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24 Cards in this Set

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Collective Bargaining

The right of labor unions to negotiate as a group with management ,rather than individually ,this right was later guaranteed by the Wagner Act , passed during the New Deal

Colored Farmers Alliance

Alliance for black farmers ,Boasted about 250,000 members at the peak of Populism

Craft Unions

Unions of skilled workers organized by trade. a forerunner to the "umbrella" unions of the AFL & CIO

Credit Mobilier (CMCompany) Scandal

A Gilded Age Scandal , The CMC was paid exorbitant fees for laying track for the Union Pacific Railroad .20 members of Congress also profited from this illegal enterprise ,Cost was passed on to the tax payer and the railroad traveler

Comstock Lode

Large deposit of gold & silver discovered in Nevada in 1859

Cross Of Gold Speech

William Jennings Bryan 1896 speech in which he professed his belief in a bimetal standard of currency

Cultural Pluralism

The idea of accepting the validity & worth of other cultures attitudes and actions ,this value became more important during the late 1800s as immigrants swelled the population of the US

Cultural Shock

The Condition of feeling unfamiliar or confused by the dominant culture of a new place . Many immigrants to the US were unfamiliar with the language ,ideals & social values of The US during the late 1800s

Dawes (Severalty) Act

1887- Congressional plan to Americanize Indians by Breaking up reservations & giving land to Indians as Individuals

Debs Eugene

socialist labor leader Deb would advocate for better pay and work conditions for railroad workers through the American railway Union. later he would become an advocate for workers across America . his antiwar speeches during would voilate the Espionage and Sedition Act & cause him to serve 6 yrs. In jail

Edwin Drake

pioneer in the oil industry , he sunk the first profitable oil well in Titusville Pennsylvania 1859

Dubols W.E.B

civil rights leader who argued against Booker T Washington's philosophy. demanded immediate political and civil rights - founder of NAACP and editor of "The Crisis "

Dumbbell Tenements

a poorly ventilated, dark apartment complex with crammed rooms and communal baths

Edison, Thomas

a premier American inventor and the holder of 1093 patents . he would be responsible for establishing one of the world's first industrial research at Meno Park N.J Incandescent light bulb , movie camera and phonograph

Electric Trolleys

a form of mass transportation used in urban areas. this allowed workers to live in the less crowded suburned , but work and shop in the central city. contributed to urban sprawl.


new form of energy that led to longer hours for factories (light bulb). spread of electric appliances, use of electricity in homes in urban areas & changes in leisure activities including movies in early 1900 s


makes building and use of high rise skyscrapers possible and convenient

Ellis Island

along with Angel Island in California at Ellis island, NY was one of the main terminals for immigrants to enter the US. new arrivals were subjected to help and inspectations , had to have cash, how to prove that could work and often had to wait for over a day to be processed.

Farmers Cooperatives

farmers groups established during the time of populism in which farmers pooled their resources to purchase goods at wholesale prices ( non profit groups )

Gilded Age

An Age of corruption related to industrial productivity and entepreneurial wealth during the late 1870s -1890s

Gompers, Samuel

labor leader and first president of AFL

Gospel of Wealth

the believe that rich entreprenuers we responsible for helping society by building libraries , endowing colleges and medical schools. Andrew Carnegie was an example of this philosophy


the illegal taking of brides or kickbacks by a municipal official in exchange for speeding up a legal process or ignoring illegal activity

Grandfather Clauses

added to laws requiring voters to be literate in order to vote so that poor, illiterate whites could still vote