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138 Cards in this Set

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A nurse is performing a nonstress test (NST) on a client who is at 41 weeks of gestation. The client asks what the purpose of the test is? Which of the following responses should the nurse provide?

A. This test will determine if you are likely to deliver within the next week

B. This test will help determine if your baby is healthy

C. This test can see how your baby responds when you have contractions

D. This test will determine if your babies lungs are mature


A nurse is caring for a client who is in the first trimester of pregnancy and asks how to manage heartburn. Which of the following responses should the nurse make?

A. Reduce the amount of food you eat during meals

B. Sip carbonated beverages between meals

C. Lie down and rest immediately after meals

D. Drink iced tea with meals


A nurse is caring for a newborn directly after birth. Which of the following medications should the nurse administer to the newborn within 1 to 2 hours of delivery?

A. Naloxone

B. Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment

C. Poractant Alfa

D. Rotavirus immunization


A nurse is caring for a client who is in labor and is receiving an infusion of oxytocin. The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following potential adverse effects?

A. Diarrhea

B. Thromboembolism

C. Fetal asphyxia

D. Oliguria


A nurse is providing breastfeeding education to a client who delivered 12 hours ago. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching?

I should breastfeed at least 8 to 12 times in a 24 hr period

Effacement records?

At a % (shortening and thinning)

Being dilated means your in labor? T or F


The perfect passageway for birth?

Gynecoid pelvis

Can’t swallow water, can’t take anything by mouth


Normal Hemoglobin for women

12 to 16

12 to 15 during pregnancy

Pregnancy nutrition needed?

Folic Acid, Iron, prenatal vitamins

Known to kill fetus’s

Toxoplasmosis (cat litter,raw meat)

Others (syphilis)

Rubella (negative means need after delivery)

Cytomegally virus (ok for adult not for fetus)

Herpes (should have planned c section)

After rubella don’t get pregnant for?

3 months

BMI of 27 should gain how much during pregnancy?

15 to 25 pounds

Considered over weight (25.0 to 29.9)

BMI 19 should gain how much during pregnancy?

25 to 35 pounds

Considered normal (18.5 to 24.9)

BMI 32 how much weight to gain during pregnancy?

11 to 20 pounds

Considered obese (30.4 to 34.9)

Fetus is at +3 position. Should be?


Fetus is at 0 position


Doing what has to be done to get labor going?


In latent phase nurse should have client?

Pee a lot

What position for cord prolapse?

Knee to chest

Early deceleration


No interventions needed heart rate decrease a little is assuring

Caused from head compression during contractions

Variable deceleration cause

Cord compression-prolapsed or pressed against something

Turn to side

Late deceleration

Cause uteroplacental insufficiency

Normal Fetal HR

110 to 160

Where to hear FHR for breech?

Above umbilicus

Optimal position of fetus for birth?


Left Occipital Anterior

Contractions lasting longer than 90 seconds?


What position of fetus during labor/birth is painful?

Posterior (LOP, ROP, anything ending with a P posterior)

What to expect in transition phase of Stage 1 labor?

Client not happy (exorcist)

Cannot give pain meds at this point.

Do not massage a ?

Firm Fundus or bladder

You should massage a?

Boggy Fundus

Right after birth the Fundus should be felt where?

Right at or 1cm below umbilicus

Exercise during pregnancy

Ok if you always have or you can do walking jogging non contact and DO NOT exercise to point of exhaustion

Variable deceleration

Cord compression

Early deceleration

Head squeeze (compression)


Are ok

Late deceleration

Placental insufficiency

Turn on side - get blood flowing

Someone else call doctor

Cord prolapse

If cord coming out put gloves on emergency. Put wet gauze on it

If Fundus is boggy puts client at risk for?



What helps perineal muscles stretch?

Keagle exercises

What Bishop score favors a successful induction?

8 or more

Palpate and count the maternal radial pulse while listening to the FHR

Intermittent auscultation of FHR

Prolonged deceleration during a uterine contraction is a sign of?

Cord prolapse

Emergency notify MD

Indicates well being of baby?


Interventions for late decelerations

Turn client on side, apply O2, stop pitocin

If continues may indicate c section

Contractions regular, increase and has cervical changes( dilation/effacement)

True labor

Irregular contractions and cervix not affected

False labor

Sign of lightening

Baby drops into pelvis

Back pain

Urinate more frequently

Breathe better

If client has a negative blood type and baby has positive blood type client will get?

Rhogam injection

DVT Prevention

Assess for pain, tenderness, warmth, redness, swelling.



