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40 Cards in this Set

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scientific study of society
law of the three stages
Auguste Comte's view that ideas, and society as a whole, pass through three stages:the theological, where religious ideas dominate; metaphysical, where systematic thought is stressed; and positivistic, where science comes to dominate
here thought about the world is dominated by considerations of the supernatural, religion, and God
appeals to the supernatural are replaced by philosophical thought about the essence of phenomena and by the development of mathematics, logic and other neutral thought systems
science, or careful observation of empirical facts and the systematic testing of theories with facts become the dominant modes for accumulating knowledge
basic methods thought by Comte that could be used for testing theories
observation of social world, experimentation, comparison, historical
pathologies that arise in the "body social"(deviance, crime, violence, etc) could be used to better understand what is normal or healthy in society
ideas move through three stages-theological, metaphysical, and positivistic-at different rates for each major domain of the universe which sciences move in what order?
astronomy and physics first, then chemistry and biology, and finally sociology emerges as last mode of thinking to enter the positivistic stage
hierarchy of the sciences
sciences ranked in terms of their complexity and their movement into the positivistic stage-math=bottom, top=sociology emerging from biology
as a hard science sociology could have an engineering application which is?
the laws of sociology could be used to reconstruct society
basic issue of sociological analysis is study of?
complexity-as societities evolve they become more differentiated
societies reveal more types of groups, organizations, communities, social classes, subcultures, and in general, they evidence many new lines of division
complex and differentiated societies need to be?
integrated-there must be forces holding all of the differentiated parts of society together
How was society to be intergrated
three basic mechanisms-1)mutual interdependence in which different parts of society depend on each other for resources, with this coordination of diverse elements of society could be achieved, 2)centralization and concentration of power in government could serve to coordination the parts of society, 3)development of a common culture could also hold diverse members and groups in society together because believe in same things and see world in common light
Harriet Martineau
translated and condensed Comte's large Course of Positive Philosophy into English in 1853, mos-read intellectual of her time
Spencer's Synthetic Philosophy
All realms of universe understood with common set of "1st principles"-realms-ethics, physics, biology, psychology, and sociology
superorganic realm
study of patterns of relations among organisms
How did Harriet Martineau view the world as composed of?
cultural values, beliefs, and norms(morals) that proscribed and directed individual behavior and provided guidance for associates among individuals(manners)
Martineau believed society should be treated as?
"thing" just like any other object in the universe; it becomes possible to engage in scientific study
The Englightment
thinkers concerned about natural rights of humans in face of oppressive political regimes
Englightenment fuled by?
federal states being broken up; market relations increasing, urbanization accelerating, skepticism about religious view of world challenged church dogma, more medical practice explorations, industrialization
Adam smith's famous idea?
French Idea?
markets operating in terms of "law of supply and demand" create interdependencies that bind people together through invisible hand of order
2)common culture maintain system of "moral sentiments enabling people to cooperate because had common world view and values
the key functions that become distinguished along three lines when societies become more complex
the operative(reproduction and production), the distributive(the movement of materials and information), and the regulatory(the concentration of power to control and coordinate)
approach to the analysis of phenomena in terms of their consequences for the needs or requisite of the larger social whole in which they are located. This approach was first used in sociology by Herbert Spencer
Spencer opposed what?
British Colonialism and war making
Durkheim advocated?
the search for sociological laws, echoing Montesquieu's, Comte's, Spencer's, and Martineau's view that society can be studied as a thing.
she argued for a sociology that could be used to build a better society
Durkeim's approach?
functional, arguing that sociological explanations must seek to discover how an element of the social world fulfills a need of society-the need to integrate members of society into a coherent whole
collective conscience
Emile Durkheim's term for systems of cultural symbols that people in a society share and use to regulate their affairs
Means of producation
Karl Marx's term for the nature and organization of the economy in a society
Karl Marx;s label for the material, economic base that influences other aspects of a society
Karl Marx's term for those structures and cultural systems determined by the economic base of a society
conflict theory
all patterns of social organization reveal conflict-producing inequalities, where those who own or control resources can consolidate power and develop legitimating ideologies to maintain their privilege and where those without resources eventually become oriented to conflict with the more privileged
conflict of interest
Karl Marx's term for the basic tension and incompatibility of goals between those who control resources and those who do not
critical theorists
wish to intervene in the social world as activists
objective and neutral on moral matters
Mead drew from which sociologists
Charles Horton Cooley and William James, and pragmatism(emphasizing that the basic force of life is adjustment and adaptation
take on the role of the other, able to anticipate other's repsonses
symbolic interactionism
approach to the analysis of social phenomena, inspired by early American philosophers and sociologists, that stresses the importance of understanding the dynamics of face-to-face contact and interaction among individuals
use of sociological concepts and theories to reconstruct social arrangements
Jane Adams argued
the understanding of society and the person come only from knowledge about how these sites are organized, how they related to each other, and how they constrain the individuals who move through them