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179 Cards in this Set

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4 reasons for exploration/colonization of the new world





What date was Jamestown founded?


What date was Plymouth founded?


What idea did the Mayflower Compact establish?

self government

What is the significance of the Virginia House of Burgesses?

first representative assembly

What are the New England Colonies?





What are the Middle Colonies?





What are the Southern Colonies?






The Middle Colonies were also known as the what?

Breadbasket colonies

What was the economy like in the New England Colonies?




What was the economy like in the Middle Colonies?

Exporting Grains

What was the economy like in the Southern Colonies?

cash crops


What encouraged slavery in the Southern colonies?

cheap labor to grow cash crops

What invention expanded the desire for more slaves in the south?

Cotton Gin

Slaves being transported from Africa to the West Indies was called what?

Middle Passage

What was the cause of the French and Indian War?

Control of the fur trade

How did Britain pay for the French and Indian War?


What kept colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains?

Proclamation line of 1763

Britain imposing taxes on sugar was called?

Sugar Act

Britain imposing a tax on legal documents was called?

Stamp Act

Britain imposing taxes on household items was called?

Townshend Acts

Which act closed the port of Boston?

Intolerable Acts

How did the Colonists react to the Tea Act?

Boston Tea Party

What was the most successful form of protest against Britain's economic policies?


What year was the Declaration of Indpenedence written?


What was the first battle of the American Revolution?

Lexington and Concord

What was the turning point of the American Revolution?


Why was Saratoga the turning point of the American Revolution?

France and Spain supported the Patriots

What was the last major battle of the American Revolution?


What ended the American Revoltuion?

Treaty of Paris 1783

Who said that government is developed by the consent of the people?

John Locke

Philosopher that defined the principle of checks and balances?

Charles de Montesquieu

Known as the father of the Bill of Rights

George Mason

This limited the power of the King of England in 1215

Magna Carta

Led the Patriots to victory during the American Revolution and later became the first president

George Washington

Leader of the Sons of Liberty

Samuel Adams

First Secretary of Treasury, authored many of the Federalist papers

Alexander Hamilton

Opposed the ratification of the Constitution and said, "Give me liberty. Or give me death!"

Patrick Henry

Father of the Constitution, wrote for the Federlist papers, and later became the 4th president

James Madison

Wrote Common Sense encouraging America to go to war with England

Thomas Paine

Supporter of Women's rights and the wife of John Adams

Abagail Adams

African American who made a midnight ride warning the British were coming

Wentworth Cheswell

Published plays, books, and poetry in support of American Indpendence

Mercy Otis Warren

African-American who was a spy during the American Revolution

James Armistead

Spaniard who held off the British in New Orleans during the American Revolution

Bernardo de Galvez

American Hero and Martyr of the Boston Massacre

Cripus Attucks

Polish Jew who spied for Americans and helped finance the Patriot cause

Haym Salomon

French Noble who helped American during the Revolutionary war

Marquis de Lafayette

Founder of the U.S. Navy. Led raids on British ships and famous for yelling, "I have not yet begun to fight."

John Pual Jones

King of England during the American Revolution

King George III

First attempt at a National government by the American Colonies. Lacked a strong central government

Articles of Confederation

Delegates met in Philadelphia to revise the Article of Confederation

Constitutional Convention

The group that opposed the ratification of the constitution because it had no Bill of Rights

Anti Federalists

The group that supported the ratification of the Constitution


England Impressed (kidnapped) sailors and forced them into the British Navy was a cause of what war?

War of 1812

Americans feeling more Patriotic about their country was an effect of what war?

War of 1812

The government was created by the people in order to govern themselves. In other words people voting

Popular Sovereignty

Desires of people are represented in government by elected representatives


power of the government is shared between the states and national government


Split the powers of the government into three branches

Seperation of Powers

Each branch makes sure the others are working the way they are supposed

Checks and Balances

Placed strict limits on government to protect the people

Limited Government

the first 10 amendments of the Constitution portec individuals rights against the power of the government

Individual Rights

Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, Petition, and Assembly

1st amendment

Right to bear arms

2nd amendment

No quartering of troops

3rd amendment

protection from unreasonable search and seizures

4th amendment

right to a speedy trial

6th amendment

right to trial by jury in civil cases

7th amendment

No cruel and unusual punishment

8th amendment

Protection of rights not stated in the constitution

9th amendment

Powers not listed to to the states

10th amendment

Encouraged NO political parties and for American to stay nuetral

George Washigton

Signed the Alien and Sedition Acts

John Adams

Purchased the Louisana territory from France which doubled the size of the US

Thomas Jefferson

President during the War of 1812

James Madison

Doctrine that stated the US would not allow any European country to create new colonies anywher in North or South American

Monroe Doctrine

Which war did Mexico give up the Mexican Cession helping America to complete Manifest Destiny.

Mexican American War

An economy that begins to be based on factories rather than farming is known as


What part of the country were the factories located?


America only being able to trade with England is called what?


The idea that America is destined to go from the Atlantic to the Pacific is called what?

Manifest Destiny

Land purchased from Mexio used to complete the transcontinental railroad

Gadsden Purchase

The territory that was given to the US by Spain in 1819


What was the social movement to end slavery?

Abolition Movement

What was the movement that sought equal treatment of women?

Women's Rights

What was the social movement to stop drinking alcohol?

Temperance Movement

Wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which portrayed slavery in the South

Harriett Beecher Stowe

The person that created "The Liberator", and abolitionist newspaper

William Lloyd Garrison

Former slave and conductor of the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

What's it called when each section of the country places its own interests above the country as a whole?


At the time of the Civil War, what did the North rely on for its economy?


At the time of the Civil War, what did the South rely on for its economy?


What was the conflict called between pro-slavery and anti-slavery people in Kansas?

