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24 Cards in this Set

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group consisting of exactly 2 members
group consisting of 3 members
triadic segregation
the tendency for triads to separate into a pair and an isolate
group size effects
the effects of group number on group behavior independent of the personality characteristics of the members themselves
primary group
a group consisting of intimate, face-to-face interaction and relatively long lasting relationships
secondary groups
those that are larger in membership, less intimate, and less long-lasting
expressive needs
intimacy, companionship, and emotional support
instrumental needs
task oriented needs
reference group
those to which you may or may not belong but use as a standard for evaluating your values, attitudes, and behaviors
attribution theory
the principle that we all make inferences about the personalities of others, such as concluding what the other is "really like"
attribution error
errors made in attributing causes for people's behavior or membership in a particular group
social network
set of links between individuals, between groups, or between other social units
tendency for group members to reach a consensus opinion, even if that decision is downright stupid
risky shift
the general tendency for groups to be more risky than individuals taken singly
the sense that one's self has merged with the group
formal organization
large secondary group, highly organized to accomplish a complex task or tasks and to achieve goals efficiently
normative organizations
pursue goals they consider worthwhile
coercive organizations
characterized by membership that is largely involuntary
total institution
an organization that is cut off from the rest of society and one in which resident individuals are subject to strict social control
large organizations that individuals join for specific purposes
type of formal organization characterized by an authority hierarchy, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality
What are the characteristics of a bureaucracy?
1. High degree of division of labor and specialization.
2. Hierarchy of authority
3. Rules and regulations
4. Impersonal relationships
5. Career Ladders
6. Efficiency
When the problems of bureaucracy can have effects on the total society
What are the 4 dimensions of the McDonaldization process?
1. Efficiency
2. Calculability
3. Predictability
4. Control