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27 Cards in this Set

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Enumerated Powers
powers given to the senate to collect warfare, gives authority to levy taxes, basically these are the powers given to the U.S. congress
Requirements: Executive Branch
to qualify to serve as president, the candidate has to be a natural-born citizen, at least 35 years of age, and a resident of the United States for 14 years prior to taking office.
Requirements: House of Representatives
at least 25 years of age, U.S. citizen for 7 years, live in the state they represent
Requirements: Senate
at least 30 years of age, U.S. citizen for the past 9 years, live in the state they represent
the allocation of politcal power among a set of principles
The House of Representatives
435 members (# set by congressional law) apportioned by poplulation, term of 2 years, elections held in even numbered years. *The powers of this house include originating tax bills and bringing charges of impeachment
The Senate
2 members per state, (100 total) 6-year terms, elections held for 1/3 of members every 2 years. *The unique powers of this house include the authority to advise and consent to the ratification of treaties and the confirmation of presidential appointments by 2/3 vote of the members present and to tri impeachment charges.
Pork barrel
brings a source of federal funds to a local district or state of the appropriation committee member, often accomodating major campaign contributors.
divide unfairly and to one's advantage of voting districts
are any and all devices or markings such as postage stamps, and any other authorized form of markings affixed or applied to mails to qualify them to be postally serviced
Log Rolling
trading of favors (quid pro quo) such as vote trading by legislative members to obtain passage of actions of interest to each legislative member. It is alos the "cross quoting" of papers by academics in order to drive up refference counts.
How a bill becomes a law: Step 1
bill is introduced and assigned a #
How a bill becomes a law: Step 2
bill is assinged to a standing committee
Conference Committee
Standing Committee
How a bill becomes a law: Step 3
bill is referred to a subcommittee
How a bill becomes a law: Step 4
In subcommittee, hearings are held and testimony is provided often by experts who are interest-group lobbyists. by refusing to hold hearings the subcommittee can effectively condemn the bill
How a bill becomes a law: Step 5
After hearings are completed, the bill is marked up (a frustrating line-by-line revision or editing of the legislation)
How a bill becomes a law: Step 6
If the bill is approved, it goes back to full committee
How a bill becomes a law: Step 7
If approved by full committee, the bill is reported to the full House and placed on the House calendar
How a bill becomes a law: Step 8
*To reach the House floor, a bill must recieve a rule from the Rules Committee.
How a bill becomes a law: Step 9
If the bill recieves a rule from the rules committee it goes to the full House for debate amendment and ultimate passage.
How a bill becomes a law: Step 10
if the House version is different from the senate version, the version must go to a conference committee composed of both House and Senate members. Upon agreement a compromise bill is sent back to the House and Senate for passage.
How a bill becomes a law: Step 11
if the bill passes the House and the Senate, it is then presented to the President for signature
Veto Legislation
Congress (both house and senate) subject to override by 2/3 vote in both houses.
Presidential options: Sign Bill
bill becomes law
Presidential options: Veto Bill
bill dies unless veto is overridden by 2/3 vote in both houses
Presidential options: No Action
after 10 days (excluding Sundays):bill becomes law. Congress adjourns within 10 days: bill dies (aka pocket veto)