Warm compresses

Mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness and loss of pleasure in normal activities that can occur shortly after giving birth?

Postpartum Depression

Mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness and loss of pleasure in normal activities that can occur shortly after giving birth?

Postpartum Depression

A rare and severe form of depression that occurs in women just after giving birth and includes delusional thinking and hallucinations?

Postpartum psychosis

Mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness and loss of pleasure in normal activities that can occur shortly after giving birth?

Postpartum Depression

A rare and severe form of depression that occurs in women just after giving birth and includes delusional thinking and hallucinations?

Postpartum psychosis

Time immediately after birth when the client needs others to meet her needs?

Taking in phase

Mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness and loss of pleasure in normal activities that can occur shortly after giving birth?

Postpartum Depression

A rare and severe form of depression that occurs in women just after giving birth and includes delusional thinking and hallucinations?

Postpartum psychosis

Time immediately after birth when the client needs others to meet her needs?

Taking in phase

Less focus on physical discomforts, beginning confidence with infant care: feeling inadequate caring for infant is normal: praise efforts of parents, most receptive to teaching about infant care.

Taking hold phase

Abnormal vital signs after delivery

Temp > 100.4

Pulse > 100 bpm

Resp report outside of norm (12-20)

BP - hypotension

Pain - severe perineal pain

Breast care for breastfeeding mothers

Initiate breast feeding asap after birth

Cleanse w/warm water after each feeding (air dry)

Apply ointments/milk for nipple soreness

Use heat applications for engorgement

Breast care for non breast feeding mom

Avoid nipple stimulation

Wear tight fitting sports bra

Use cold ice packs/cabbage leaves

Breast care for non breast feeding mom

Avoid nipple stimulation

Wear tight fitting sports bra

Use cold ice packs/cabbage leaves

Normal vital signs after delivery

Temp - slight elevation in 1st 24 hrs

Pulse - 60 to 80 bpm

Resp - 12 to 20

BP - compare with usual range

Pain - 0 to 2 out of 10

Danger signs postpartum

Foul smelling lochia, lg blood clots, saturation of pad in hour, severe headaches, blurred vision, calf pain, dysuria, burning or incomplete emptying of bladder, SOB, depression or extreme mood swings

Stimulates growth of the milk ductal system?


Stimulates growth of the milk production system?


Stimulates growth of the milk production system?


Triggers the synthesis and secretion of milk after birth.

Milk production


Stimulates milk ejection “let down “


Continuous stimulation of prolactin and oxytocin

Infant sucking

They decrease after the placenta is delivered?

Estrogen and progesterone

3 hormones that contribute to colostrum?

Prolactin, estrogen, progesterone

3 types of lochia?

Rubra - deep red lasts 3 to 4 days

Serosa- pinkish brown lasts upto 2 weeks

Alba- creamy white, light brown, lasts upto 6 weeks

Why do women who have c section births tend to have less lochia flow?

Because uterine debris is removed during delivery

Normal blood loss during delivery vaginal and c section?

Vaginal - 500ml

C-section- 1000 ml

Major cause of uterine atony?

Urinary retention

Possible causes of client difficulty voiding after birth?

Anesthesia block, oxytocin use, perineal laceration, swelling/bruising of perineum, hematomas, decreased bladder tone

Possible causes of client difficulty voiding after birth?

Anesthesia block, oxytocin use, perineal laceration, swelling/bruising of perineum, hematomas, decreased bladder tone

Decreased bladder tone increases risk for?

Incomplete emptying, bladder distended, difficulty voiding, Urinary retention

Causes of postpartum diuresis?

Lg amounts of IV fluids

Decreasing antidiuretic effect of oxytocin

Buildup/retention of fluids during pregnancy

Decreasing production of aldosterone

Postpartum diuresis lasts?

Begins within 12 hrs of birth and continues throughout first week postpartum. Normal function returns within one month.

Longest stage of labor?

First stage

How many phases in stage 1 of labor?

3 phases

Early labor (latent phase) cervix dilates to 4cm. Contractions can be mild intensity and typically 5 - 10 minutes apart lasting 45 seconds

Active labor (active phase) Begins at 4cm to 8cm. Contractions can be every 2 to 5 minutes lasting 45 to 60 seconds and appear stronger in intensity

Transition phase - most difficult stage 8cm to fully dilated at 10cm . Strong urge to push at this stage.

Contractions should never be more than?

90 seconds and relaxation must be > 30 seconds

Otherwise can lead to uterine rupture

Non invasive way to determine fetal presentation, position, and attitude?

