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411 Cards in this Set

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Bones ability to resist tension comes from?
What is the structural component of spongey bone?
What is the primary 3 functions of bone?
The mobile joints of the body are called?
Diarthrosis or Synovial joints
The interosseus membrannes are found between what bones?
Ulna & Radius
Tibia & Fibula
The growth plate of a bone is called what?
Which muscle type has long nucleated cells?
Striated skeletal muscle
The perimecium is made up of what kind of connective tissue?
Dense irregular
What is the connective tissue that surrounds a single muscle cell?
Tendon tissue is a continuation of what part of the bone?
What is the 1st chemical/molecule necessary for muscle contraction?
A motor unit is comprised of muscle cells and what?
Motor Neuron (nerve)
Your ears are superficial to which bone of the skull?
The vertebral column articulates with what?
Which suture separates the frontal and parietal bones?
Your ribs attach to which region of the vertebral column?
What kind of curve is found in the lumbar region of the vertebral column?
What is the part of the vertebral column between the spinous and transverse processes?
What is the most lateral muscle of the erector spinae group?
What is the deepest muscle of the vertebral extensors?
Does spinalis attach near the os coxae?
What muscle travels deep to the zygomatic arch?
What is the function of the transverse abdominus?
Compression of abdomen
What muscle is the subvertebral of the abdominal wall?
Psoas major
What is the function of Longus colli?
Flex cervical vertebrae
What is muscle associated with smiling?
Zygomaticus major
What muscles are involved with forced breathing?
What muscle of the abdominal wall exaggerates the lordotic curve?
Psoas Major
What muscle is responsible for quiet breathing?
What is the deepest muscle of the lateral abdominal wall?
Transverse Abdominus
Name all the vertebral extensor muscles from superficial to deep including their respective muscle group.
Spinotransverse Muscles
a) Splenius Capitus
b) Splenius Cervicus

