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45 Cards in this Set

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Infrequency of Behavior
Behaviors which are displayed by a majority of people are considered normal. Statistical infrequency considers behavior that is rare and abnormal. Infrequency alone is not adequate to use.
Personal Suffering
Is it maladaptive or self-defeating? Using drugs and alcohol to make you feel better is maladaptive. The behaviors that are used are harmful.
Norm Violation
Is the behavior socially unacceptable? Norm violation may vary from culture to culture.
Distorted Cognitions
Abnormal behavior is usually the result of distorted cognitions. When an individual feels completely worthless. Body image issues.
Neurobiological Model
attributes abnormal behavior to the presence of biochemical, genetic or other physical problems

EX: Nora's doctor believes that her depression is caused by an imbalance of some neurotransmitter levels. Nora is taking an antidepressant to correct this physical problem.
Psychological Model
Views abnormal behavior is the result of mental processes
Freud believed that disorders were caused by unresolved, mostly conscious conflicts that begin in childhood
behavior disorders appear when a persons natural tendency toward healthy growing is blocked, usually by a failure to be aware of and to express true feelings
looks for the influence of factors such as gender, social situations, cultural expectations and historical eras on behavior.

EX: The greater the tolerance for excessive drinking in men may make alcohol abuse more likely in men than in women

Mental disorders are seen as caused by the combination and interaction of biological, psychological, sociocultural factors, each which contributes in varying degrees.
Diathesis Stress Approach
model recognizes the integration of a persons biological predisposition, environmental surroundings, and psychological factors in mental illness.
They have a high risk of becoming stressed easily
Axis I- lists descriptions of the major psychological disorders

Axis II lists mental retardation and personality disorders

Axis V-evaluates the highest level of adaptive functioning over the previous year

Axis IV-rates the level of stress experienced in the recent past
Evaluating the DSM
Two limitations to the DSM are reliability and interrater reliability, which means that two different professionals give the same person the same diagnostic lable.
Anxiety Disorders
characterized by fear that causes a disruption in a persons life.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
involves relatively mild but long lasting anxiety that is not focused on any object or situation.

EX: Leslie has had a feeling of vague apprehension for about six weeks and always feels as though something bad is going to happen to her. She cannot sleep and is constantly irritable and tired.
Panic Disorder
consists of attacks of extreme fear and panic that occur with no warning and no obvious cause. Symptoms include chest pain, dizziness, sweating and a feeling of faintness.
the fear of being alone or in a place where exit would be difficult.

EX: Eliza is afraid to leave her house. She cannot go shopping or out for an evening. She cannot hold a job or visit her friends and family.
Social Phobia
A fear of being negatively evaluated by others or of doing something so impulsive or outrageous that public humiliation will result.
Specific Phobia
fear of something specific such as heights, animals, etc.
involves an obsession with particular thoughts or images, which motivates repetitive, uncontrollable behaviors.
Somatoform Disorder
characterized by the presence of physical symptoms of illness in the absence of a physical cause.
Somatization Disorder
People frequently go to the doctor with vague complaints about a multitude of physical problems rather than any specific disease
is an unjustified concern that one has a serious illness. A person with this disorder makes frequent visits to the doctor and will not be convinced that they are healthy.
Dissociative Disorder
involve a sudden and usually temporary disruption in a persons memory, consciousness or identity.

EX: Bill, lost in New York City, does not remember his name, address, or workplace. He cannot remember anything that will give him a clue to his identity.
Dissociative Identity Disorder
a condition in which a person reports having more than one identity, each of which speaks, acts and writes in different ways.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
unwanted feeling of persecution, people are out to get them, out to do them harm. They don’t trust people. They harbor feelings of being exploited, people are taking advantage of them. Appear and act suspicious. Usually act cold and stand offish.
Dependent Personality Disorder
clingy and submissive. Need other people around them to do things. Allows and wants other people to make major decisions for them. They fear people leaving them and go along with everything so that they do not upset anyone.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Loves attention from others. They exaggerate every situation/stories in their lives. Ex: they see a spot on their skin and they are convinced that it is cancer. Ex of non-verbal attention is the way someone may dress, too much skin, too much make up, extreme hair.
Narcissist Personality Disorder
an extreme sense of self-importance. Accepts favors from everyone. Show a lack of care for others. Close to the histrionic.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
behavior is against society. Ex: Serial killer. Liar, con artist, selling defective goods. Pick on older vulnerable people or young naïve children.
Mood Disorder
mood swings that are inconsistent with environmental events
Major Depressive Disorder
involves feelings of sadness, hopelessness, inadequacy, worthlessness and guilt that persists for long periods.
Suicide and Depression
Females and the elderly have a higher incidence of suicide than the general population. Those who say that they are thinking about suicide are much more likely to attempt it than the general population.
Bipolar Disorder
is a form of mood disorder that involves extreme mood changes in which feelings of happiness are followed by severe depression
Causes of Mood Disorders
Biological Factors: Altered levels and possible dysregulation of neurotransmitters, changes in stress related hormone cortisol, abnormal biological rhythms, and genetic influences. This is strong evidence that bipolar disorders may be inherited

Psychological Factors: people with dependence issues, when positive reinforcements are lost, and negative mental habits.
Schizophrenia Disorder
May hear voices
-Split mind: what they are thinking is split from reality.
-Thinking is often times illogical
-Associations among ideas are without apparent pattern (they will be talking about one matter and then jump to something else and then something else) Ideas are disconnected
-Flight of ideas
-Hallucinations (spiders everywhere, sensory)
-Delusions (irrational false beliefs or ideas, they believe that they are someone that they aren’t)
-Emotions: they have no emotion, nothing there, absent/ emotions that are inappropriate for the situations
-Language: word salad, a lot of mixed up made up words/ may become mute
Disorganized Schiz
Inappropriate behavior and emotions
No theme, no coherent thought
Paranoid Schiz
Delusions (the thought that someone is out to get them)
Catatonic Schiz
Psycho motor involvement
They appear frozen and ridged
Residual Schiz
Applies to people who have had prior episodes of schizophrenia but are not currently displaying symptoms
Undifferentiated Schiz
patterns of disorder behavior though and emotion that do not fall easily into any other subtype
the study of causes
Substance related disorder
long term drug use that causes physical or psychological harm to the user or others
Mental Illness and the Law
people with mental illness are protected in two ways against the law. First, a person who at the time of trial cannot understand the chargers or assist in the defense, they are said to be mentally incompetent. Second, the person can be found not guilty by reason of insanity if, at the time of the crime, mental illness prevented the defendant from understanding what they were doing or that the act was wrong
Conversion Disorder
a condition in which a person reports being blind, deaf, paralyzed, insensitive to pain or even pregnant, but is not.