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65 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Frontal axis plane of motion
3 Muscle Actions
Eccentric, Concentric, Isometric
4 exercises in Frontal plane
Hip Ab, Lat raises, shoulder raise
Action Potential
Electrical impulse from brain to nerves
Transverse plane of motion
What plane of motion is curls and tricep press downs
Which tricep brachii is on the shoulder
Long head
What muscle moves the shoulder
Pec minor
What is the falcrom in an arm curl
What action do Delts and tricep do
Shoulder extension
bicep brachii inserts where
Radial Tuberosity
Insertion of pec mayjor
Bicepital groove of humerus
upper cross syndrome (protracted sh) is assoc with what muscle
Insert of pec minor
Coricoid process
an isolated exercise of pec major
Chest fly
4 core stabilization exercises
plank, bridge, cobra, superman
primary spine flexor
Rectus abdominis
which muscles create rotation of the spine
internal/external obliques & Maltifidus
inserts on the 12th rib
QL and helps stabilize during inspiration
What is a strength exercise
Reverse crunch
3 Part of the deltoid
Anterior, posterior, middle
3 problems with shoulder
Tendinitis, bercitus, nerve impingement
3 origins of the deltoids
Anterior - lateral clavical
Middle - acrominion process
Posterior - spine of scapula
Muscles work together in retraction
Rhomboids & middle traps
insertion for lats
Bicipital groove
Stiff neck is cause by...
Lavator scapula
movement shared by upper and lower traps
upward rotation
Actions of the lats
Sh extension, ad of shoulder, medial rotation
Clavicular head of pec major does what
Sh flexion in dumb bell front raise
Insert of delts
Deltoid tuberosity
Primary spinal extensor
Erector spinae
What 2 muscles are synergist to posterior delt
Infraspinalis, teres minor, traps and rhomboids
Winging is do to
Serratus Anterior
primary functions of nervous system
motor, sensory, intergrative
connect muscle to bone
how to teach a person to keep pec minor out of push exercise
Retract shoulders and don't let shoulder protract
connects bone to bone
Stroke Volume
Amount of blood pumped out of the heart
Total bones
total axillary bones
total Appendicular bones
Upper appidicular
Lower appidiculanr
strongest in neutral postition
What muscles work together to decelerate elbow extension
Elbow flexors
Origin of long head Biceps
Long head - supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
ways to improve grip strength
fatter grips, no grip ( have to use finger tips)
4 muscles of LOCAL stabilization syster
Lumbar maltifitis, transverse obliques, pelvic floor, diapharam, internal obliques
Muscles of the lateral epicondyle that attach and can cause injury
Extensors and tennis elbow
Insertion of rhomboids (major and minor)
Root of the spine down to the inferior angel of the scapula
what exercises isolate upper trap
Shoulder shrugs
How do rhomboids contribute to lat pull down
downward rotation of scapula
5 exercises to address upper cross syndrome
High rows, elbows up reverse fly, floor prone cobras, scapula push ups, lat rotation
How do lats have to be flexed and functional in all 3 planes of motion
Proper shoulder flex, lats - medial rotation, ab
origin of pec minor
2, 3, 4 ribs
2 heads of pec major and minor origins
Major - medial clavicular head
Minor - whole sternal head
actions for pec major and minor in a push
Major - Ad of humerus
Minor - protraction
actions for pec major
horizontal ad
shoulder flex & ext
medial rotation
Erector spinae : Spinalis origin and insertion
Spinalis - o - spinous processes and Ligamentum nuchae

Insert - spinous process, Occipital bone
Erector spinae : Longissimus origin and insertion
Origin - thorical lumber apenuosis, transverse processes

Insert: Transverse processes and Mastoid process
Erector spinae : iliocostalis origin and insertion
Origin: Thoracolumbar aponeurosis
– Posterior ribs (lower)

Insert: Poster ribs (upper)
– transverse processes
What muscles create lateral flexion
QL, internal/external obliques
what phase is single leg reach
Balance/stability phase 1
Exercises for middle delt
lat raise
Shoulder press
upright rows
what does SITS stand for
teres minor