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62 Cards in this Set

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The science of behavior and mental process

Pituitary Gland

called the master gland

Reticular Formation

nerve network of fibers in brainstem; regulates attention


in brainstem; regulates heartbeat and breathing


in brainstem; regulates sleep


part of the limbic system regulates thirst, hunger


regulates balance and movement


we share a common origin that gives us an inborn human nature in common


we have differences that are shaped by our enviroment


a testable prediction consistent with our theory

Naturalistic Observation

watching and taking notes

Random Sampling

technique for making sure that every individual in a population has an equal chance of being in your sample


arouses (fight or flight)


calms (rest and digest)

Frontal Lobe

speaking and muscle movements and in making plans and judgement

Parietal Lobe

sensory cortex

Occipital Lobe

visual areas; they receive visual information from the opposite visual field

Temporal lobes

auditory processing areas

Split Brain

each hemisphere perceives the half of the view in front of you that goes with the half of the body that is controlled by that hemisphere


our awareness of ourselves and our environment

Selective Attention

our brain is able to choose a focus and select what to notice

Circadian Rhythm

bodys natural 24 hour cycle

REM Sleep

(rapid eye movement) heart rate rises breathing is rapid, sleep paralysis, genitals are aroused

Sleep Hygiene

turn lights off, eat early, less alcohol and caffeine, schedule, no naps, exercise regularly, just sleep, control stress and anxiety


diminished psychoactive effects after repeated use


chemicals that reduce neural activity and other body functions (i.e. alcohol, barbiturates, opiates)


images and other sensations that didn't come in through the senses


substances such as viruses and chemicals that can damage the developing embryo or fetus


responses that are inborn and do not have to be learned


she can assimilate the experience into her schema by referring to the cat as a dog


she can accommodate her animal schema by separating the cat, and ebbed different types of dogs into separate schemas

Object permanence

idea that objects exist even when they can't be seen


ability to understand that a quantity is conserved doesn't change even when it is arranged in a different shape


tendency to focus on themselves and what others think of them


an emotional tie to another person

Secure Attachment

mild distress when mother leaves, seeking contact with her when she returns

Insecure attachment ( anxious style)

not exploring, clinging to mother, loudly upset when mother leaves, remaining upset when she returns

Insecure attachment (avoidant style)

seeming indifferent to mothers departure and return


persons characteristic style and intensity of emotional reactivity


(too hard) parents impose rules "because i said so" and expect obedience


(too soft) parents submit to kids desires, not enforcing limits or standards for childs behavior


(just right) parents enforce rules, limits, and standards but also explain, discuss, listen, and express respect for childs ideas and wishes


time of sexual maturation ( becoming physically able to reproduce)


girls time of menstration

Sleep apnea

(without breath) waking when breathing stops

Preconventional morality

up to age 9) " follow the rules so you don't get in trouble if you do you might get a treat

Conventional morality

early adolescence) " follow the rules because we get along better if everyone does the right thing

Postconventional morality

later in adolescence and adulthood) " sometimes rules need to be set aside to pursue higher principles"


Lifts Mood


chemical that regulates sleep cycle

Synapse gap

between axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron


boys natural pain killer


set of ideas, behaviors, attitudes, and traditions that exist within large groups of people (usually of a common religion, family, or something similar).Read more: http://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?term=Culture#ixzz49b8tHf7K


used to provide a model for understanding human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

Informed Consent

a legal and ethical term defined as the consent by a client to a proposed medical or psychotherapeutic procedure, or for participation in a research project or clinical study.

Biopsychosocial approach

A theoretical framework that posits that biological, psychological and social factors all play a significant role in human disease or illness and health, rather than biology alone.

Frontal Lobe Damage

can cause increased irritability, which may include a change in mood and an inability to regulate behavior.[1]


is a powerful hormone. When we hug or kiss a loved one, oxytocin levels drive up. It also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain.

Research Ethics

1. Discuss intellectual property frankly

2. Be conscious of multiple roles

3. Follow informed-consent rules

4. Respect confidentiality and privacy

5. Tap into ethics resources

Harry Harlow

American psychologist best known for his maternal-separation, dependency needs, and social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys, which manifested the importance of caregiving and companionship in social and cognitive development.

Phineas Gage

He suffered a traumatic brain injury when an iron rod was driven through his entire skull, destroying much of his frontal lobe

Mary Ainsworth Study

devised an assessment technique called the Strange Situation Classification (SSC) in order to investigate how attachments might vary between children.