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103 Cards in this Set

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Longshore drifts from what to what

North to south

beaches in order

Hueneme Silverstand channel islands hollywood oxnard shores ventura

Submarine Canyons are located

alongthe coas

Rivers cut canyons as long as what

the water keeps moving

submarines are caused by what

ice age

wjat are the local submarines canyons

Hueneme and magu

Sediment s cells in S. CAli have what

Long erosion

Hueneme Harbor started what in the 1930s


1940 hueneme beach bult what

jetty's to protect the harbor

what jetty ptoects the harbor the most



longshore drifts come from


damn uo the rivers

slow the amount of the material

local beaches

hueneme, silver, channel island harbor, hollywood oxnardshores

subermine canyons

during ice age

magu and hueme

local subermine canyons

sedminent cell

longshore drifts

sand moves along the coast until

until you reach subermine canyon

Hueme is what

natrual haribor

1930s they started what



contructed east and west jetty

1960s completed channel island

two jettys and breakwater

is there a break water at huemne harbor


sandtrp is where?

hollywodd beach trapped for 2 years once every 2 years the sand gets dreadged to humene beach

flushing the harbor whats flushes

tides - high low tides

ventura hardbor

completed in the 1970 2 jetty's and breakwater poorly designed because of the sand bar

past ventura harbors

groins keep washing it away

santa barabra

sterns warf then the yatch club completed in 1930s

2 jettys

huemene and santa barbra are 2 harbors do not have breakwaters

vernuta and channel island has break

santa barbra has to be

dredged the most

Sea cliff you have to have what


base of sea cliff is what

a mountain - none in oxnard notch


top of the beach put your flat area waves do not hit the berm - unless it stormy

on the berm are sand dume stble means what

vegitation means it stable

2 types of sedminet for sand dumes

large material wind blown fine sand

face of beach

steep slope bug steep little faces

face gets steeper berm becomes




enclosed by large waves - beach is erroding

lowtide terrace

at low tide and dig up clams

long shore bar trough

big waves longshore bar gets bigger smaller

big waves hit the beach

it errodes and gets smaller - bigger waves bar get bigger

bmost beaches in cali are erroded

hollywood beach and silver are not

more storms bigger waves


summer waves hit

hueneme -- which errodes in the summer

oxnardshores bigger waves during?

winter - bigger

bigger the waves hit a beach

bigger material

type of material of beach

quartz mostly made out of shell but sands it down

local beach contians what

quart sand

lousian beachs made out of


n. florida s.florida

quart sand shell


white beach shells black is vlcanic rock

beach well sorted

all mud

beach is not well soreted during


materail on a beach tend to be well ?


face of beach scarp

big waves

stratification layering

layeing from storm deposited large layers in the sand how big and how long

swash marks

moves up the break up the beach

highest swash mark denotes owner ship of the beach

tip of the berm long shore currennt inot

small wavs sand pushed back up on to the beach

bar smaller berm wide face becomes less steep

mountain waves errodes carving notch forms sea click cea cave errodes arch top arch colapses we stack

mountain waves errodes carving notch forms sea click cea cave errodes arch top arch colapses we stack

marrine terrace

can be above sea level while land is rising

cross of ventura what can you see


marine terrace

sea leve has been what last 100 years


sea level has been rising the last

18,000 years

smaller waves what happens

wider berm less steep face and smaller bar

name the erosian beach features







if you cant see the moon

new mood

no moon is a new moon

also a solor eclipes

is a solar elicpse visiable

yes but has to have a showdow

full mood is also a what

full moon

howlong does it take for the mood to go around

4 weeks

do we get a solor elipcse every moth

solor and luneer elcipse

if sun earth and moon all in the same line

2 high tides 2 low

tide gravitational pull towards the moon

equal but opposite force to keep tthe apart what its called

cintrifival force

gravitation must always equal what

centrifugal foce

2 major bodys cause the tide what are they

moon so close to the earth graviational pull

tides caused by the moon

2 times the size sun cause low

new moon - solor eqlipse spring tide


full moon - luner eclipse - srping tide

phase 2

neap tides happen when its

quarter moon not really high nor low

lunar and tidal day is based on what

loaction of the moon

high tide at 7 tonight -- buut it will be when tomorow

later about 50 min


small bodyies of water 2 high tide on low tide


two high tides and 2 low tides. bith have the same amoutas far as mesaurment

means sea level

hight of the wave

mean lower lower water

0 on a tide chart and 0 on a o depthi chart

mean higher higher is air under a breidge


gruniunsa lay eggs if the water is warm

cnnot use glove

atmosphere weighs

14.7 in/squared

atmospher of presseure how many


pressure inside body has to be what


can you use a snorkel 4 feet long


nvented the varamoter

who i


air pressure increases the air

goes up

2 atmosher of water


33ft of water is equal to 30


highest it can move

33 fft

if you take a baloow top of mountain

it gets bigger

barometer mecury to top of a mountain

level of nercury goes down

light means low which means

light air rises stormy

how much air weighs


red tail hawks circle

becuase hot air carreis you

weight is controlled by the humitiy

humid air is very lighth

humid air means

water vapor in the air