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30 Cards in this Set

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Describe estimation
prediction of confidence intervals for parameters
Describe significance testing
judging whether sample evidence is consistent with a hypothesis
Describe the Poisson distribution
Discrete distribution
Shape - right-skewed to almost symmetrical
Describes the occurence of 'isolated events within a continuum'
Similar to binomial, but with infinite sample size
How is Poisson like binomial
Binomial - based on taking samples from a population who elements are of two types
Poisson - takes a sample from a population of elements of two types (split into events and the non-occurence of events
Applications of Poisson distribution
1. Arrival of telephone calls
2. Flaws in telegraph cable
3. Mechanical breakdown of machinery
4. Clerical errors
The Poisson distribution is derived from ...
the binomial.
What is key assumption for Poisson distribution?
Sample is taken at random.
What are the two tests to check whether the Poisson is applicable?
1. Actual situation is compared qualitatively with that on which the distribution is based
2. Some observed data are compared with what is theoretically expected.
When can the Poisson approximate the binomial?
When the sample is large and the proportion is small. n > 20 and p < 0.05
Define Degrees of Freedom
The number of observations that are free to vary in estimating a parameter from a sample.
Describe the significance of the Degrees of Freedom
the degrees of freedom associated with the estimate of a parameter is the sample size minus the number of observations used up because of the need to measure other statistics (exception - mean - equals sample) e.g. for standard deviation, the degrees of freedom are n - 1. In other cases, may be more than 1.
Describe t-Distribution
the t-distribution overcomes the the sample size restriction of the standard distribution, thereby allows small sample work to be done.
Characteristics of t-distribution
Long tails
Similar to normal distribution
Shape is symmetrical
For sample sizes of >30, t-dist and normal coincide (to good approx).
Situations where t-distributions occur.
Used in place of the sampling distribution of mean:
a. Population standard deviation is not known and has to be estimated
b. Sample size less than 30
c. Underlying distribution taken to be normal
What is the t-distribution also known as?
Student's t-Distribution
The 5 stages of significance test for t-distributions is?
a. Specify the hypothesis
b. Collect sample evidence
c. Set the Significance level
d. Calculate t value related to sample evidence
e. Compare the observed t value with the t value associated with the significance level. Accept or reject hypothesis accordingly.
What are the parameters for the t-distribution?
a. arithmetic mean
b. standard deviation
c. degrees of freedom
How to decide whether data has a t-distribution.
The individual distribution must be normal. Can be checked by taking small sample and observing distribution
What are the four major distributions?
1. Binomial
2. Normal
3. Poisson
4. t
Describe the chi-squared distribution.
provides the method for comparing an observed sample variance with a hypothesized population variance.

Answers question: Is the observed scatter of the sample in accord with what is thought to be the scatter of the population?
Describe the shape of the chi-squared distribution
Shape can vary depending on the degrees of freedom. As it approaches 30, the distribution becomes more like a normal distribution.
Important assumptions for the chi-squared distribution
1. Sample must be taken from random from a normal population, or if not normal, then
2. Sample size is > 30.
Estimation for chi-squared distribution is based on ...
finding confidence limits for chi-squared and then transforming these into variances.
What is one of the most common managerial uses of the chi-squared distribution
test for differences in proportions
Describe the F-Distribution
used to compare the variance of one sample with that of a second.
How are degrees of freedom counted in the F-Distribution?
one for the sample variance in numerator; one for the sample variance in the denominator. Each of these is sample size minus one.
What is the major application of the F-Distribution?
in the analysis of variance.
What are the two important assumptions related to the F-Distribution.
1. Samples must be selected at random.
2. the population form which the samples came should be normally distributed.
Describe the Negative Binomial distribution
applicable to situations that almost fit the Poisson.
Describe the Beta-binomial distribution
Applicable in situations where the binomial is not quite sufficient.