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28 Cards in this Set

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A mixture of one or more substances entirely dissolved in water


A liquid with small particles of a solid dispersed but not dissolved. The dispersal is maintained by stirring or shaking the mixture.


A colloid or glue-like substance finely subdivided into liquid or solid particles (MDI/NEB)


A gas or mixture of gases or water vapors intended to be inhaled


A small sales single-dose glass container of liquid injectable drug


A small glass or plastic bottle containing one or more doses of a liquid injectable drug

Prefilled syringes

A single-dose glass cartridge containing a liquid injectable drug. Syringe supplied already containing the drug ready for assembly and injection.

Vial of powder solute and vial of liquid solvent

The liquid solvent vial is mixed with the powdered solute


A jet of fine particles of liquid medicine are discharged from an atomizer or other device for direct application to a surface


A colloid that is firm even though it contains a large amount of liquid

Local or systemic effects

Local effects results from the direct application of a drug to a tissue

•Systemic effects occur after the drug is absorbed by any route and distributed by the blood stream

The effect of any drug typically varies depending on...

The patient

•The dose

•The route

•The drugs metabolic rate

2 routes of drug administration

Enteral routes - anywhere along the GI tract

Paraenteral routes - any route other than the GI tract

Enteral routes

Oral route (PO)

•Rectal (PR)

•Orogastric/nasogastric (OG/NG)

Paraenteral routes

Intravenous (IV)

•Intramuscular (IM)

•Subcutaneous (SC)

Intraosseous (IO)



Sublingual (SL)




Advantages and disadvantages of enteral routes

Advantages :



•Time released

•Low potential of infection


•Slow rate of onset

•Cannot be given unconscious or nauseated

•Absorbed dosage may vary significantly because of actions of digestive enzymes or condition of GI tract

Advantages and disadvantages of parenteral routes


•Rapid onset

•Can be given unconscious or nauseated

•Absorbed dose and action more predictable


•Administration more painful and difficult

•Side effects more severe

•High potential for infection


The attraction between a medication combining with with specific medication receptor site


The power of a medication to produce a therapeutic effect

Side effect

Unintended response to a drug

Allergic reaction



Drug effect unique to an individual


Decreased response to the same amount

Cross tolerance

Tolerance for a drug that develops after administration of a different drug

Drug dependence

Patient becomes accustomed to the drugs presence in his body

Responses to drug administration

Drug interaction - the effects of one drug alter the response to another drug

Drug antagonism - the effects of one drug block the response to another drug

Cumulative effect - increased effectiveness when a drug is given in several doses

Factors affecting drug response


•Body mass



•Time of administration




Right documentation

Always record the following:

•Time of administration

•Medication name (generic name)


•Route of administration

•Site of administration

•Response to medication administration

•Signature and title

e.g. 1435 epi 1:1000 0.3mg IM L deltoid KP ACP, no change in anaphylaxis symptoms