Erector Spinae
a) Iliocostalis
b) Longissimus
c) Spinalis

a) Semispinalis
b) Multifidus

Name the ventral muscle of the cervical body wall.
Hyoid muscles
Name the lateral muscle of the cervical body wall.
Scalene Muscles
Name the Subvertebral muscle of the cervical body wall.
Longus colli
Name the ventral muscle of the thoracic body wall.
Name the lateral muscle of the thoracic body wall.
Name the subvertebral muscle of the thoracic body wall.
Longus colli
Name the ventral muscle of the abdominal body wall.
Rectus abdominus
Name the lateral muscle of the abdominal body wall.
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transverse oblique
Quadratus lumborum
Name the subvertebral muscle of the abdominal body wall.
Psoas Major
Scapular muscles attach the scapula, clavical and ____________ .
Axial skeleton
What bony landmark is continual with the lateral margin and spine of the scapula?
The head of the humerous atriculates with what?
Glenoid cavity of the scapula
Which bone is medial to the radius?
The head of the radius articulates with what?
Capitulum of the humerous
Deltoid tuberosity is on what side of what?
Lateral side of the humerous
What 3 muscles attach to the corocoid process of the scapula?
Biceps brachii
Pectoralis minor
What muscle attaches to the medial margin of the scapula and T2-T5 of the V.C.
Rhomboidius Major
How do you stretch corocobracialis?
Extend the shoulder
What are the attachments of Supraspinatous?
Supraspinous fossa of the scapula and the greater tubercle of the humerous
To which section of the spine does levator scapula attach?
What muscle is immediately inferior to the scapula?
What muscle group is infraspinatous a member?
Rotator Cuff (SITs)
What muscle group is pectoralis major a member?
ITG group (Intertubercular groove)
The rotator cuff muscles all attach to the scapula and what 2 other bony landmarks?
The great and lesser tubercle of the humerous
What is the action of supraspinatous?
Abduction of the shoulder
What muscle medially and laterally rotates the shoulder?
Describe how to stretch triceps brachii.
Flex elbow and flex shoulder
Which muscle flexes the shoulder AND the elbow?
Biceps brachii
Which muscle attaches at lateral margin of the scapula and greater tubercle of the humerous?
Teres Minor
What muscle lies superficial to Levator Scapulae?
Where does subscapularis insert?
Lesser tubercle of the humerous
What is the insertion of Latissimus dorsi?
Intertubercular groove (ITG)
What muscle forms the anterior wall of the axially space?
Pectoralis Major
Which muscle attaches to transverse process of C1-C4 and the superiour angle of the scapula?
Levator scapulae
Can latissimus dorsi medially rotate the shoulder?
Can corocobrachialis flex the elbow?
What bony landmark separates the greater and lesser sciatic notch of the os coxae?
Ischial spine
What is the common attachment site of the posterior antebrachial muscles?
Lateral epichondyl of the humerous
What is the muscle group that controls the pinky?
Tendons of the anterior antebrachial muscle group pass though what compartment?
Carpal Tunnel
What three bones comprise the os coxae?
Ischium, Illium, Pubis
What is the long bony landmark on the postier side of the femur?
Linea Aspera
The adductor tubercle is at the distal end of what bone?
The head of the femur articulates with what?
Acetabulum of the os coxae
Using anatomical terms describe the location of the greater trochanter?
Proximal & Lateral aspect of the femur
What bony landmark is located on the anterior side of the tibia?
Tibial tuberosity
What bony landmark is at the distal end of the fibula?
Lateral malleolus
What is the common attachment of the deep hip rotator muscle group?
Greater Trochanter of the femur
What muscle originates between the inferior and anterior gluteal lines?
Gluteus Minimus
Can gluteus maximus laterally rotate the hip?
Can gluteus maximus abduct the hip?
What is the primary function of Psoas Major?
Hip flexion
Can pectineus flex the hip?
What 2 joints do gracilis cross?
Hip and knee
Where does Tensor Fascia Latae insert?
Iliotibial (IT) Band
How woulod you stretch pectineus?
Abduct the hip
What is the common origin of the posterior thigh muscle group?
Ischial Tuberosity
What muscle attaches to both the femur and the fibula?
Biceps femoris
What 3 muscles attach at the pes anserine?
What muscle is deep to rectus femoris?
Vastus intermedius
What is the common action of the quadriceps?
Knee extension
Which quadriceps muscle attaches to the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) ?
Rectus femoris
Where does vastus lateralis originate?
Lateral aspect of linea aspera of femur
What is the action of fibularis (peronious) brevis?
What are the 2 actions of gastrocnemius?
Plantar flexion and knee flexion
What muscle lies anterior to plantaris?
What muscle is deep to fibularis (peronious) longus?
Fibularis (peronious) brevis
What is the common action of the anterior crus muscle conpartment?
Dorsal flexion
Does tibialis anterior attach to the calcaneous?
What muscle is found on the floor of the popliteal space?
The sciatic nerves generally passes between what 2 muscles?
Piriformis and Superior Gemellus
The fulcrum, or pivot on a level represents what?
The inforce of a level typically represents what?
The most mobile joints hoave how many degrees?
3 degees
What do the muscle fibes do duing concentric contraction?
How do you stretch sartorious?
Extend the hip and extend the knee
What class of level has the fulcrum in the middle?
Class 1
What class level has the load that is being acted upon in the middle?
Class 2
What type of lever has the muscle in the middle?
Class 3
What class lever provides for the most power?
Class 2
What class lever provides for the most speed?
Class 3
What type of lever provides best balance?
Class 1
Anterior is to posterior as Medial is to, what?
Which organelle packages protien for secretion?
Golgi Complex
The crus is distal to, what?
What organelle contains DNA?
What organelle recycles materials within the cell?
