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20 Cards in this Set

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Sympathetic nerve tracts originate? Descend into?
in the hypothalamus and brainstem (medulla), and descend in the spinal cord
Sympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers exit the?
spinal cord in the (T1-T12) and lumbar (L1-L2) segments, called thoracolumbar output
Where do most preganglionic nerves pass to?
Where do these ganglia lie?
either adjacent to the vertebral column (paravertebral ganglia; sympathetic chains) or in other areas such as the abdomen
In the ganglia, sympathetic preganglionic nerves synape with?Neurotransmitter?
sympathetic postganglionic nerves, acetylcholine
Postganglionic sympathetic nerves leave the ganglia and travel to?
various target tissues; sympathetic discharge acts to modify target cell function
What is the exception to the general scheme?
Some sympathetic preganglionic nerves directly innervate the adrenal medulla, release ACh from these preganglionic nerves causes adrenal medulla chromaffin cells, in turn, to release EPI and NE into the blood
What is the neurotransmitter released from sympathetic preganglionic nerve endings?
What are the receptors on sympathetic postganglionic nerves?
What is the neurotransmitter released from sympathetic postganglionic nerve endings?
What are the receptors called that bind NE?
Events at sympathetic postganglionic nerve terminal
1. AP=depolarization
2. Ca diffuses in = NE-containing vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic membrane and empty NE into synaptic cleft
3. NE binds to adrenergic receptors on postsynaptic membrane, i.e the target cell membrane
Where else does NE bind after being released into synaptic cleft?
Binds to autoreceptors on the presynaptic nerve membrane
Where does the NE go after its bound to postsynaptic membrane?
80% taken back up into presynaptic cleft into vesicles, remaining is metabolized by MAO and must be replaced by new NE
Circulating EPI and NE are metabolized by?
Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) in the blood and liver
Which adrenergic receptors will you find on the postsynaptic cleft?
ALL, alpha-1, 2, beta-1, 2
Which adrenergic receptors will you find on the presynaptic membrane?
What does alpha-1 stimulation cause?
1.arteriolar vasoconstriction = increased PVR, increases BP
2. venous constriction=increases venous return to heart, increase SV and CO to increase BP
What does beta-1 stimulation cause?
1. Increased HR = increased CO and BP
2. Myocardial contractility increases = increase SV and CO and increase BP
What does beta-2 stimulation cause?
Epinephrine effect - blood vessels of skeletal muscle dilate