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39 Cards in this Set

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what is included (common names) in the order Diptera?
flies, mosquitos, gnats
describe the morphology of Order Diptera?
head, thorax, abdomen, six legs, two wings (except keds)
what is the general lifecycle of Order Diptera?
adult flies > eggs (nits) > larvae (maggot, bots) > pupae
what species are in the Family Tabanidae?
Tabanus spp, Chrysops spp
what is the common name and general features of Tabanus spp?
horseflies; clear, heavy wings, large & robust
what is the common name and general features of Chrysops spp?
deerflies; brown band across the wings
what is the morphology of Tabanidae?
large, robust flies
what is required for the life cycle of Tabanidae?
water (males don't bite)
what is the pathology of Tabanidae?
painful bites that bleed, mechanical vector
What species are in the Family Ceratopogonidae?
What are the common names of Culicoides?
biting midges, punkies, no-see-ums
what is the morphology of Culicoides?
small, slender gnats, 0.5-2mm, penetrate all but the finest mesh window screen, problem even for confinement swine
what is required for the life cycle of Culicoides?
requires water or rotting vegetation, morning and evening feeders, female is bloodsucker
what is the pathology of Culicoides?
bites lead to swelling, vesiculation, intense pruritius due to reaction to midge salivary secretion. Spreads Oncocerca cervicalis in horses, spread blue tongue and other arboviruses in sheep
how is Culicoides diagnosed?
differential with blistering dermatitis diseases
what species are in the family Simulidae?
Simulium and Cnephia
what is the common name Simulium?
black fly
what is the common name Cnephia?
southern buffalo gnat
what is the morphology of Simulidae?
small (1-4mm) robust, humpbacked flies, short legs and broad wings
what is required for the life cycle of Simulidae?
requires flowing water, in NC active in Feb-March (can be a problem for cattle and horses), seasonal hordes (may kill animals by blood loss and toxemia and plug bronchi when inhaled in great numbers), feed in daylight
wat is the pathology for Simulidae?
adult females are bloosuckers with irritating bite and toxic saliva, hordes can kill animals via blood loss anemia, toxemia, plug bronchi when inhales, transmit leucocytozoon in poultry
what species are in Psychodidae?
Letzymia sp & Phlebotomus sp
what is the common name for Lutzymia sp?
New World gnats
what is the common name for Phlebotomus sp?
Old World sand fly
what is the morphology of Psychodidae?
minute, hairy flies, resembling tiny moths
what is the life cycle of Psychodidae?
eggs deposited in small batches in stables, poultry houses, or places combining darkness, humidity, and organic matter. Night feeders, don't travel large distances
what is the pathology of Psychodidae?
transmit leishmaniasis, kala-azar, bartonellosis, sand fly fever
what species is in the Family Hipposboscidae?
Melophagus ovinus (sheep ked), Lipoptena cervi (deer ked), Pseudolynchia canariensis (pigeon fly)
what is the host species of Hipposboscidae and morphology?
keds of sheep, deer, pigeons; dorsoventrally flattened diptera but no wings and very small eye and antenna
what is the life cycle of Hipposboscidae?
females > give birth to fully developed larva > immediately pupates > attaches to wool (larvaposite)
how are Hipposboscidaes transmitted?
direct contact, peak population in cool weather, similar to lice
what is the pathology of Hipposboscidaes?
bites are very irritating and cause scratching, feces of insect stains wool, heavily infested animals show emaciaction, anemia, unthriftiness, esp lambs
what species is in the family Glossinidae?
Glossina sp
what is the common name for Glossina spp?
Tsetse Fly
what is the morhpology of Glossina Spp?
large, robust fly
what is the life cycle of Glossina spp?
female > give birth to fully grown larvae >burrow into sandy soils > puparium within an hour of larviposition
what is the pathology of Glossina spp?
transmits African Sleeping Sickness in humans and nagana in cattle
what is the reservoir for Glossina spp?
wild ruminants; prevented displacement of savannah herds by domestic cattle
what is the vector relationship of Potomac Horse Fever?
ingestion of Caddisflies or mayflies (intermediate hosts for several digeneic aquatic trematodes in metacercaria stage containing Ehrlichia risticii) containing Ehrlichia risticii, which infects horses, but insectivores that are primary hosts for the trematodes and are likely reservoir hosts of Ehrlichia risticii