What organelle detoxifies the cell?
ATP production in cytosol without oxygen is called what?
List the 4 basic tissues.
Connective Tissue
Nervous Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Epithelial Tissue
What tissue protects from friction and abrasion?
Stratified squamous epithelium
What epithelial tissue is comprised of many layers?
Stratified squamous
Which connective tissue is fluid?
Why is cartilage slow to heal?
It is avascular
What is the property of dense regular connective tissue?
Strong in one direction
What type of cartilage is ideal for shock absorption?
The dermis is comprised of what type of connective tissue?
Dense irregular
Dead, flat keratinocytes are found in what layer of the epidermis?
Which layer of the integument is avascular?
Which gland produces the stinky sweat?
Which gland produces the watery sweat?
Which gland produces a lubricating, moisturizing and waterproofing sweat?
Fascia is made up of what kind of tissue?
Dense irregular connective tissue
What articular cartilage covers compact bone?
What gives a bone its ability to resist compression?
The medial malleolus is found on what bone?
Which type of joint is found between the pubic bones?
Periosteum is a continuation of which part of a joint?
Fibrous membrane
What type of muscle is found only in the heart?
Striated cardiac
What chemical initiaties muscle contraction?
During muscle contraction, myocin reacts with, what?
Name the intermediate muscle of the erector spinae group.
Name the bone that forms the forehead.
Name the bone that houses the lower teeth.
Which muscle group is part of forced breathing?
What muscle is superficial to the corotid artery?
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
What is the primary function of the lateral body wall muscles of the thorax?
What muscle is used when frowning?
Depressor angulii oris
What is the function of the ventral cervicle body wall muscles?
Speaking & swallowing
Does iliacus attach to the ribs?
Subclavius lies ____________ to the clavicle.
Most superficial muscle of the upper back?
Most superficial muscle of the low back?
Latissimus dorsi
All scapular sling muscles originate on the, what?
Axial skeleton
Is supraspinatous a part of the scapular sling muscles?
What are the 3 muscles of the ITG group?
Latissimus dorsi
Pectoralis Major
Teres Major
Which scapular sling muscle does upward rotation of the scapula?
Serratous Anterior
What is the only action that the deltoids do not do?
Adduction of the shoulder
Does brachialis flex the shoulder?
What is the common attachment of the anterior antebrachial muscles?
Medial Epichondyl of the humerous
What muscle group controls the thumb?
What is the origin of vastus medialis?
Medial aspect of the linea aspera of the femur
Common attachment of the medial thigh compartment?
Pubic bone
Common action of the posterior thigh compartment?
Knee flexion
What muscle group does eversion?
Peronials (Fibularis)
What type of contraction involves the muscle fibers remaining the same length?
What are the 2 basic divisions of the nervous system?
What part of a neuron carries the signal to the cell body?
The gap between the myelinated segments of the axon is called?
Nerve fiber node
Which ventricle is found in the right cerebral hemisphere?
Cerebral Spinal Fluid circulates through what space?
Subarachnid space
Spinal nerves exit the vertebral column through what?
Intervertebral foramen
Which transducers are responsible for taste?
What is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system?
Rest & Digest
What area of the brain is responsible for initiaing voluntary muscle movements?
The middle and inner ear are within which bone?
What is the outer layer of epithelium of the eye called?
Which hormone triggers suger to move into cells?
What is the function of the bones of the inner ear?
Amplify sound
Which organ is posterior to the stomach?
Is the pancreas both an endocrina and exocrine gland?
What is the space between cells & vessels called?
Interstitial space
In which tissue do you find thrombocytes?
Leukocytes are responsible for what?
Defense & Repair
Which type of vessel has valves?
Which valve keeps blood from passing back into the right ventricle ?
Pulmonary valve
What is the extracellular matrix of blood called?
Which layer of a blood vessel contains smooth muscle?
Tunica Media
Which vessel is known as the exchange vessel?
What structure lies between the lungs?
What tissue lines the trachea?
Pseudo-stratified columnar cilliated epithelium
What structure separates the Oral and Nasal cavities?
Hard palette
What is the common passageway for air and food?
Which salivary gland is anterior to the ear?
Name the 3 salivary glands.
What is the function of the large intestine?
Absorb water & package feces
Where are gastric rugae located?
What are the folds in the tunica mucosa of the small intestine called?
Circular folds
The pancreas connects to what part of the small intestine?
What 3 structures pass through the diaphragm?
Inferior Vena Cava
What structure carries urine outside the body?
How often during the day is urine produced?
All day long.
Filtration of blood in the kidneys occurs between the glomerus and, what?
Glomeral Capsule
Where is sperm formed?
Seminiferous tubules
What carries the sperm from the testes to the prostate?
Ductus deferens
What structure is posterior to the prostate?
Which gland produces pre-ejeculate?
Bulbourethral gland
In females, what structure lies posterior and superior to the bladder?
What is the myometrium of the uterus made of?
Smooth muscle
What part of the uterus connects to the vagina?
What carries the electrical signal away from the cell body of a neuron?
What type of cell wraps around the neurons of the central nervous system to form a myelin sheath?
What type of cell wraps around the neurons of the peripheral nervous system to form a myelin sheath?
What is the function of myelin sheaths around neurons?
Speed up the nerve signal
Chemicals released at the synapse are called?