Leopold Maneuver

Referring to the relationship of the presenting part of the fetus to the ischial spines of the pelvis?

Fetal station

Fetal Stations

F) -3 floating high

I) -2 in the right direction

S) -1 settling in

H) 0 halfway there

I) +1 inching out

N) +2 Nearly there

G) +3 getting the crown

Cervical dilation is documented in?


Contractions happen in how many phases?

3 phases

Increment phase - building up longest phase

Acme phase- or peak of the contraction

Decrement phase - the let down phase , gradual return to baseline

Contractions happen in how many phases?

3 phases

Increment phase - building up longest phase

Acme phase- or peak of the contraction

Decrement phase - the let down phase , gradual return to baseline

Second stage of labor

Expulsion of fetus (20 min to 2 hours)

3rd stage of labor

Expulsion of placenta

4th stage of labor


How does a full bladder interfere with uterine contractions?

It pushes the Fundus up and causes it to deviate to one side, usually the right side (but not always)

Refers to changes that the reproductive organs, particularly the uterus, undergo after birth to return them to their pre pregnancy size and condition.


When should the uterus return to pre pregnant size?

5 to 6 weeks after delivery

Intentional initiation of labor before it begins naturally?


Stimulation of contractions after they have begun naturally?


Conversation from liquid to vapor?


Ex: wet skin from amniotic fluid at birth evaporates from skin

Transfer of heat to a cooler surface?


Ex: cool surface of bed, scale, stethoscope

Transfer of heat to a cooler surface?


Ex: cool surface of bed, scale, stethoscope

Loss of heat to the surrounding?


Ex: drafts from window, air conditioning, and oxygen vents

Transfer of heat to a cooler surface?


Ex: cool surface of bed, scale, stethoscope

Loss of heat to the surrounding?


Ex: drafts from window, air conditioning, and oxygen vents

Loss of heat to surrounding cold environment


Ex: cold environment of walls and windows

Procedure that dr artificially ruptures the membranes?


Water delivered by shower, tub, or whirlpool relieves tired muscles and relaxes woman?


Client creates a tranquil mental environment by imagining she is in a place of relaxation and peace?

Guided Imagery

Water delivered by shower, tub, or whirlpool relieves tired muscles and relaxes woman?


Client creates a tranquil mental environment by imagining she is in a place of relaxation and peace?

Guided Imagery

Failure of uterus to return to pre pregnant state after 6 weeks?


Water delivered by shower, tub, or whirlpool relieves tired muscles and relaxes woman?


Client creates a tranquil mental environment by imagining she is in a place of relaxation and peace?

Guided Imagery

Failure of uterus to return to pre pregnant state after 6 weeks?


Rubins psychological adaptation phases

Taking-in, taking-hold and letting-go

Technique in which IV fluids is infused into the amniotic cavity through a intrauterine pressure catheter,to add fluid cushion around the cord?


Rh-negative mother should receive a dose Rhogam when?

Within 72 hours after giving birth to aRH-positive infant

Over stimulation of uterus


Nursing responsibilities related to general anesthesia include:

Assessment and documentation of oral intake and administration of medications to reduce gastric acidity

An opioid antagonist that acts within minutes to help resuscitate a newborn who has respiratory depression d/t narcotic sedation of the mother during labor: also relieves itching as a maternal side effect of narcotics?


Green stained fluid may indicate?

Fetus passed meconium before birth

Set up for resuscitation on baby

Surgical enlargement of the vaginal opening during birth?


Uncontrolled tear of the tissues that result in a jagged wound?


Cloudy or yellow amniotic fluid with offensive odor may indicate?

Infection and should be reported immediately

Fetal attitude

Normally on flexion, with head flexed forward and arms and legs flexed.

How the fetus is oriented to to the mothers spine?

Fetal lie

Most common orientation is longitudinal lie

Fetal presentation fetal head is fully flexed?

Vertex presentation

Fetal presentation: fetal head is neither flexed or extended?

Military presentation

Fetal presentation: fetal head is neither flexed or extended?

Military presentation

Fetal presentation: fetal head is partially extended?

Brow presentation

Fetal presentation: fetal head is neither flexed or extended?

Military presentation

Fetal presentation: fetal head is partially extended?

Brow presentation

Fetal presentation: fetal head is fully extended and face presents?

Face presentation

These occur when the FHR is 15 bpm above the baseline for 15 seconds?

Reassuring accelerations

This is normal

This is criteria for a NST

A dip in the heart rate in conjunction with a uterine contraction?

Benign: early deceleration

Remains benign as long as FHR goes back up when contraction is over.

Main cause: head compression