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15 Cards in this Set

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Gallbladder wall thickness should not exceed?

3 mm

Which of the following is the optimal position for trans recital imaging of the prostate gland?


What prostatic zone is located at the base of the prostate?

Central zone is located at the prostate gland

What muscle can be noted posterior to each kidney, adjacent to the spine bilaterally?

Psoas muscle

Salivary glands are exocrine or endocrine glands?

Exocrine glands

What test for developmental dysplasia of the hip is used to evaluate the infant hip for dislocation?

Barlow test

What test for developmental dysplasia of the hip is used to evaluate the infant hip for dislocation?

Barlow test

What produces the thyroid stimulating hormone?

Anterior pituitary gland

Which connects bone to bone?


The infant is more likely to suffer from developmental dysplasia of the hip when the alpha angle is (smaller, bigger) and beta angle (smaller, bigger)

Alpha smaller

Larger beta (bigger beta)

What part of the pancreas is located anterior to the portal confluence?

Neck of pancreas

Lower pole of left kidney in a 65 year old male patient with hx of smoking, hematuria, weight loss. Which of the following is most likely?

Renal cell carcinoma

Abdominal aortic aneurysm is greater than?

3 cm

Abdominal aortic aneurysm is greater than?

3 cm

Metastasis to the adrenal glands; primary sites originate?

Lungs, breast, or lymphoma