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21 Cards in this Set

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Atherosclerosis happens though a complicated process of cholesterol plaque formation that involves what

Damaged endothelium

Cholesterol invasion

Plaque formation

What is hyperlipidemia

Classified at familial causes by specific genetic abnormalities or acquired when resulting from another underlying disorder that leads to alterations in plasma lipid and lipoprotein metabolism

What are the drugs therapy for hyperlipidemia

Statins, bile acid sequestrants, niacin, fibric acid derivatives, ezetimibe and the inhibition of dietary cholesterol

Increase in serum cholesterol levels is in positive correlation with what

Disease development

What do statins inhibit

An early and rate limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis

Hepatic cholesterol sythesis results in increased expression of the LDL receptor gene

It also reduces the degradation of LDL receptors

By satins inhibiting hepatic cholesterol synthesis results in increased expression of the LDL receptor gene, what does decreased free cholesterol cause

Membrane bound SREBPs to be cleaved and translocated to the nucleus to bind the sterol responsive element of the LDL receptor gene, it enhances transcription and increases synthesis of ldl receptors

Form acetyl coA to CHOLESTEROL and whats the rate limiting step1)

Acetyl coA to HMG CoA to mevalonate(by HMG-CoA reductase) to farnesyl pyrophosphate to squalene to cholesterol

Rate limiting steonis HMG COA REDUCTASE

2) whats the biproduct if farnesyl pyrophosphate

Farnesylates proteins

3) whats the biproduct of squalene


Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate which goes into geranylgeranylated proteins or ubiquinones

What are rho and rac

Monomeric proteins

What is rho

Blocks eNOS (good in cardioprotection)

What is rac

Produces superoxide nadpH

Where to rho and rac come from

Geranylgranyl PP

What are competative inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase


what are statins documented in reducing

Fatal and non fatal CHD events, strokes and total mortality

Why do we want a increased expression of LDL receptor gene

Greater number of LDL receptors on the surface if hepatocytes results in increased removal of LDL from the blood and therefore lowering LDL-C levels

Whats statins effects on triglycerides

Decreases triglycerides in hypertriglyceridemic

Increase HDL-C

Decrease LDL-C

Statins effect on non-lipid lowering effects

Endothelial function (enhances production of nitric oxide

Anti inflammatory

Reduce venous thromboembolic events

Adverse effects of statins



What are the statin clinical trials and whats the end points

Statin vs placebo,Statin vs statin

Disease outcome and surrogate marker( not directly related to statin itself i.e production of blood pressure) cholesterol would be the first marker but surrogate is something else

What are the benefits and risks of statins?

Therapeutic effects and adverse effects

Therapeutic-cardiovascular protection

Adverse- muscle, liver, drug interactions