Which neuron is capable of the fastest transmission speeds?
Which neuron hass a cell body that is not inline with the dendrites and axon?
Before being released at the synapse, neurotransmitters are stored in, what?
Synaptic vesicles
List 4 types of mechanoreceptors.
Light touch
Thye general function of transducers is to do what?
Change energy from one form into another.
Afferent nerve pathways conduct impules, where?
To the central nervous system
In the central nervous system, synapses occur primarily in, what?
Gray matter
Which element of the central nervous system is responsible for smooth and coordinated movement?
Which part of the spinal nerve crosses the transverse process?
Dorsal ramus
Which cranial nerve is the great nerve of general sense from the face?
Cranial nerve V
Name 2 components of a simple segmented spinal reflex.
Sensory neuron
Motor neuron
After passing through the lens, light is focused onto the, what?
The color transducers of the eye are called, what?
Name the structure of the eye that contains muscle to control the amount of light entering the eye.
Dialation of the pupil is controlled by what system?
Sympathetic nervous system
Which division of the ear is responsible for balance?
Internal ear
The pharyngotympanic, or auditory tube runs between the pharynx and, what?
Middle ear
Primary tympanic membrane separates the middle ear from, what?
External ear
Which division of the inner ear is responsible for hearing?
The olfactory epithelium is located where?
Ceiling of the nasal cavity
Which gland regulates metabolism?
Which gland is involved with circadian rhythms?
Which gland produces epinepherine?
Adrenal medulla
Which gland produces insulin?
Which gland produces cortisol?
Adrenal cortex
Which gland is located in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone?
Which glands are immediatly inferior to the larynx?
Which gland promotes calcium uptake in the bones?
What is the function of insulin?
Decrease blood sugar
Blood exits the left ventricle through which valve?
Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the lungs?
Right ventricle
Which blood cell helps blood to form blood clots?
List the 4 components of the cardiovascular system.
What structure lies anterior to the heart?
What type of tissue makes up the inner lining of blood vessels?
Simple squamous epithelium
The blood from the superior libs enters the heart through what vessel?
Superior vena cava
Which vessel carries blood toward the heart?
Name the 4 valves of the heart.
Lymphatic vessels drain fluid from what space?
The thoracic lymphatic ducts drain lymph from all of the regions except, what?
The right upper limb
Name the 2 primary functions of the respiratory system.
Exchange gases
Produce sound
The larynx lies immediately inferior to what structure?
The epiglottis is made of what kind of tissue?
Elastic cartilage
The hard palate is formed primary by what bone?
Air enters the pharynx through the nasal cavity, or the, what?
Oral cavity
Oxygen exchange occurs between the alveoli and, what?
Pulmonary capillaries
Newly oxygenated blood enters which chamber of the heart?
Left atrium
Digestion of food begins in, what?
Oral cavity
The pyloric sphincter if found at the end of which organ?
Bile is produced by, what?
The digestive lining is made of what kind of tissue?
Simple columnar epithelium
List the segments of the small intestine.
Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine by capillaries found in, what?
Feces move from the caecum to the, what?
Ascending colon
What digestive structure is lateral to the left psoas major muscle?
Descending colon
The spermatic cord contains what 3 structures?
Ductus deferens
Testicular vessels
The tip of the penis is called, what?
Which structure carries the ova from the ovary to the uterus?
Uterine tube
What are the fingerlike projections that collect the ova released by the ovary?
The lateral, larger, hair covered folds of skin surrounding the vagina are called, what?
Labia majora
Describe the Anatomical Position
Palms facing forward
Upper limbs at sides
Feet together
Body upright
Distal is to proximal as cranial is to, what?
The region of the trunk found immediately distal to the neck?
What type of plane divides the body into unequal left & right parts?
The 3 subregions of the foot are called, what?
In the anatomical position the thumb is _________________ to the pinky.
Tissues are combinations of what?
What are the microscopic building blocks with a positively charged core, a nucleus, and are surrounded by negatively charged electron cloud?
What are the most abundant biological molecules in the body?
Water, oxygen and carbon dioxide are all examples of what kind of molecule?
What are fatty, oily or greasy compounds found in the body called?
What acts as a selective gatekeeper facilitating the movement of substances in/out of a cell?
Cell membrane
Mitochondria are responsible for what?
Production of chemical energy
What structures move material across the surface of a cell?
The passive movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration is called what?
Glycolosis creates how many ATP molecules for every glucose molecule?
Epithelial tissues are classified based upon what?
Cell shape and number of cell layers.
Simple squamous epithelium can be described as what?
Single layer of flat cells.
Which type of epithelial tissue is best suited for diffusion?
Simple squamous epithelium
Connective and supporting tissues are identified by what primary characteristic?
Few cells and lots of extracellular matrix
Which cell produces fibers found in the extracellular matrix of general connective tissue?
What element of extracellular matrix is responsible for the tensile strength in connective and supporting tissues?
Collagen fibers
Name the layers of integument from deep to superficial.
The epidermis and dermis combine to form what?
What is the primary function of the stratum corneum?
Which of the following is NOT a function of the dermal papilla?

