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96 Cards in this Set

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characteristic ways of responding
Personality disorders
long-standing, maladaptive, inflexible ways of relating to the environment
ingrained quality, early onset, pervasive, stable
diagnosed on axis 2
present in 10-15% of population
Symptom disorders
axis 1, symptoms that come and go, triggered by environment or events,
Prototypal approach
each disorder has list of characteristics, and if more then a specific number are met, the diagnosis of disorder is given
-so two ppl with same diagnosis can have different characteristics
Odd or ecentric behavior Disorders
Paranoid, Scizoid, Schizotypal
suspiciousness,mistrust, hypersensitivity, threatening messages, difficult to have close relationships with others, .5-2.5% rate, men more likely then women
reserved, socially withdrawn, seclusive, rarely express feelings/emotions, cold, self-absorbed, absent minded, does not enjoy or desire close relationships
oddities of thinking, perceiving, communicating and behaving, similar to schizoids bc they are socially withdrawn, use of unusual words, phrases, cannot express ideas clearly, evidence of biological componement, disturbances are not limite dto stress, but are present all the time
Dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior disorders
histronic, narcissistic, borderline, antisocial
want the attention of others, vain, immature, talk exagerated and with drama, respond with impressions rather then facts, do not put much thought into things, easily influenced and distracted, women more likely then men
sense of self-importance, constant attention, fragile self-esteem, lack empathy
unstable relationships, avoid abandonment, threats of self-destructive behavior, impulsivity, wish for dependent and exclusive relationshpi with other person
borderline statistic
10-20% of patients, 6% of general popoulation, 2/3 of women
devalue and discredit values of significant other, use manipulation to control relationship, extreme anger
self destructive behavior (borderline)
overdosing with drugs, self-mutilation 10.3% had committed suicide, buimia (behaviors are a "saving response from others)
characteristic ways of responding
Personality disorders
long-standing, maladaptive, inflexible ways of relating to the environment
ingrained quality, early onset, pervasive, stable
diagnosed on axis 2
present in 10-15% of population
Symptom disorders
axis 1, symptoms that come and go, triggered by environment or events,
Prototypal approach
each disorder has list of characteristics, and if more then a specific number are met, the diagnosis of disorder is given
-so two ppl with same diagnosis can have different characteristics
Odd or ecentric behavior Disorders
Paranoid, Scizoid, Schizotypal
suspiciousness,mistrust, hypersensitivity, threatening messages, difficult to have close relationships with others, .5-2.5% rate, men more likely then women
reserved, socially withdrawn, seclusive, rarely express feelings/emotions, cold, self-absorbed, absent minded, does not enjoy or desire close relationships
oddities of thinking, perceiving, communicating and behaving, similar to schizoids bc they are socially withdrawn, use of unusual words, phrases, cannot express ideas clearly, evidence of biological componement, disturbances are not limite dto stress, but are present all the time
Dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior disorders
histronic, narcissistic, borderline, antisocial
want the attention of others, vain, immature, talk exagerated and with drama, respond with impressions rather then facts, do not put much thought into things, easily influenced and distracted, women more likely then men
sense of self-importance, constant attention, fragile self-esteem, lack empathy
unstable relationships, avoid abandonment, threats of self-destructive behavior, impulsivity, wish for dependent and exclusive relationshpi with other person, emptiness boredness, do not like being along, emotionaly instable-period of depression
borderline statistic
10-20% of patients, 6% of general popoulation, 2/3 of women
devalue and discredit values of significant other, use manipulation to control relationship, extreme anger
self destructive behavior (borderline)
overdosing with drugs, self-mutilation 10.3% had committed suicide, buimia, promiscuity (behaviors are a "saving response from others)
distinguising borderline
patients represent boundry between personality and mood disorders, individuals likley to have history of mood disorders, stress on affective/emotional response
comorbidity bw borderline and other disorders
% overlap with borderline personality disorder is highest with substance abuse and then other personality disorders, ptsd, depression, alcohol etc.
