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8 Cards in this Set

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Definitions of Ethics

1. The study and philosophy of human conduct with emphasis on the determination of right and wrong.

2. The principles of right conduct with reference to a specific profession, mode of life, etc.

3. A philosophy or system of morals.

Universal Ethical Values

1. Honesty

2. Integrity

3. Promise keeping

4. Fidelity / loyalty

5. Fairness

6. Caring for others

7. Respect for others

8. Responsible citizenship

9. Pursuit of Excellence

10. Accountability

Universal Non-Ethical

1. Wealth

2. Security

3. Comfort


5. Approval

6. Happiness

7. Fulfillment

8. Pleasure

9. Personal freedom

10. Power

Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees - Canon 1

A Judicial employee shall uphold and promote the independence, integrity and impartiality of the Judiciary and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety.

Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees - Canon 2

A Judicial employee shall perform the duties of judicial employment and partially, competently and diligently.

Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees - Canon 3

A Judicial employee shall conduct activities outside of judicial employment to minimize the risk of conflict with the obligations of judicial employment.

Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees - Canon 4

A Judicial employee or candidate for judicial Department office shall not engage in political or campaign activity that is inconsistent with the independence, Integrity, or in partiality of the Judiciary.

Of the three definitions of Ethics, be familiar with the definition dealing with professionalism. Which definition matches?

The principles of right conduct with reference to a specific profession, mode of life, etc.