a) Anchor the epidermis to the dermis
b) Improve sensation
c) Production of hair follicles
d) Increase surface area for exchange
c) Production of hair follicles
Which layer of the integument contains reticular fibers that are responsible for clevage lines?
If the integument is cut, and starts to bleed, then the cut is at least as deep as, what?
Padding and insulation are functions of what layer of the integument?
Tela subcutanea
The hair follicle is an invagination of what layer of the integument?
The arrector pili muscles perform what function?
Raise/straighten the hair follicle
Which cell of the integument produces protective pigment?
Name the 3 primary types of cartilage.
Elastic cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
What type of cartilage is smooth like glass?
Why does cartilage have a difficult time healing?
It is avascular
Why is cartilage considered a connective tissue?
Few cells and lots of extracellular matrix
What gives a bone its ability to resist tension?
Osteoblasts are responsible for what?
Laying down new bone
Where is red bone marrow located?
Within the spongy bone
What is the hole that allows for vessels to traverse from outside to inside a bone?
Nutrient foramen
What is the most common type of joint found in the body?
Diarthorisis (synovial)
What are the joints between the plate-like bones of the skull called?
What type of cartilage is articular cartilage?
What is the function of a bursa?
Reduce friction between neighboring tissues
Fibrocartilage discs found in joints are called what?
What kind of muscle tissue makes up the voluntary skeletal muscles?
Striated skeletal muscle
What are the 3 functions of muscle?
Produce heat
What structure connects muscle to bone?
Where muscle attaches to bone, the less mobile attachment during muscle contraction is called what?
What is the wrapper around a group of muscle cells?
As the tendon of a muscle contacts bone, some of its collagen fibers will become part of what?
What is the thick filament within a myofibril that acts as a molecular motor, changing its shape to attach to its neighboring fiber?
What is the basic functional unit of the contractile system of skeletal muscle that is defined by the region between two Z-lines or Z-membranes?
What is responsible for exposing the binding sites on the thin filament, initiating muscle contraction?
What blocks the receptor sites on the actin molecule when a muscle is in a relaxed state?
Troponin-tropomyosin complex (TTC)
The energy source for muscle contraction is, what?
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
What is the connective tissue that groups similarly acting muscles together called?
What is the region between the transverse process and the vertebral body called?
What is the hole in a single vertebral body called?
Vertebral foramen
What is the most superficial muscle group of the extensor muscles of the back?
What muscle is immediately superficial to longissimus?
Splenius cervicus
Which muscle of the extensor group will perform lateral flexion and extension of the vertebral column?
Which is the most medial muscle of the erector spinae group?
What is the primary function of multifidus?
Extension of the vertebral column
What suture is located between the two parietal bones?
What two bones create the zygomatic arch?
C1 (atlas) articulates with which bone of the skull?
What muscles are deep to the mandible?
Medial & Lateral pterygoid
What muscles powerfully elevate the mandible?
What muscle wrinkles the forehead and raises the eyebrows?
Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
What is the function of platysma?
Tightens and flares the skin of the neck
To what bones does sternocleidomastoid attach?
What is the primary function of rectus abdominus?
Flexion of lumbar vertebral column
Which muscle of the lateral abdominal body wall does not attach to the linea alba?
Quadratus Lumborum
What is the common function performed by the muscles of the hyoid group?
Speaking and swallowing
What muscle separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities?
What muscle group has the potential to pinch the brachial plexus and subclavian artery?
What muscle is found in only 8% of the population?
Which scapular sling muscle is found on the anterior wall of the thorax?
Pectoralis minor
What 2 scapular muscles are located between the ribs and the scapula?
Serratus Anterior
Which muscle does not attach to the ribs?