Borderline causes
disturbed relationshpis with child and parents, lack of attention to hilds feelings, divorce, parental abuse,
Otto Kernberg, explanation for tempestuousness and changeability in relationships bw ppl with borderline disorder and others
STATES THAT: splitting occurs bc of the failure to nitegrate the positive and negative experiences that occur bw the individual and other person
Borderline- being alone
being alone may be associated with sens eo fbeing evil, evokes feelings of shame and guilt that causes ppl to q their worthiness to live
Borderline disturbances (3)
identity (reliance on external support for self-definition)
affective (inappropiate anger, emotional instability)
impulsive (self damaging and impulsive behavior)
Borderline clinicla treatment
psychodynamic (psychotherapy, intense sessions to determine distortions of reality)
cognitive(change thoughts)
biological-make use of medicines- Work Group on Borderline personality (combination of techniques, medication, psychotherapy and family support)
% of borderline patients in which treatment is succcessful
50% show improvement over a four year period
Antisocial personality Disorder
failure to conform to soial norms, deceitfulness, manipulativeness, agressiveness, irresponsibility, cruel, do not show anxiety and do not experience guilt, lack role of superego
ages associated with antisocial
association with crime, violence and delinquicy after the age of 15, chronic conduct disorder in age before 15, diagnosis given at age 18
BUT do not have criminal records
Causes of antisocial personality disorder
impulsive physical violence and agression is related to very low levels of serotonin, low alpha waves=low levels of arousal, delayed cebral maturation, antisocial individuals lack cognitive aspect of anxiety
abused children greater chances of developing antisocial disorder
age ppl with antisocial disorder that development is arrested and why
7-11, they are not concerned about the effectof their behaviors on others, new morality begins around age 13 when children stop "making up" for past occurences . aquire development to reason in abstract terms and understand concept of partnership.
anxious or Fearful behavior
avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive
low self esteem, fear of negative evaluation, desire for affection and friendhip, but usually have few friends, doubt acceptance by others, anxious and sensitive due to doubts about own competence
coping mechanisms for avoidant disorders
hypervigiliance-constantly scan the environment for warning signs, narrow range of activite sto avoid things that may be too uncomfrotable, fear of being embaressed os they have poor social skills
1)passively allow other ppl to make important decisions in their lif ebc they lack confidence
2) subordinate own needs to needs and demands of others
fear separation, submissive, clining
causes of dependent
had overprotective parents that never allowed them to learn good coping skills or insecurely attached to mothers and didnt not have good, trusting relationships to others
rigid, restricted in thinking, but they do not sow obsessional thinking, nor do they engage in irrational rituals
stiff, formal, usually serious, extreme perfectionism , focus on rules and neatness, inflexible
characterised by indeciveness, great difficulting in planning adn executing a job because they may be wrong about it ,
what do people with personality disorder percieve to be wrong in their lives?
environment not behavior
dimensional Model
person is not characterized by having a disorder, but as having a personality that reflects the individuals standing on a variety of dimensiosn
results in profile for each person classified
five factor Model
asses five dimensions of personality that are important in various degrees to normal and abnormal behavior
2) agreeableness
5) openess to experience
Two tasks that clinicians face when striving to diminish maladaptive behavior
1)understanding nature of problem of disorder
2) treating it
psychodynamic perspective, major determinits of behavior
intrapsychic events and unconscious motivations , anxiety is an alarm that appears whenever a person is threatened.
Psychodynamic causes of anxiety
perceptiono f beinghelpless incoping with pressures, seperation or anticpation of abandonment, loss of emotional support, withdrawel of love
main tool of psychodynamic oriented clinician
Defense mechannisms emphasized by freud? and in what disorder?
isolation, undoing, reaction formation
emotions are seperated from a thought or act, which then becomes obsessive or compulsive, but emotion i snot constantly barred from conscious and threatens to break through if act is not followed
negating or atoning for some dissaproved impulse or act, compulsive act "undoes" what is said to may result from original obsessive thought
(turning off light switch many times)
reaction formation
enables th eindividual to express an inappropiate impulse by turning it into its opposite (mother who check on child sleeping bc she has resentment for them)
diagnostic overlaps
comborbididty for schizophrenia and paranoid disorders
77% alone cases, 23% of cases with other diagnosis
risk of depression is higher in ppl with anxiety or depressive disorders?
