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92 Cards in this Set

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Occurs between two or more people


Can be expressed through written or spoken words, action (nonverbal), or both spoken words and nonverbal actiions at the same time


What are the 10 Elements of Communication










Communicative situation/context

The first element in the communication process


Initiates the communication process and is the source or encoder of the message.


Chooses his/her purpose, crafts the message accordingly, and decides how to deliver it.


The most important element, the reason why we communicate.


It is based on "why", "what" and "how" the speaker wants to say it.


Is the central to the process because the point of communicating is to say "something"


Can be an idea, word, emotion, concept, a piece of information, art, symbol, code and many more


The process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the speaker understands.


The medioum or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal, in which the encoded message is conveyed.


It includes the 5 senses: eye, ears, mouthe, nose, and skin which receives the verbal and nonverbal stimuli that are transmitted to the brain.


The process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.


Receives the message.


The other term for listener is the _____ or ______

Receiver, Destination

Can be a single individual or a large group depending on the situation of the communication


Can be the intended receiver or the unintended receiver of the message


Happens after the stimuli is transmitted to the brain and decoded


The result of monitoring by the speaker of the listener's response


Could be physical, psychologial, or physiological noise


Any barrier in the communication


It is where the communication happens.

Communicative situation/context

What is the 2 components of communicative situation/context?

Physical location & Psychological Setting

Usually chosen for the purpose it will serve

Physical Location

Depens on the participants.

Psychological setting

The first and earliest model of communication


The most important part of the message is the "setting".


He introduced the ethos, pathos, logos


3 settings in Aristotle's Time

Legal Setting

Deliberative Setting

Cremonial Setting

Shannon and weaver's model of communication is also known as?

Telephone model

Who is the "Father of Mass Communication"?

Wilbur Schramm

Wilbur Schramm's model of communication is famously known as _______

Interactive Model of Communication

Asserts that communication takes place if and only if there is an overlap between the Field of Experience of the Speaker and the Field of Experience of the Listener.

Wilbur Schramm

It is everything that makes a person unique - everything he has ever learned, watched, seen, heared, read, and studied.

Field of Experience

He also contributed the concept of feedback to the field of communication.

Eugene White

Communication is circular and continuous, without a beginning or end.

Eugene White

Said to occur only if the Speaker Monitors the Response


The 8 model of Eugene White's Communication

1. Thinking

2. Symbolizing

3. Expressing

4. Transmitting

5. Receiving

6. Decoding

7. Feedbacking

8. Monitoring

A desire, feeling, or an emotion privides a speaker a stimulus to communicate a need.


A speaker has to know the code of oral language with which to represent his ideas and in order to make his selection.


The speaker uses his vocal mechanism to produce the sounds of language accompanied by facial expressions, gestures, and body stance.


Waves of sound spreading at 1,000 ft per second and waves of light travelling at a speed of 186,000 miles per second carry the speaker's message to the listeners.


Sound waves impinge upon the listener's ears which the resulting nerve impulses reache the brain via auditory nerve.


The listener interprets the langugae symbols he receives and thinks further.


The listener may manifest overt behavior like a nod, smile, or yawn, or he may not show any behavior at all.


The speaker watches for sign of reception or understanding ofnhis message among hie listeners, he is also attuned to what's going inside him.


Your credebility and character.


Emotional bond with your listeners.


Logical and rational argument.


Imparting or exchanging information through various forms and medium.


Process of verbally transmitting information and ideas from individual or group to another.

Oral Communication

Refers to the use of words to share information with other people.

Verbal Communication

Include both spoken and written communication.

Verbal communication

Refers to how people use language of different purposes, which also refers to how language is affected by different time, place, and situation used to control the behavior of people used to regulate the nature and amount of activities people engage in.

Functions of Communication

The transmission of messages or signals through a nonverbal platform such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and the distance between two individuals.

Non-verbal communication

Means "within a person," that is, taking place within one peson's self or mind.


Pertains to relationships or communication between people.


Something that occurs between people of different cultures including different religious groups or people of different national origins.


Is the special ability that enabled all of us to survive, develop, adapt, and progress in our daily lives.


Defiens communication as the process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, sign, or behavior.

Merriam-Webster dictionary

Very easy to understand and is present in all aspects of life.

Communication process

Simple examples of communication.

1. Winking your eye

2. Crying

3. Shouting

4. Shaking hands

5. Nodding your head

6. Smiling

7. Frowning

Complex examples of communication.

1. Writing poem to express emotion

2. Creating hidden code to your friends

3. Solving mystery riddle

4. Sign language

Through the aid of ________ which is considered as the most important invention of mankind, humans were able to create and assign symbols for specific emotions, things, and meanings that further helped us to connect well with each other.


Genesis 11: 1-9

The Tower of Babel

Types Of Communication

1. Verbal communication

2. Non-verbal communication

As long as there are words/language included, it is considered as __________.

Verbal Communication

Does not use any spoken or written words.

Non-verbal communication

Types of communication according to the number of participants.

1. Intrapersonal communication

2. Interpersonal communication

3. Small group communication

4. Public communication

5. Mass communication

6. Organizational communication

7. Intercultural communication

Types of Noise

1. Physical noise

2. Physiological Noise

3. Psychological noise

is the type of communication between people of different cultures. It is based on the idea that the different cultures of each society affects communication greatly.

Intercultural communication

Our communication and its meanings are heavily affected by culture.

Intercultural communication.

Organizational communication examples:

1. Office meetings

2. Student assembly

3. Club initiation rites

This communication has nothing to do with the number of participants though, but is more concerned with the context/environment that affects the communication process particularly in an organization.

Organizational communication

is the type of communication that happens within an organization.

Organizational communication

is the simultaneous transmission of messages to a large audience through the use of traditional or new mediumsfor communication. It’s only difference to Public Communication is that the message is delivered to a large crowd impersonally.

Mass communication

Mads communication examples:

Watching television

Reading newspaper

Watching a facebook live video

happens if the participants had already exceeded fifteen.

Public communication

This type of communication happens during large face to face crowd gatherings such as parties, rallies, religious occasions, etc.

Public communication

Three is the minimum, while fifteen is the maximum number of a small group. This type of communication commonly happens between family members, friends, sports team, class group mates, etc.

Small group communication

is a type of communication between three to fifteen individuals.

Small group communication

Public communication examples:



Church mass

Small group communication examples:

Family dinner

Group study.

Voleyball team practice

Direct interpersonal communication examples:

One on one face to face conversation.

Winking to a stranger.


Indirect interpersonal communication examples:

Texting with a friend

Sending a letter to a love one

Video chatting with a friend

is a type of communication between two individuals.

Interpersonal communication

Communicating to another person can happen _______ or ________.

Directly or indirectly.

means communicating face to face with the receiver.

Direct interpersonal communication

communicating with the receiver remotely through the aid of technology and other mechanisms.

Indirectly interpersonal communication

It happens every time we dream, focus,meditate, imagine, think, memorize and talk to ourselves. Other examples are singing alone, writing in a diary, studying for exams, etc. _______ ________ is vital in keeping our sanity.

Intrapersonal Communication

means communicating with oneself.

Intrapersonal communication