Bleeding Kansas

Which Act declared that slavery in each territory was to be decided by popular sovereignty?

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Who was an American essayist who wrote about Civil Disobedience?

Henry David Thoreau

Former slave who fought for women's rights and abolition of slavery

Sojourner Truth

Author of declaration of the rights of women

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Father of Public Education

Horace Mann

What is the idea that as many people as possible should be allowed to vote

Jacksonian Democracy

Which war was fighting between the North and South over the issue of slavery and states rights?

Civil War

What are the dates of the Civil War?


Who was president of the United States during the Civil War and gave the emancipation proclamation?

Abraham Lincoln

Who was president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

Who was the commanding Union General that led the north to victory during the Civil War

Ulysses S. Grant

Who was the commanding Confederate General during the Civil War

Robert E. Lee

Who was the first state to secede from the Union?

South Carolina

Where were the first shots of the Civil War?

Fort Sumter

Which battle was the single bloodiest battle of the Civil War


Which battle gave the Union full control of the Mississippi River?


After which battle did Lincoln give his famous address to honor the dead union soldiers and said the Union was worth fighting for?


Where did Robert E. Lee surrender to the Union?

Appomattox Courthouse

This freed all slaves in the Southern States during the Civil War

Emancipation Proclamation

Who was president during Reconstruction after Lincoln's death?

Andrew Johnson

What group wanted to punish the South after the Civil War?

Radical Republicans

This amendment gave freedom to all slaves in the United States


This amendment made all former slaves American Citizens


This amendment allowed all former slaves the right to vote


Who was the first black citizen to be elected to the U.S Senate during reconstruction?

Hiram Rhodes Revels

Militant Abolitionist who led the raid on Harper's Ferry

John Brown

Vice President of the US who created the doctrine of nullification?

John C. Calhoun

idea that a state government could nullify or ignore a federal law that they feel unfairly hurts their state


This woman fought to improve the care of the mentally ill

Dorthea Dix

Writer and a poet who popularized the idea of transcendantalism

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Invented the Cotton Gin and interchangeable parts

Eli Whitney

6th presdient of the United States who opposed pro-slavery messages

John Quincy Adams

Representative and senator who was known to be against topics of states rights and nullifcation

Daniel Webster

7th president of the US, became a hero after the Battle of New Orleans, and ordered the trail of tears.

Andrew Jackson

Inventor of the telegraph

Samuel Morse

Inventor of the Steel Plow

John Deere

Believed in a strong national government


Political Parties emerged because of what disagreement

power of the federal governement

This political party believed in strong state governments, lower taxes, and supported agriculture


The political party that opposed Jackson's policies.


This modern political party began with the election of Andrew Jackson


This modern political party formed before the Civil War as an anti-slavery party


Established Judicial Review

John Marshall

Made the Supreme court what it is today allowing them to determine if a law is Unconstitutional

Judicial Review

Which case said the Supreme Court ahd the right to review all laws made by Congress

Marbury v. Madison

The Cherokee Nation suing Georgia to keep thier lands was which Supreme Court case?

Worcester v. Georgia

Which Supreme Court case said a state could not tax a national bank and increased the power of the national government?

McCulloch v. Maryland

Which Supreme Court case said the federal government had the power to regulate trade between states?

Gibbons v. Ogden

Which Supreme Court case said that African-Americans were not citizens of the US?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Established government for the Northwest Territory and described how a territory becomes a state.

Northwest Ordinance

Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state

Missouri Compromise

Preserved balance of free and slave states and said that congress would not regulate slavery in territories

Compromise of 1850

Land grants that established agricultural-universities

Morrill Act

Indian policy that broke up reservations into individual land plots

Dawes Act

Law that person could claim 160 acres of land in the western territories

Homestead Act

Act that helped slave owners recover their runaway slaves from the North

Fugitive Slave Act

Henry Clay's compromise to end the nullification crisis when the tariff would be lowered

Nullification Compromise

Was a government compromise that spread slavery further in the country

Kansas Nebraska Act

The movement to end slavery


When goods are prevented from going into or out of an area


A refusal to buy certain goods


Economic system in which England controlled trade of the colonies


The right to vote


Individual people and NOT the government control the economy

Free Enterprise System

Land bought by the US in 1803 from France

Louisiana Purchase

The name given to the idea that the United States was destined to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean

Manifest Destiny

Set up a method by which the United States territory could grow and expand in an orderly manner

Northwest Ordiance

taxes on imported goods that are designed to help United States companies compete in the sale of goods

Protective Tariffs

Forced on this trail after Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 into law

Trail of Tears

Rights that cannot or should not be taken away by a government

unalienable rights

A philosophy emphasizing the spirtual importnace in life over the material importance


The idea that citizens have the right to privacy and independence from government control

Laissez Faire

The railroad line that linked the well-developed railway network of the East Coast with rapidly growing California

Transcontinental Railroad

Social process where cities grow and societies become more urban


Plan made republicans in Congress to reconstruct the south after the Civil War

Radical Reconstruction

The refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands such as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes

Civil Disobedience

To withdraw formally from an alliance, federation, or association


Large scale introduction of manufacturing into an area of the country


A period of great revivalism in the 18th century where it put a greater importance on the individual and their spiritual experience

First Great Awakening

A period of religious revivalism in the 19th century that focused on reform and repairing moral injustices

Second Great Awakening

This plan stated that each state would have a different number of representatives based on the state's population

Viriginia Plan

This plan stated that the number of representatives would be the same for each state

New Jersey Plan

This called for a bi-cameral Congress with population based on representation in the house and equality in the Senate

Great Compromise

A native white Southern who collaborated with the radical republicans during Reconstruction, often for personal gain


A Northerner who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the unsettled social and political conditions of the area during Reconstruction.
