanimate objects.

(It also reinforces some activities as being performed exclusively by men or exclusively by women.)

In what 2 ways does the average USA family reinforce gender stereotypes in boys?

They encourage boys to be more independent and exploratory.

For what do sociologists feel that gender stereotypes are responsible?

placing women at a disadvantage (and that there is inequity between the two genders)

What are the 2 major disparities between most men and women in the USA?

Men have more options, while women have to make more sacrifices.

How do the following concepts tend to relate?

control, exhibiting power, less powerful people, more powerful people, and simple (non-aggressive) touch

The more powerful people exhibit their power and sometimes control over the less powerful people by simply touching them. (For example, my boss may touch me, and ask, "How are things going?" However, I would never touch my boss and ask the same.)

How do the behaviors of most men and women differ in regards to using simple, power-asserting touch?

Men touch women more in this way than vice versa.

Of might simply touching something be a symbol?

It might be a symbol of asserting possession over the thing being touched (as if to say, "This is mine.")

Besides using simple touch, how do many

men associate women as possessions?

They often refer to inanimate objects as "she" (and the other feminine pronouns).

Which gender typically takes up more space when posturing, sitting, and standing: men or women?


Of what is taking up (more) physical space a symbol?


What typically happens if a man assumes a posture that takes up a lot of space? What typically happens if a women does the same?

(a) A man attracts little or no attention, whereas (b) a woman who does this may get a great deal of unwanted attention.

Of what is spitting in public a symbol?

marking territory

What gender typically spits more in public: men or women?


Who typically controls the conversation when a man and a woman converse? Who typically verbalizes more in quantity?

(a) The man typically controls the conversation, even though (b) the woman might actually speak more words. (Talking more does not usually lead to control.)

In what 2 ways does a typical USA man control a conversation with a woman?

By being less attentive and by interrupting the woman more

How exactly does being less attentive in a conversation exert power?

It forces others to repeat themselves.

What does interrupting someone usually imply?

The interruptor has something more important to say than the person who was interrupted.

What 2 terms are used to describe the kinds of speech that (a) men and (b) women in the USA typically have?

(a) Men use report-talk, while (b) women use rapport-talk. (The T in "rapport" is silent.)

define report-talk

Speech that is focused on facts

What is the term for Speech that is focused on facts?


define rapport-talk

Speech that is focused on emotions and interpersonal relationships (e.g., family)

What is the term for Speech that is focused on emotions and interpersonal relationships?


define "the glass ceiling"

the false ceiling (level) above which women and other minority groups are rarely promoted in the business world

What is the term for the level above which women and other minority groups are rarely promoted in the business world?

the glass ceiling

(a) Explain why women still have lower prestige and power, despite having earned 57% of all bachelor's degrees in the USA and 60% of all master's degrees in the USA at a recent point in time. (b) What concept underlies this reason?

(a) The choices in those degrees lead women away from paths of higher prestige and power. (Quantity is not "quality" (for some sufficiently twisted definition of quality).)

(b) gender tracking

What do sociologists suspect is the primary reason that women in the USA still only receive 72% of the pay that men receive, on average, for the same job, same educational experience, and same work experience?

They believe this is because women tend to avoid expressing dissatisfaction over pay for a job (both starting pay and raises).