a) Serratus anterior
b) Subclavius
c) Pectoralis minor
d) Levator scapulae
d) Levator scapulae
What scapular muscle can extend the head?
How do you stretch rhomboidius major?
Upward rotate and abduct (protract) the scapula
All of the following muscles attach to the scapula except:

a) Pectoralis minor
b) Pectoralis major
c) Serratus anterior
d) Deltoid
b) Pectoralis major
What type of rotation of the shoulder does pectoralis major perform?
What is the function of subscapularis?
Medial rotation of the shoulder
Where does Teres Major originate?
Inferior angle of the scapula
Which muscle forms the medial wall of the axilla?
Serratus anterior
How do you stretch pectoralis major?
Laterally rotate and abduct the shoulder
What muscle extends the elbow?
Triceps brachii
Name the two originations of biceps brachii.
Coracoid process of the scapula
Supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
What muscle of the arm crosses three joints?
Biceps brachii
What are the primary adductors of the scapula?
All of the following muscles attach to the corocoid process except:

a) Biceps brachii
b) Pectoralis minor
c) Subscapularis
d) Corcobrachialis
c) Subscapularis
Which muscle adducts the shoulder:

a) Deltoid
b) Pectoralis minor
c) Pectoralis major
d) Corocobrachialis
c) Pectoralis major
All of the following muscles attach to the clavicle except:

a) Pectoralis major
b) Trapezius
c) Pectoralis minor
d) Deltoid
c) Pectoralis minor
What is the common action of the mscles of the posterior antebrachium?
Extension of the wrist and fingers
What muscle both flexes and extends the shoulder?
The trochlea of the humerous articulates with what?
Trochlear notch of the ulna
Which muscle does not attach to the greater trochanter of the femur?

a) Tensor fasciae latae
b) Inferior gemellus
c) Piriformis
d) Gluteus medius
a) Tensor fasciae latae
Which muscle attaches to the anterior surface of the sacrum?
Which of the following muscles extend the hip?

a) Obturator internus
b) Piriformis
c) Gluteus minimus
d) Gluteus maximus
d) Gluteus maximus
What are the actions of tensor fasciae latae?
Medial rotation and flexion of the hip
Which muscle does not abduct the hip?

a) Gluteus minimus
b) Gluteus medius
c) Gluteus maximus
d) Tensor fasciae latae
d) Tensor fasciae latae
What are the common actions of the deep hip rotators?
Lateral rotation of the hip
Abduction of a flexed hip
What muscle is directly inferior to piriformis?
Superior gemellus
How do you stretch gluteus maximus?
Flex and adduct the hip
What two bony landmarks are found proximal to the linea aspera of the femur?
Gluteal tuberosity
Pectineal line
Which muscle attaches to the transverse processes and vertebral bodies of the lumbar vertebrae?
Psoas major
Psoas major and iliacus share what common attachment?
Lesser trochanter of the femur
Which muscle lies anterior to adductor brevis?
Adductor longus
The muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh share what common action?
Adduction of the hip
Which muscle of the medial thigh compartment is capable of hip extension?
Adductor magnus
Which muscle of the medial thigh compartment crosses both the hip and knee joints?
Which muscle of the posterior thigh compartment can extend the hip?
Biceps femoris
What muscle is immediately superior to vastus intermedius?
Rectus femoris
What muscle lies superficial to the common attachment site of the posterior thigh compartment muscles?
Gluteus maximus
Which posterior thigh compartment muscle has an attachment on the femur?
Biceps femoris
What is the primary action of rectus femoris?
Hip flexion
What is the common action of the anterior thigh compartment muscles?
Knee extension
What is the common attachment of the quadricep muscles?
Tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon
How do you stretch rectus femoris?
Flex the knee an extend the hip
Where does gastrocnemius insert?
Calcaneous via the achilles tendon
What muscle plantar flexes the foot and flexes the knee?
Does tibialis posterior invert or evert the foot?
Which muscle lies superficial to plantaris?
What are the functions of tibialis anterior?
Dorsal flexion of foot
Inversion of foot
Which muscle of the posterior crus compartment only crosses the knee joint?
The tendons of the muscles of the lateral crus compartment pass __________ to the ___________ malleolus of the fibula.
How do you stretch tibialis anterior?
Plantar flex the foot
Kinesiology is the science, or study of, what?
Which lever has the best mechanical advantage?
Class 2
Close packed joints form maximal or minimal contatc of joint surfaces?
A joint with one degree of freedom has the most or least range of motion?
An eccentric muscle contraction generates force as the muscle fibers, what?