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16 Cards in this Set

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A hostile or negative attitude toward a distinguished group of people, based solely on their membership in that group
Unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because of his or her membership in that group
Out-Group Homogeneity
The perception that individuals in the out-group are more similar to each other (homogeneous) than they really are, as well as more similar that they members of the in-group are
Illusory Correlation
The tendency to see relationships, or correlations, between events that are actually unrelated
Ultimate Attribution Error
The tendency to make dispositional attributions about an entire group of people
Stereotype Threat
The apprehension experienced by members of a minority group that their behavior might confirm a cultural stereotype
Blaming the Victim
The tendency to blame individuals (make dispositional attributions) for their victimization, typically motivated by a desire to see the word as a fair place
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
The case whereby people (1) have an expectation about what another person is like, which (2) influences how they act toward that person, which (3) causes that person to behave in a way consistent with people’s original expectations
Realistic Conflict Theory
The idea that limited resources lead to conflict between group and result in increased prejudice and discrimination
The tendency for individuals, when frustrated on unhappy, to displace aggression onto groups that are disliked, visible, and relatively powerless
Institutionalized Racism
Racist attitudes that are held by the vase majority of people living in a society where stereotypes and discrimination are the norm
Institutionalized Sexism
Sexist attitudes that are held by vast majority of people living in a society where stereotypes and discrimination are the norm
Normative Conformity
The tendency to go along with the group in order to fulfill the group’s expectations and gain acceptance
Modern Racism
Outwardly acting unprejudiced while inwardly maintaining prejudiced attitudes
Mutual Interdependence
The situation that exists when two or more groups need each other and must depend on each other to accomplish a goal that is important to each of them
Jigsaw Classroom
A classroom setting designed to reduce prejudice and raise the self-esteem of children by placing them in small desegregated groups and making each child dependent on the other children in the group to learn the course material and do well in the class