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20 Cards in this Set

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Aronson, E., Linder, D.
Proposed gain-loss principle (an evaluation that changes will have more effect than in evaluation that remains constant)
Asch, S.
Studied conformity by asking subjects to compare the lengths of lines
Bem, D.
Developed self-perception theory as an alternative to cognitive dissonance theory
Clark, K., Clark, M.
Performed study on doll preferences in African American children. the results were used in the 1954 Brown v. the Topeka Board of Education Supreme Court case
Darley, J., Latane, B.
Proposed that there were two factors that could lead to non-helping: social influence and diffusion of responsibility
Eagly, A.
Suggested that gender differences in conformity were not due to gender, per se, but to differing social roles
Festinger, L.
Developed cognitive dissonance theory; also developed social comparison theory
Hall, E.
Studied norms for interpersonal distance in interpersonal interactions
Heider, F.
Developed balance theory to explain why attitudes change; also developed attribution theory and divided attributions into two categories: dispositional and situational
Janis, I.
Developed the concept of groupthink to explain how group decision making can sometimes go awry
Lerner, M.
Proposed concept of belief in a just world.
Lewin, K.
Divided leadership styles into three categories: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire
McGuire, W.
Studied how psychological innoculation could help people resist persuasion
Milgram, S.
Studied obedience by asking subjects to administer electroshock; also proposed stimulus-overload theory to explain differences between city and country dwellers
Newcomb, T.
Studied political norms
Petty, R., Cacioppo, J.
Developed elaboration likelihood model of persuasion (central and peripheral routes to persuasion)
Schacter, S.
Studied relationship between anxiety and the need for affiliation
Sherif, M.
Used autokinetic effect to study conformity; also performed Robber's Cave experiment and found that having superordinate goals increased intergroup cooperation
Zajonc, R.
Studied the mere exposure effect; also resolved problems with the social facilitation effect by suggesting that the presence of others enhances the emission of dominant responses and impairs the emission of nondominant responses
Zimbardo, P.
Performed prison simulation and used concept of deindividuation to explain results