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28 Cards in this Set

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What type of design studies 1 group of people at different ages?
Longitudinal studies.
Section of DNA having the same arrangement of chemical elements.
What's the difference between dizygotic and monozygotic twins?
Monozygotic- two babies come from one fertilized egg. (Identical twins.)

Dizygotic- two seperate eggs are fertilized by two different sperm. (Fraternal twins.)
What happens during the embryonic period?
The period 2-8 weeks after fertilization, when the major organs and structures of the organism develop.
Newborns seem the most responsive to what sounds?
High pitches, as in a female's voice and low pitches, as in a male's voice.
Object Permanence:
The knowledge that an object exists even when it is not in sight.
What are the differences in behaviors of an easy or difficult child?
Easy- babies regular in schedules of waking, sleeping, and eating. They're adaptable to change. They're happy, and easily soothed when distressed.

Difficult- Irregular schedules, unhappy about change. They're loud, active, and tend to be more crabby than happy.
What are the ages for the adolescent period?
During adolescence, what characteristic must be developed to deal with the development crisis during that time?
Must have a consistent sense of self.
What are the difference between intimacy, attachment, and bonding?
Intimacy- emotional and psychological closeness based on the ability to trust, share, and care while still maintaing sense of self.

Attachment- the emotional bond between an infant and the primary caregiver.

Bonding- Growing in relationship??
What's the difference between drives and instincts?
Drive- a psychological tension and physical arousal arising when there is a need that motivates the organism to act in order to fulfill the need and reduce the tension. Ex: Thirst or hungerf

Instincts- Biologically determined and innate patterns of behavior.
There are 6 theories that explain emotion What are the differences of the 1st and 2nd response for each theory?

Common Sense Theory: 1. Fear 2. Arousal-shaking. "I'm shaking because I'm afraid."

James-Lange Theory: 1. Arousal 2. Fear "I'm afraid because I'm shaking."

Cannon-Bard Theory: 1. Brain activity 2.Arousal + Fear "Im shaking and afraid at the same time."
There are 6 theories that explain emotion What are the differences of the 1st and 2nd response for each theory?

Schachter-Singer Theory: 1. Arousal, appraisal (thinking) 2. Fear "The dog is dangerous and that makes me feel afraid."

Facial Feedback Theory: 1. Arousal in face + facial expression 2.Interpretation of emotion= fear

Lazarus's Cognitive-Meditational Theory: 1. Realize threat = fear 2. Bodily response
A condition in which the body weight of a person is 20 percent or more over the ideal body weight for that person's height.
Japanese Vs. American women eating habits:
American women eat for emotional reasons, like depression.

Japanese woen eat from hunger signals or social demands.
Intrinsic Motivation:
A type of motivation in which a person performs an action because the act itself is rewarding or satisfying in some internal manner.
Incentive Approaches:
Theories of motivation in which behavior is explained as a response to the external stimulus and its rewarding properties.
What level of tension is described in arousal theory?
Heart racing, wide eyes??
The tendency of the body to maintain a steady rate.
What do men tend to talk about with other men?
Current events, sports, and other events.
What are the phases of the sexual response?
2. Plateau
3. Orgasm
4. Resoultion
Kinsey Study:
Believed that sexual orientation was not an either/or situation in which one is either completely hetero or homosexual, but instead that some people fall at either extreme and some fall closer to the middle.
Severe stress during which one of the trimesters might increase the chances of a male child being homosexual?
The second trimester.
Sexual disorder in which the person's preferred method of sexual arousal and fulfillment is through sxcual behavior that is unusual or socially unacceptable.
Sexually transmitted infection.
Hardest STI to treat?
What cultures have traditional view of gender roles?
African and Asian countries like Nigeria, Pakistan, and Japan.
Characteristics of a male stereotype:
Aggressive, logical, decisive, unemotional, insensitive, nonnurturing, impatient, and mechanically talented.