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46 Cards in this Set

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What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
To keep the balance of slave states and free states even and to set a plan for future states.
What did the Missouri Compromise do?
The Missouri Compromise admitted missouri (slave) and maine (free) at the same time so they could have a balance in Congress and it set up a 36degree30' line of latitude.
Who created the Missouri Compromise?
Henry Clay
Who created the compromise of 1850?
Well, Henry Clay originally created a plan but Steven Douglas took the plan and divided it into 5 seperate parts to be voted on equally.
How did sectionalism lead to a civil war?
It created North vs. South sort of atmosphere and they were competing for everything.It further divided the union.
What was the Kansas/Nebraska Act?
Steven Douglas wanted to expand U.S. states for the railroad system. He proposed making the states Kansas and Nebraska, but both of the states would fall north of the 36degree30' latitude. In order to please both the north and the south, Douglas proposed throwing away the missouri compromise line of latitude and letting the states decide for themselves if they wanted slaves or not.
Who wrote uncle toms cabin?
Harriet Beecher Stowe.
What was the reselt of the kansas/nebraska act?
Kansas was voted a slave state, but the anti-slavery people refused to except the new laws created by the pro-slavery kansas goverment. THey created their own goverment with their own constitution and soon the two goverments in kansas started fighting each other (starting at the attack on lawrence)
Violence grew so much in kansas, it became known as -_________
Bleeding Kansas
Lincoln only scored 40% of the popular vote but won, how could this be?
The Democratic Party was split into three different groups. All the republicans voted for Lincoln but the democrats' votes were split between the threee canidates.
What were the states that joined the C.S.A. after south carolina?
Texas Louisiana Mississipi Alabama Florida and Georgia
Who was the first state to secede from the union?
South Carolina
Who ran under the democratic name in the election of 1860?
Bell, Breckinridge, and Douglas
Why was the Dred scott decision importannt?
It made people more aware of slavery and it backed up the south by saying that the constituion didn't prohibit slavery.
Who was responsible for the raid on harpers ferry?
John Brown
What were the states that joined the C.S.A. after south carolina?
Texas Louisiana Mississipi Alabama Florida and Georgia
Who was the first state to secede from the union?
South Carolina
Who ran under the democratic name in the election of 1860?
Bell, Breckinridge, and Douglas
Why was the Dred scott decision importannt?
It made people more aware of slavery and it backed up the south by saying that the constituion didn't prohibit slavery.
Who was responsible for the raid on harpers ferry?
John Brown
Who was beat with a cane in Kansas for giving a speech?
Charles Sumner
Who was involved in the beating of the cane?
Charles Sumner, Andrew Butler, Preston Brooks
Who won the Lincoln Douglas Debates?? (who won the election in 1858)
How was Lincoln also a winner in the debates even though he didn't technically win?
More people became aware of Lincoln and he became more well known/
When did the south offically secede?
December 20th, 1961
What was the attack on fort sumter?
The C.S.A. was trying to take over a federal fort in south carolina. They were the first to shoot. The fighting lasted for two days before the union surrendered.
What was the result of the attack on fort sumter?
More states joined the confederacy. The civil war offically began.
What was Lincoln's response to the attack on fort sumter?
He issued for a call of 75,000 troops to help protect the union.
What was the result if you lived in the north and were found guilty of breaking the F.S.A.
Nothing really. Northern Judges refused to enforce the fugitive slave act or punish anyone for breaking it.
Why didn't Licoln do anything to stop the south (slavery)?
He didnt to make states leave the union and he thought that slavery would eventually fade on its own.
What was lincolns response to the south seceding?
He begged the south to come back with mixed words of peace and toughness. He vowed to hold federal property in the south but at the same time he also begged for reconciliation.
What were the five parts of the compromise of 1850?
1) California would be admitted as a free state
2) New Mexico wouldn't have any restrictions of slavery
3) Slave trade would be banned in the district of Columbia.
4)The Texas/New Mexico border dispute would be held in favor of New Mexico
5) The Fugitive Slave Act would be enforced.
Who ruled on the dred scott decision?
Robert B. Taney
What was Steven Douglas' response to slavery?
popular soverignity
When was the attack on fort sumter?
the day after lincoln was sworn in.
Where did the Lincoln-Douglas debates take place?
What did the Dred Scott decision mean for those who opposed slavery?
They couldn't do anything about slavery.
The Navy supports the Overseas Duty Support Program by meeting which of the following goals?
1. Increasing command knowledge, readiness, and effectiveness in
the ODSP
2. Improving individual and family experiences in the unique environment of the host country
3. Developing and maintaining
positive relations between the
Navy and the countries in which the Navy operates
4. Each of the above
Each of the above
Chapter 6 - Programs and Policies; Chapter 7 - Military Requirements
What election did James Buchanan win?
election of 1856
WHen was the republican party created>
Who was the southern party and who was the northern party?
The southern party was the Democrats and the northern party was the republicans.
What was the goal of the republican party?
to end slavery
Who were the know-nothings?
neither republican nor democrat, just the american party.
Why was the election of 1856 important?
It was the first election between the republicans and the democrats.
What was the overall cause of the Kansas-Nebraska act?
more and more division
What was the cause of the civil war? (main points)
-Slave's rights