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50 Cards in this Set

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32. what are determinants of amount of alcohol in bloodstream
state/mood, weight, food & amount
33. what are DTs (delirium tremens)
Alcoholic hallucinations, occurs from withdrawal
34. what is best evidence for genetic transmission of alcoholism in males
Adoption studies, identical twins had more concordance than fraternal twins
35. detoxification is _
withdrawal from drug
when the drug has less of an effect and you need more to feel as good as the first high
coming down, opposite of intoxication effects
how strong is drug?
how well drug works @ what it does (i.e. how well ecstasy produces euphoria)
37. what is controlled drinking and what does the research show
How to manage your drinking so it’s not problematic
Research said that some excessive drinkers can control their drinking
38. what is blood brain barrier
Barrier from blood vessels to brain
Concept, not actual thing; more easily a drug passes frm blood into brain, the more potent & faster acting it is
39. potency and effectiveness of a drug are related to _
administration (oral, smoked/inhaled, injected) and rate of drug inactivity
40. what were social pressures against smoking since 1960s and its effect
Decrease in adult smokng and increase in teenage girls
41. nicotine causes the greatest physical problem on the body because _
42. what is opponent-process model of addiction
Drugs taken not to feel good but avoid symptoms of withdrawal
43. know all 4 parts of conditioning paradigm for conditioned craving
UCS = drug > UCS = pleasure > CS = env/paraphernalia/people > CR = craving
44. fetal alcohol syndrome results from _ and its symptoms are _
-incomplete development of cranial & facial bones
-low birth weight
-learning diff to severe retardation
-behavioral probs
-limb abnormalities
Greater risk for blacks and native americans
45. what is inherited in alcoholism
Tolerance and greater sensitivity to the pleasure derived frm alch
46. what is polysubstance abuse
Use of more than one psychoactive substance @ one time
47. what is substance abuse
Maladaptive pattern of use over 12 month period
48. what is relationship between intoxication and withdrawal effects
They are opposite of each other
49.what are endorphins
Natural opiates released during stress; enkephalins = smaller proteins
50. who is more likely to binge drink
Low scoring college students,
Men occur earlier in life (college),
Women occur later in life
51. what are rates of alcoholism for men
22 %
person has no memory of incident but they were still conscious while it was all happening
Korsakoff’s syndrome
recent and long-term memory loss with confabulation
53. what are some physiological problems associated with alcoholism
Blackouts are due to dienocophalic. Frontal limbic mood changes; Dmg to immune system; Nasal capillaries
54. what is relationship between family violence and alcohol
Higher violence, high consumption of alch
55. single greatest drug problem today is _
56. physiological effects of nicotine are _
wrinkles, enhancing immune system, cold hands
57. flashbacks are associated with _
LSD, hallucinogens
58. what is relationship between genetic and environmental factors for problem drinkers
Enviro plays greater role
59.what was the issue regarding joe camel
Increased smoking in teens and adolescents
60.can one feel intoxicated with nonalcoholic beer
Yes, they are expecting buzz so they begin to convince themselves that they are, expectancy effect
61.best treatment for alcoholism is _
63.in case study, when did Michael began drinking and why
High school at parties on weekends, relaxing, reduced anxiety in social situations
64. in journal reading C, what are some of differences between college men’s and women’s drinking patterns
Men = soph/jun; Women = fesh; Affects = academic performance; Frat = high rate of drinking
Episodic Drinking Predictor
If you drink in HS, you're likely to in college
true/false statements about rape
A lot of Qs
-go unreported
-often know rapist
-shame associated w/
-25% of women will be raped in lifetime
-cognitive therapy for rape victims, often feel like they are at fault
Sexual vid study:
watched sexual vids and reported that it was ok to sexually assault a woman
-assumptions of psychoanalysis, client-centered therapy, rational emotive therapy
making unconscious conscious; individual VA gains; awareness; positive mental health
Client-centered therapy:
-cog behavior therapy, incorporates theory and research
-ppl become disordered when they fail to attend to their own inner nature
Rational emotive:
- demands people hold against themselves. - emotional suffering due to unverbalized assumptions
-what is cbt
combo changing thought and behavior
-secondary gain develops when _
when client gains benefits from problems (taking advantage of drug use)
-what are results of study using paradoxical interventions with college students who procrastinated
Performed poorly
-changing a thought pattern is associated with what therapy
cognitive restructuring behavior
-3 important criteria of self-control are
1) few external scruples
2) diff for someone who has to put extra effort
3) part of own conscious effort and deliberation
-a significant factor in suicide by children and adolescents _
Exposure to suicide
-what symptoms did children/adolescents who committed suicide have
Antisocial behavior & substance abuse
-did and if so how did children/teens talk about suicide
They verbalized that they wished to die and threatened w/ suicide