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36 Cards in this Set

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what is the common name for Family Culicidae?
what is the common name for Family Muscidae?
filth flies
what genera of Family Culicidae are important in the USA and why?
Anopheles, Aedes, Culex are disease vectors
what genera of family Muscidae are important and why?
Muscca domestica, Stomoxys calcitrans, Haematobia irritans, Musca autumnalis are vectors of disease and fly bother
what is the morphology of mosquitoes?
small, long-legged flies with scales on wings and body and piercing mouth parts
what is required for the life cycle of mosquitoes?
eggs laid in water, mud, or dried depresseions that are later flooded. Water is essential for larval and pupal stages. Adult males and females mate shortly after emerging from pupae, females of most species must take a blood meal before laying eggs.
what diseases are transmitted by mosquitos?
human (malaria, lymphatic filariasis, many viruses. Other animals: (equine encephalitis, avian pox, dog heartworm, equine infectious anemia, west nile fever
what is important to the role in transmission of infectious disease
species of mosquito is important to its role in transmission of infectious disease
what maintains West Nile Virus?
species of Culex that prefers birds and arborial habitat (but other Culex and some Aedes species become bridging vectors when in large numbers)
what is the common name for Aedes spp?
Asian tiger mosquito
what are the hosts for Culex spp?
some prefer birds/aboreal environments, some prefer mammals/terrestrial environments
what does Anopheles transmit?
what is the predatory tactics of Aedes spp?
female is aggressive biter with a flight zone of a few yards which is not a worry for heartwrom since flight zone is so small; came from tire casings shipped from Asia to Houston in 1985
how are mosquitos controlled?
remove standing water
what is the common name for Musca domestica?
house fly
what is the morphology of Musca domestica?
have fleshy, sponging and sucking mouth parts. Not biting
what is the life cycle of Musca domestica?
eggs deposited on decaying organic matter > larva is a common maggot > pupal stage in soil or drier areas for 4-5 days
what is the pathology of Musca domestica?
excellent vector, it vomits to digest food and defecates at random
what species are in Muscidae?
Musca domestica, Stomoxys spp, Haemotobia spp, Musca autumnalis
what is the common name of Stomoxys calcitrans?
stable fly
what is the morphology of Stomoxys calcitrans?
resembles house fly, but has biting/sucking mouth parts: pointed, shiny black proboscis, bayonet-like in front of head. Aristae (bristles) on antennae have seatae (hairs) on upper sides only
what is the life cycle of Stomoxys calcitrans?
breed in decaying straw, rotting vegetable matter. Adult males and females feed on blood. Prefer light, found on outside walls of buildings
what is the pathology of Stomoxys calcitrans?
bites are extremely painful. Feed on cattle, horses, man. Fly bother results in weight loss and low feed efficiency
what is the common name of Haematobia irritans?
horn fly
what is the morphology of Haematobia irritans?
resembles stable fly but more slender, half the size of house fly
what is the life cycle of Haematobia irritans?
eggs deposited on freshly passed cow manure. Larvae burrow in manure. Adults will always be on host's back or on abdomen when raining or very hot. Leave host only to lay eggs and when host goes inside
what is the pathology of Haematobia irritans?
prefer cattle. Heavily infested cattle may lose 15 pounds flesh per day and milk production reduced 10-20% due to fly bother. Adults are blood feeders
what is the common name of Musca autumnalis?
face fly
what is the morphology of Musca autumnalis?
little larger than the house fly. Abdomen of female is balck on sides in contrast to yellowish color of the house fly
what is the life cycle of Musca autumnalis?
eggs laid in fresh cow manure. Adults overwinter in barns but in summer will not follow animals into buildings
what is the pathology of Musca autumnalis?
fly bother, transmits pinkeye, and Thelazia
What is the common name of Fannia canicularis?
little house fly or hover fly
what is the common name of Fannia scalaris?
latrine fly
what is the morphology of Fannia spp?
slightly smaller than the house fly and abdomen is greyish black
what is the life cycle of Fannia spp?
primarily a spring pest. Eggs deposited on decaying vegetable matter and excrement. Fannia canicularis larvae found in deep litter of poultry houses
what is the pathology of Fannia spp?
urogenital myiasis in poultry