anxiety, anxietyare more often complicated by comborbidity with depression
behavior Therapy
anxiety that reaches clinical proportions is learned or acquired response, create dby envionmental conditions, often the home, use of conditioning, reinforcement
effective in phobic and ocd
client should maintain conatct wit hthe stimulis until they become used to it
therapy based on exposure principles
systematic desensitization, implosive therapy, in vivo exposure
systematic desensitization
series of fear arousing stimulis from mild to strong are used, client told to relax and experiences stimuli in a hierarchy (like discussed in class-airplanes)
Implosive therapy
therapist controlled exposure to imagined high intensity, fear arousing situation
based on the belief that anxiety disorders are outgrowths of prior painfulexperiences, must unlearn them by re-creating situation and experiencing it without pain
in vivo exposure
individual experiences actual feared siuation-reality
most effective behavioral technique for treating complusive rituals
combination of exposure and response prevention
exposure: reduces hypersensitivity to object and associate anxiety
response prevention: eleminated complusive ritual
acquiring new behavioral skills and feeling of competence. model a response and recieve corrective guidance on their own behavior
cognitive behavioral therapy
clinical procedures based on principles of learning, such as extinction and reinforcement, that emphasize cognitive behavior
cognitive interpetationo f maladaptive behavior
cognitive disturbances that occurin specific places are sources of anxiety
person's thought and mental set are vulnerability factors
precipitating events elicit an underlying fear or attitude (the vulnerabillity factor) and give rise to hypervigillence
cognitive restructering
based on rational-emotive therapy of albert ellis
calls clients attention to unrealistic thoughts, clinician helps client review irrational thoughts and develop more rational ways for looking at their lives, ppl will develop more realistic appraisals of themselves and others
Thought stopping
cogniive techniqueworks on the basis that a sudden, distracting stimulis will serve to terminate obsesional thoughts, procedureprovides client with self control technique for removing obsessional thought when it occurs
cognitive rehearsal
client metally rehearses adaptive approaches to problematic situations
Cognitive therapy
aaron beck, vulnerability grows out of individuals tendency to devalue his or her problem solving ability and exagerate the degree of threat in problematic situations
consists of 5-20 sessions
task oriented-devoted to solving problems brought up by the patient, ratther then their history, use of socratic method
anxiety management training program
1) informed about nature of anxiety
2) cognitive componement
3)distractions and relaxations
4)exposure training
5)instill self confidence
clients play an actuve role in doing homework and setting their own goals, fewer then 9 sessions
which type of therapist gets better result
more experienced
has any direct organic cause been found to be associated with anxiety disorders?
no, but ppl whose nervous systems are sensitive to stimulation seem to experience moe anxiety
anxiety disorders tend to run in families
involvement in movement, appetite, sleep, reproduction, cognition, emotion, anxiety and depression
coordinates bodys fear response
plays an important role in emotion-laden memories, smaller in traumatized animals (same for ptsd patients)
tranquilizing drugs
most commonly used somatic therapy in treatment of anxiety, valuable in reducing states of great tension
librium, valium, used for treatment of anxiety, tension, behavioral excitement, insomnia, but have troubling side effects
benzodiazepine drug, treatment of panic disorders, fast acting and fewer unpleasent side effects
tricyclic drugs, theraputic effects for ocd and panic
released by the adrenal glandm influences hw one responds to stress, production influenced by previous high levels of stress
do not occur in isolation, common more so then gad, african americans have higer rates, chronic conditions
fear of hieghts
fear of strangers
specific phobias
aniamls, marked persistentfears, most common type of phobia-11% of population
heights and bugs or other small animals
high motivation on part of client
increases chance of success
at the core of obsessions and compulsions
fear of loss for control and need for structure
ocd ppl are aware of
object of phobia
can be avoided while ocd objects cannot, fear is not at object itself but fear of becoming involved with it