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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 key components of personality?

1- refers to unique differences

2- presumed to be stable and enduring

What is the definition of personality?

An individual's unique pattern of thoughts,feelings, and behaviors that persists over time

What is the psychodynamic personality theory?

Sees behavior as a product of psychological factors within the individual often outside conscious awareness

What are the 2 clusters of mental abilities?

1- fluid intelligence

2- crystallized intelligence


ability to visualize objects and spatial dimensions and create internal images and pictures

What is crystallized intelligence?

intelligence including reasoning and verbal skills

What is fluid intelligence?

intelligence including spatial and visual imagery, rote memory, and the ability to notice visual detail


wisdom of the body and ability to control physical movement

What is the current framework to identify cognitive deficit?

Intellectual Development Disorder

What are the areas of assessment to help identify cognitive mental disability?

1-cognitive functioning

2-communication & social functioning

3-adaptive behavior and life skills

What are the 5 components in the emotional intelligence theory?

1- knowing one's own emotions

2- managing one's own emotions

3- using one's emotions as motivation

4- recognizing emotions of others

5- managing relationships

What are the 4 fundamental theories of personality development?

1- Psychodynamic

2- Humanistic

3- Trait

4- Cognitive Social Learning

What is intelligence?

The abilities involved in learning and adaptive behavior. How well a person negotiates everyday tasks and challenges in practical, social, and conceptual domains.

What is the multiple intelligence theory?

8 different intelligences account for a broader range of human potential

What is the emotional intelligence theory?

Consists of 5 emotional components

What is the humanistic personality theory?

Asserts the fundamental goodness of people and their constant striving toward higher levels of function. Looks to present or future and doesn't dwell on past


spiritual, inner states of being, self-reflection, and awareness


capacity for person to person communication and relationships


understands and perceives relationships and patterns in nature


ability to recognize tonal patterns, sounds, and rhythms and beats

How many standard deviations from the mean is considered exceptional?


What are the 8 multiple intelligence theories?

linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic


ability to use words and language


use of numbers and recognition of abstract patterns

what is the trait theory?

people differ on personality traits such as dependency, agressiveness, or anxiety

What 5 traits make up the trait theory?

emotional stability, extroversion, openness, agreeableness,and conscientiousness

what is the current standard deviation value?


what is the mean IQ?


What is the cognitive social learning theory?

people's behavior is guided by thought, expectancies, learning, and the environment