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97 Cards in this Set

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Starboard hand buoy

Red-keep buoy on right side

Port hand buoy

Green... Kept in left side of craft

What is simple rule for returning

Red right returning

What type of numbers do port hand buoys have


Top mark of port hand buoy

Green cylinder

Light characteristic of port hand buoy

Flashing 4s ((FI) 4s) or Q 1s

If port hand doesn't have a light what sort of top does it have?

Flat top

What kind of numbers do starboard buoys have


What kind of top mark does starboard buoy have

Red cone with point

What sort of light characteristic does starboard buoy have

same as port

Biurfurcation buoys where to pass?

Can pass on either side but preferred way is demonstrated by top band

What does port hand day beacon look like

Green or black square on white with black coloured square ⬛ n middle

Starboard day beacon?

Red triangle with on white with red triangle in middle

North cardinal buoy discription

Two triangles pointed up, black and yellow. Black on top yellow on bottom. If no light spar shaped.

South cardinal buoy dscrpt

Two triangles pointed down. Yellow on top, black on bottom. Spar shaped if no light.

East cardinal buoy

Triangles bases conected. Black yellow black. Spar shaped.

West cardinal buoy

Hourglass triangles. Yellow, black yellow. Spar shaped if no light

north buoy light characteristics

1 flash every second or 10 flashes every 5 seconds

west buoy light characteristic

9 times in 15seconds or very quick flash 9 times every 10 seconds

east cardinal buoy light characteristic

3 times every ten seconds of very quick flash 3 flashes every 5 seconds

south cardinal buoy light characteristic

6 times every 15 seconds followed by single long flash. Or 6 flashes every 10 seconds plus 1 longer flash at the end of the cycle

Anchor buoy description

Yellow in colour. Anchor symbol. Flash yellow once every 4 seconds

Cautionary buoy

Yellow in colour. If they have a mark it would be an x. If it carries a light it will be yellow and flash once every 4 seconds.

Moorage buoy

Orange on top white on bottom

Control buoy

White in colour. Circle with orange bands above and below the circle. Indicates restricted boating. Sometimes figure inside circle describing why. Yellow flash every 4 s.

Hazard buoy

White in colour. Orange diamond with bands above and below. Flash yellow every 4 seconds

Info buoy

Contains a important info. White in colour. Orange square between two orange bands. Yellow light flash every 4 seconds.

Swimming buoy

White in colour. Spar. Yellow flash every 4 seconds

Keep out buoy

White the in colour. Orange diamond with orange t accross it. Yellow flash every 4 seconds.

Fiarway buoy

Red and white. White light l. Marks center of channel. Keep to left. One red ball in top.

Isolated danger buoy

Black red black with two black balls

Port bifurcation light light charactristic

Fl(2+1) every 6s

Starboard bifurcation buoy light charactitic

Light is red fl(2+1) 6s or FL(2+1) 10s

North cardinal light characteristic

1 per second or quick flash 10 flashes every 5 s

West cardinal light characteristic

9 times in 15 seconds or very quick flash 9 times every 10s

East cardinal light characteristic

3 times every 10 s or very quick flash 3 times every 5 s

South cardinal buoy

6 times in 15 seconds or very quick flash 6 times every 10 seconds plus 1 longer flash at end of each group.

Who has right away in restricted visability


Restricted visability what can't you do

Into alter to vessels abaft you beam

Alter to port

Determine if on collision course

Constant bearing decreasing range

Day shape for fishing vessel

Hour glass

Greater than 150 fishing net

Hour glass. With triangle on side of net greater than 150m

Vessel constrained by draft lights

3 red lights

Ball dayshape


Aground dayshape

3 balls

NUC dayshape

Two balls verticle line

Restricted in ability to maneuver dayshape

Ball diamond ball

Dayshape fishing


Towing dayshape greater than 200m


Sound signal for vessel at anchor

Short longs hort every 2 mins

Two short blasts

I want to pass you on my starboard side

3 short blasts

Engine is in reverse

5 short blasts

What are you intentions

Turning to starboard vessel sound

1 short blast

Turning to port sound signal

Two short blasts

1 prolonged blast

Vessel in fog power driven or approaching bend

Two prolonged blasts

Vessel stopped in fog

1 long blast then 2 short

In fog, NUC, Ram, sailboat, towing, fishing, constrained by draught.

Bell/gong 5s forward/aft every minute

At anchor greater than 100m

At anchor risk of collision in fog

Short long short

I intend to pass you in starboard sound signal

Long long short

I intend to overtake you on port

Long long short short

Bifurcation buoy light characteristic

2+1 flash every 6 seconds

Masthead lights degrees


Stern light degrees


Degrees of yellow towing light


Flashing light rule deinition

120 flashes or more per minute

Special flashing light

50-70 flashes per min placed far forward 180-225

Blue flashing light

All round 50-70 flashes per minute

Second headlight on vessel greater than 50 m must be...

Light abaft must be higher

Power driven vessel less than 12 m

Side lights and all around white light. Sidelights can be combined

Power driven vessels lights

Mast headlight, sidelights, Stern light

Towing sternligyt

Yellow above white sternlight

Partly submerged tow lights

Less than 25 m breadth. Lights at either end. More than 35 m in breadth: white lights at side extremities. If exceeds 100m length. Whiteights positioned no further than 100m apart

Vessel under oars lights

Same as sailing boat

Downward facing triangle sailboat

Power sailing

Not under Comand lights.. making way and not making way

Two reds.... With making way : side lights and Stern light too

RAM lights

Red White red

Mine clearing lightd

3 all round green lights t

Constrained by draught

3 all round red lights

Pilotage lights

White over red (pilots are bred)

Anchor lights <50<

1 all-round white. 2 all round white

Vessels aground lights

2 red lights and appropriate anchor lightd

Short blast

1 second duration

Long blast length

4-6 seconds

What sound should be made when power driven vessel is leaving dock or berth

Prolonged blast

Sound for power driven vessel underway but stopped (not making way)

2 prolonged blasts every 2 mins

Restricted visability sound

Prolonged blast every 2 mins

A vessel towed sound signal

One long three short

Anchor vessel sound

Ring bell rapidly every 1 minute

Anchor sound for vessel greater than 100m

Ring bell rapidly 5 seconds front then gong for 5 seconds in aft every minute

Horn blast sound for vessels at achor

1 short 1 long 1 short

Vessel aground sound signal

Same as prescribed vessel at anchor plus 3 district bell sound before and after

South cardinal buoy light charcteristic

Q(6)+LF(1) every 15 s or vq(6)+LF(1)

Red parachute flare charctristic

40s, 300m, 30000 candelas

Red multistar flre

2 or more 100m 4-5s

Red hand flare

Burns for at least 2 mins